
maven scm plugin deleting output folder in every execution

Hi all, I need to download from 2 different svn locations to the same output directory. So i configured 2 different executions. But every time it executes a checkout deletes the output directory so it also deletes the already downloaded projects. Here is a sample of my pom.xml: <profile> <id>checkout</id> <activation> <p...

Creating a scm browser for an RCP application.

I have an RCP app that saves its project as an xml file and currently the user just selections a directory to save that file and then uses the open file dialog to open the project. We are thinking about enhancing it to allow users to check in/out from a source code manager. This will make it easier for users to share their projects with ...

Maven Mojo & SCM Plugin: Add file to ignore list / set SVN property

Hi there. I'm using maven-scm-plugin from within an own Maven Mojo via an injected ScmManager object and am trying to figure out how to add a file to the SCM ignore list. The methods that ScmManager provides don't seem to support this. An ideal solution would work in all SCM systems that maven-scm-plugin supports. I'm not sure though i...

How to force Maven SCM Perforce provider version?

I am trying to reproduce an existing maven environment on another computer and when I try to use the release plugin it gives me an "password is required for the perforce scm plugin" The odd thing is I didn't make any changes to the pom.xml. I found this bug report: Interestingly I am using maven...

Maven - format code and check-in

I am using Hudson to build my projects periodically. I want Hudson to format my code (using Jalopy) and then check-in the changes to I already have Jalopy configured the way I like, I just need to configure the scm plugin to check-in the changes. ...

What is the format of svn-settings.xml for use with Maven SCM plugin?

I'm trying to externalize my username and password but it seems the format of svn-settings.xml is incorrect. I can't find any resources on the web except this post here and following that gives an error. In my pom.xml I got <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-scm-plugin</artifactId> <vers...

Exception:invalid scm URL, on runing mvn scm:checkout command.

Contents of POM.xml are : <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""&gt; <!-- Parent pom relation <parent> <groupId>com.vod.atom</groupId> <artifactId>atom</artifactI...