
Changing the generated ASP.Net <form> id?

In my ASP.Net page I have <form id="MasterPageForm" runat="server"> However, whenever the markup is generated, it turns into <form name="aspnetForm" method="post" action="SomePage.aspx..." id="aspnetForm"> Is it possible to set what the generated HTML id for the form is? ...

Can't access master page from user control

My master page code looks something like this: namespace Recipes { public partial class MasterPage : System.Web.UI.MasterPage { ... public void UpdateUserLogin() { NicknameLbl.Text = ((Recipes.BasePage)Page).CurrentUser.Nickname; } ... } } I want to call the UpdateUserL...

Change the Theme from MasterPage

Hi to all, I have a MasterPage that has two image buttons , and two content pages, What i want is that when an Image button is clicked ----> the theme changes. I know that MasterPage do not have a "OnPreInit" function and the theme has to be changed inside the "OnPreInit" function... so is there any workaround for this problem ??? T...

how to stick a ContentPlaceHolder as the source of a url in a master page in mvc

I have multiple pages that have this pattern. <iframe frameborder ="0" src="[someURL]" width="100%" height="900"> </iframe> I want to factor out everything but the URL into a master page so i tried this: Master Page: <iframe frameborder ="0" src=<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="Url" runat="server" /> width="100%" height="90...

Displaying same content to different users who may be seeing different master pages (

I have some pages that have content that is relevant to both logged in users and non logged in users. For example, pages with contact information, privacy policies, etc. All the pages have your typical navigation menu but the thing is logged in users normally see a different navigation menu bar than non logged in users. What is the best...

jQuery undefined in content page when using master pages which has jQuery reference

I have a nested master page. A parent master page, a child master page and a content page whose master page is the child master page. I have a reference to jQuery in the parent master page in the head section.<script type="text/javascript" src='<%#ResolveUrl("~/includes/jquery-1.4.2.min.js") %>' ></script> & Page.Header.DataBind(); in th...

ASP.NET Master Page frameworkName: Value cannot be null error

I'm going over some ASP.NET tutorials and the first one I'm looking at is how to make a Master Page. When I do create a master page, I get an error: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: frameworkName It occurs in the first line of my master page (MasterPage.master) and it's the default page that gets created- I haven't modified it a...

How to design windows forms that have the same structure?

In web programming you have one or more master pages and some content pages that in which you add some content to the placeholders or access elements of the master. My question is how to handle windows forms that kinda have the same format, let's say header, content and footer. The footer is always the same, the header may slightly diffe...

assigning css class to a masterpage control from contentpage in

I have a unordered list in my master page.... <ul id="mainMenu" runat="server"> <li id="mainHome" runat="server"><a href="#" title="Home" class="home"> <span></span>Home</a></li> <li id="mainManage" runat="server"><a href="Users.aspx" title="Manage" class="manage"><span></span>Manage</a></li> <li id="mainEnquiry" runat="se...

Cannot find ContentPlaceHolder 'TitleContent' in the master page 'X/Site.Master' happening on one server but not another

I'm getting this annoying error in one environment but not another and I can't explain it. I don't have a TitleContent in the master page or in the content page. So how can this be occurring and more importantly, how can I stop it? ...

Gantt view is missing when using the starter master page

I am using the starter master page in one of my projects but the Gantt view does not show up for a list. Any ideas? ...

Need To Access ViewData on MasterPage... or other options

I am using MVC2 in VS2010 with .Net 4.0. I have a situation in which I will have a bunch of partial views that I need to all have the same template. Basically I need them all wrapped with the same DIV (and other junk). I just want one place to change this DIV... so I used a master page. It works great, all the partial views use that ...

Nested master pages in ASP.NET MVC 2

I know how to make nested master pages in webforms but is it also possible in MVC2? I know how to do it with markup only though. I would like to set it from code depending on a criteria. Is it possible with some code in the controller to define the nested master page and master page? ...

event of master page not firing...

I put a break point at the protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) method of my master page, but when i start the site it does not hit that break point. Why is the event not firing? I would like to use this event along with others such as the Init event in order to check to see if the session has expired everytime a page lo...

Accessing <li> tag, ASP.Net

Hi All! I'm trying to access a <li> tag in my first master page file. I tried FindControl(..) but it allways returns null. Structure: First Master Page (which contains <li id="element" runat="server"> Second Master Page Default.aspx (need to access here) What do I need to do to access the li element? ...

Can I Include different javascript/css files per Content Page using ASP.NET WebForms Master Pages?

I have several Content Pages using the same Master Page, that don't all need the same javascript and css files included in the <head> tag. Is it possible to change the contents of the <head> tag from the Content Pages? ...

Recommendations for good ways to display user messages in

I have an app full of pages and user controls, many of which have one or more label controls on them for displaying various different messages to the user. Example: the AddCompany.ascx user control, normally used on the Company.aspx page (with App.Master MasterPage) has a label on it called "OutOfCreditLabel" with Text="Error: You canno...

jQuery syntax while using master Page

Hi, I am using master page where i need to move value of one lisbox to the other with the help of Jquey i tried many ways but wasn't able to hit the nail. the methods i tried are as follows. $("[id$='ModuleMasterListBox option:[@selected]']").appendTo($("[id$='ModuleSelectListBox']")); $("[id$='ModuleMasterListBox option:@selected]'")...

Disable feature in Master Page from Content Page

I have a Master Page for all my ASP.NET pages. It works fine for 95% of pages... Except that it also includes unwanted attributes that are included in the other 5% of pages. This causes application problems. Is it possible for Content Pages to somehow select to enable/disable a feature available in the master page? One option I can think...

How to call javascript function of child page from master page javascript

Hi All, I am writing an ASP.Net application. I am making use of master page in it. I have several child pages with me, which consist of some java script functions; Let's say; function ChildPageFunction() { //Do something; } And master page java script function as; function MasterPagefunction() { //Need to call ChildPagefunc...