
Getting the pixel co-ordinates of a Google map marker

Is it possible to determine the pixel co-ordinates of a given marker, taking into account current zoom level and visible area of the map? ...

Add a marker to an image in javascript?

Hi, Anyone know how I can add a marker to an image (not a map) in Javascript? Ideally I'd like a handler that behaves much like adding a marker to a map - i.e. onclick causes a marker to be displayed at the point that was clicked, and returns the x/y pixel coordinates of the point that was clicked. Is this possible? Cheers Richard ...

Plot with fewer markers than data points (or a better way to plot CDFs?) [matplotlib, or general plotting help]

I am plotting Cumulative Distribution Functions, with a large number of data points. I am plotting a few lines on the same plot, which are identified with markers as it will be printed in black and white. What I would like are markers evenly spaced in the x-dimension. What I am getting is one marker per data point (and given the number o...

How can I add a transparent & scalable marker on android Google Map?

I'm trying to add a marker like the cell ID localization marker (blue dot with a round area) in the pre-installed Google Map application on Android phone. I want it be transparent and scalable when I zoom the map so that the marker can indicate a certain geographical area. Anyone can help me on this? Thanks! ...

BIRT - How to add a dynamic marker?

I have one dataset and create from this set an area chart. In this case no problem. But now I have the requirement to add dynamic markers to the chart. So, this is the example: Data Set: date | workload | type The report renders a chart, which displays the date on the x-Axis and the workload on the y-Axis. The Type shows the different...

how to delete a marker on google-maps..

i think it has two ways : 1.right click and select the 'delete me' 2.has any other way ??? so how does enable the right-click on google-maps,and then delete the marker. thanks GEvent.addListener(marker, 'mousedown', function(e) { alert(e) if (e.button == 2){ alert('sss') map.removeOverlay(marker); } and whe...

How to escape charaters in the title of a marker in a Google Maps?

Say I have this piece of code: var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: location, title: 'Búfals', map: map }); This creates a marker as expected but if I hover the mouse over it I don’t see 'Búfals' as I would expect (instead I see the html code). This doesn't make any difference: var marker = new google.m...

Do Google Maps Flash API Markers fire an event when added to the stage?

With the Google Maps Flash API, I want to add an event listener which fires when the Marker is added to the Map using map.addOverlay(); Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE is not fired, though it seems logical. What are the alternatives? ...

Detect marker with opencv and python

Hi im trying to detect a marker in a webcam video feed and overlay it with a 3d object - pretty much exactly like this: i know artoolkit is the best module for this, but i was hoping to just use opencv in python since i dont know nearly enough...

Marker cant show in google map in master page

hi everyone, i now implement a google map in master page. every things go fine. the map can show. but the problem is the marker. i have add marker in the map, but the places should have marker replaced by a white box, not the normal marker icon. anyone know what happen? i tried in normal aspx page, it can show the marker. this is ...

Different named Markers on Google Android Map

Hi, i want to add many different markers on an android map. My code works good so far with the same overlay over and over again: mapOverlays = mapView.getOverlays(); drawable = this.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.marker); itemizedOverlay = new MyItemizedOverlay(drawable); OverlayItem overlayItem = new OverlayItem(geoPoint, "foo"...

How to change the colors of a legend item in flex legend?

in my flex chart I changed the fill of the PieSeries to use custom colors (set colors that I was prepared to be used according to values in the data provider of the Pie Chart)... The problem that the legend that is linked to my PieChart still shows the flex default colors and not the new colors from the PieChart series! Any idea how can...

Android Map application forces close when map marker is clicked.

Hi there, I'm building a google map application that marks several points on the map. I'm currently trying to get the dialog box to appear when the marker is clicked. Right now, the markers appear at the right places but when i click them, the entire application stops unexpectedly/forced to close. Does anyone have any suggestions on wha...

Flash and Google Maps - Only Last Icon showing

I have a simple Map and geocoding sample in Flash using CS4 The problem is simple - I can retrieve a short list from the google search api, but when I try to generate the icons on the map using a loop, only the last icon is displayed. (ignore the house icon, it is generated earlier) I feel I am missing something or made a stupid AS3 mi...

How to fire dragend event of a marker in google maps v3?

I want to fire dragend event of a marker in another event say click event on the map. how can I do that? google.maps.event.addListener(map,'click',function(pt){ posSelectMarker.setPosition(pt.latLng); //Here I want to fire dragend event. }); ...

Replace using RegEx outside of text markers

I have the following sample text and I want to replace '[core].' with something else but I only want to replace it when it is not between text markers ' (SQL): PRINT 'The result of [core].[dbo].[FunctionX]' + [core].[dbo].[FunctionX] + '.' EXECUTE [core].[dbo].[FunctionX] The Result shoud be: PRINT 'The result of [core].[d...

Any simple way to clean all Markers, Polylines and other Overlays on Google Maps v3 API?

I want to get a new map not using refush the webpage. thanks and has easy way to get all Overlays on the map? ...

Creating SVG markers programatically with Javascript

Hi, Is it possible to create a marker in SVG using Javascript and then apply it to a newly created line? If so, please can you tell me what is wrong with the code below. I would expect the red and green lines to both have an arrow head but in both Chrome and Firefox 3.6 only the green line does. <?php header('Content-type: application...

MapView Marker shadow

Hi, I am adding different markers to my map... Drawable drawable = app1.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.test); drawable.setBounds(0, 0, drawable.getIntrinsicWidth(), drawable.getIntrinsicHeight()); OverlayItem overlayitem2 = new OverlayItem(mark, "Test", "t"); overlayitem2.setMarker(drawable); app1.mapOverlay.addOverlay(overlayit...

Launching Google Maps with more parameters

Hello, I have read a lot of stuff about launching Google Maps in Android. That's pretty easy: Uri uri = Uri.parse("geo:38.899533,-77.036476"); Intent it = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri); startActivity(it); The problem is that the map is shown at a high zoom level and there is no marker on the map. So, if the user move a little ...