
Encrypting objects

hi I have a class like Employee. This class has some fields like Id,Name,Surname, Tasks( a string array) , isManager , TaskDueDates ( a date-time array). I want to generate a text from this object. I think to use seperators, this is a basic solution. For example my text can be: 13;George;Smith;{"Task1","Task2","Task3"},false, {this nig...

MySQL MD5 and Java MD5 not equal

The next function in MySQL MD5( 'secret' ) generates 5ebe2294ecd0e0f08eab7690d2a6ee69 I would like to have a Java function to generate the same output. But public static String md5( String source ) { try { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance( "MD5" ); byte[] bytes = md.digest( source.getBytes("UTF-8") ); ...

How can I calculate the MD5 hash of a wav file in Perl?

I have a wav file and I need to calculate the MD5 hash of its contents. How can i do that using Perl? ...

How to programmaticaly build an APR1-MD5 using PHP

Much like this question I want to generate an htpasswd file entry from PHP. However it needs to be the APR1 (Apache) style, as mentioned in the original answer (The answer did not show how to implement the APR1 style), to work with mod_dav_svn. I can't seem to find a working implementation that will create the password. I found this (I...

Testing the robustness of a flash drive: dd'ing the drive till it fails?

Hi, I've been given a cheap, brandless 2GB flash drive. As I have a bigger flash drive, I have decided to use it for testing flash technology robustness. I plan to write 1's all over the drive, check for correctness, write 0's, check and so on. I'll log the results, and seek for failures later. I am looking for the most resource-savin...

Can someone explain the conversion from byte array to hex string?

I recently started looking at MD5 hashing (in Java) and while I've found algorithms and methods to help me accomplish that, I'm left wondering how it actually works. For one, I found the following from this URL: private static String convertToHex(byte[] data) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < data.len...

check md5 of compressed file without unpacking it completely

I want to check the integrity of a backup of a Ubuntu disk, copied with dd onto a Windows share. There is not enough space to unpack the backup. Is there a utility to calculate the md5 of a compressed file without unpacking it completely? ...

Difference between Java and php5 MD5 Hash

Hi everybody, I'm facing kind of a strange issue which is related MD5-Hashes in Java and php5. I figured that unter certain circumstances the following code does not generate correct MD5 hashes: public static String getMD5Hash(String string) { try { MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); md5.update(string.getBytes...

MD5 to Blowfish encryption?

Can anyone give me an idea bout this.. I was assigned to decrypt passwords from our LDAP DB and then encrypt them using blowfish algo since we are going to use openfire system. Transfer of data from one DB to another is not that much of a problem, just these "passwords".. Is there any way to convert MD5 encryption to blowfish? am i going...

MD5 Hashing Given a Key in C#

I've been looking for a way to hash a given string in C# that uses a predetermined key. On my adventures through the internet trying to find an example i have seen lots of MD5CryptoServiceProvider examples which seem to use a default key for the machine, but none of them that apply a specific key. I need to have a specific key to en...

C#: String -> MD5 -> Hex

Hi, in languages like PHP or Python there are convenient functions to turn an input string into an output string that is the HEXed representation of it. I find it a very common and useful task (password storing and checking, checksum of file content..), but in .NET, as far as I know, you can only work on byte streams. A function to do ...

Python data/file Crc

I am wanting to generate and store a CRC (or similar) value for a given list of files which can be used as a comparison at a later point. Writing a function to do this is simple enough, but is there a more standard way to do it within the Python libs? The value generated does not need to be of any particular standard. ...

Importing MD5+Salt Passwords to MD5.

I'm moving my site from an oscommerce store to a commercial application. The new application stores its passwords using straight MD5 encryption. Oscommerce stores the password using MD5, but also adds a random 2 digit number (provided in plaintext) to the hash. Here is what someone posted on a forum: The two characters added are ...

Can I prevent duplicate content using md5?

I would like to prevent duplicate content. I do not want to keep a copies of content, so I decided to keep just the md5 signatures. I read that md5 collisions do happen, different content could give in the same md5 signature. Do you think md5 is enough? Should I use md5 and sh1 together? ...

Get MD5 hash of a files without open it in Python

I have used hashlib (which replaces md5 in Python 2.6/3.0) and it worked fine if I opened a file and put its content in hashlib.md5 function. The problem is with very big files that their sizes could exceed RAM size. How to get a MD5 hash of a file without open it? ...

How should i save my Password?

Hi I am programming a new site in JSF. At the moment i program the Login. I used md5 some years ago, but with Rainbow Tables i think its noch safe anymore. So, how should i store the Password in the Database ? ...

Comparing MD5s in Python

For a programming exercise I designed for myself, and for use in a pretty non-secure system later on, I'm trying to compare MD5 hashes. The one that is stored in a plain text file and is pulled out by the check_pw() function and the one that is created from the submitted password from a CGI form. md5_pw() is used to create all the hashes...

Strangeness with Jetty serving images

I'm completely stumped. I'll give the background for the sake of completeness but I'm not sure if it will help or not. I'm running a Lift project on a standard Jetty set-up running one Lift instance. Mac OS X. I have a snippet which transforms the XML input, renders an image, saves it to disc under the webroot/images/ directory with a f...

What's faster/better to use MYSQL md5 FUNCTION or run md5 php function ?

i check password of users against the db. what is faster check it in mysql MD5 function ... pwd = MD5('.$pwd.') OR in PHP ... pwd = '.md5($pwd).' or what is The Right Way Between two options ? thanks ...

How does Noah Classifieds encrypt their passwords?

Here are some examples: db: 35273f5c7b3fb45a actual: 5093625 db: 272beab9517a8835 actual: 7091343 According to it's not MD5 or SHA1. ...