
Any business examples of using Markov chains?

What business cases are there for using Markov chains? I've seen the sort of play area of a markov chain applied to someone's blog to write a fake post. I'd like some practical examples though? E.g. useful in business or prediction of stock market, or the like... Edit: Thanks to all who gave examples, I upvoted each one as they were a...

Good *free* markov modeling tools?

I would like to use Markov models for some architecture simulations, but don't have a budget to buy anything like, eg, SHARPE. Does anyone know of a freeware tool, either platform-independent or available for Mac OS/X ...

Simple random english sentence generator...

I need a simple random English sentence generator. I need to populate it with my own words, but it needs to be capable of making longer sentences that at least follow the rules of English, even if they don't make sense. I expect there are millions of them out there, so rather than re-inventing the wheel, I'm hoping you know of a source...

Track text cursor, to display menu above

I want to build predictive sentence advisor, like (Onion News) Apple Introduces Revolutionary New .... Sentences can probably be generated by stylized pseudo-random text generating algorithm like Markov chain. I imagine this as - while typing, menubox with predictive sentences are displayed above text cursor. How to 'text cursor track...

Avoiding Determinism with Markovian Logic

I just began reading more about Markov Chain Generators today, and am really intrigued by the whole process of building one. From my understanding, the future state is dependent upon the statistical past states to the present. Example: Hello World. Hello Dolly. Hello World. "World" follows "Hello" ~66% of the time in that sourc...

R: MCMClogit confusion

Could anybody explain to me why simulatedCase <- rbinom(100,1,0.5) simDf <- data.frame(CASE = simulatedCase) posterior_m0 <<- MCMClogit(CASE ~ 1, data = simDf, b0 = 0, B0 = 1) always results in a MCMC acceptance ratio of 0? Any explanation would be greatly appreciated! ...

Using Hidden Markov Model for designing AI mp3 player

Hey guys. Im working on an assignment, where I want to design an AI for a mp3 player. The AI must be trained and designed with the use of a HMM method. The mp3 player shall have the functionality of adapting to its user, by analyzing incoming biological sensor data, and from this data the mp3 player will choose a genre for the next son...

R library for discrete Markov chain simulation

Hello, I am looking for something like the 'msm' package, but for discrete Markov chains. For example, if I had a transition matrix defined as such Pi <- matrix(c(1/3,1/3,1/3, 0,2/3,1/6, 2/3,0,1/2)) for states A,B,C. How can I simulate a Markov chain according to that transition matrix? Thanks, ...

Creating a smart text generator

I'm doing this for fun (or as 4chan says "for teh lolz") and if I learn something on the way all the better. I took an AI course almost 2 years ago now and I really enjoyed it but I managed to forget everything so this is a way to refresh that. Anyway I want to be able to generate text given a set of inputs. Basically this will read for...

How many combinations of k neighboring pixels are there in an image?

I suck at math, so I can't figure this out: how many combinations of k neighboring pixels are there in an image? Combinations of k pixels out of n * n total pixels in the image, but with the restriction that they must be neighbors, for each k from 2 to n * n. I need the sum for all values of k for a program that must take into account th...

Is there something like automatic writing or surrealist automatism in programming?

Is there something like automatic writing or surrealist automatism in programming? ...

How to vectorize a random walk simulation in Matlab

I am rewriting a monte carlo simulation model in Matlab with an emphasis on readability. The model involves many particles (represented as (x,y,z)) following a random walk over a small set of states with certain termination probabilities. The information relevant for output is the number of particles that terminate in a given state. Th...