
Does J2ME Media Player on Nokia E65 work?

I'm trying to write a simple media playback application in J2ME. Currently I'm starting with the most simple thing, I just want to play wav file from resource included in the jar file. I'm using this simple code: DataInputStream wav = new DataInputStream(getClass().getResourceAsStream("sample.wav")); Player player = Manager.createPl...

Media encoding in JavaFX / SilverLight

I'm wondering if this is possible to be done either in JavaFX / SilverLight: Download an MPEG1 file from a remote server and then convert it to MPEG4 using the client's processing power (to reduce load from server)..I suppose this would be running as an applet on the browser, but my question is, can this be done using either of those te...

hbTAPI Monitor Media Modes ERROR

Hi there folks, I'm using the hbTapi Delphi7 Components, and I need to set MonitorMedia.Active in a TAPI call so I can detect the type of the connection. Problem is that when I say: wTpCall.MonitorMedia.Active := true; I'm getting an error: "Operation not supported by underlying service provider"... Why's that? I have installed all t...

Media Player Popup

Using Javascript how I can bring up a MediaPlayer Popup on the side of the screen and leave it there as the user navigates through various pages in the site. Similar to and how they have the LALA player. ...

Silverlight: Expose audio with specific start and stop times

From an audio-file I want to be able to expose audio on a webpage, but between specific start and stop times. Say I have a audio-file that is 45:30, for example, and I want to expose it for streaming and download between 7:25 and 8:30, but also between 6:20 and 9:27. What do I need in term of special services, Silverlight-controls and ...

Java: how to playback uncompressed frames

Given a uncompressed input file with predefined frame format, need to build a simple video player. Could anyone advise where to start? like search keywords, what library to use or examples. Thanks! For now, I just read all frames and store in linked list which seems not a good idea. Since it should be able to read/playback at same time....

Media Information Extractor for Java

I need a media information extraction library (pure Java or JNI wrapper) that can handle common media formats. I primarily use it for video files and I need at least these information: Video length (Runtime) Video bitrate Video framerate Video format and codec Video size (width X height) Audio channels Audio format Audio bitrate and sa...

Using T-SQL to get contents of backup media

Hello all, In SQL Server Management Studio (I have 2008), I can see the contents of the media i have backed up to, be it disk or tape. I can see information such as what files it currently includes, the dates they were backed up, etc... Is there a way to do this in T-SQL? I would like to specify a device (which is linked to a fil...

How to use Django templatetags in static media files?

Hi, Im using a flash gallery and the settings xml file is stored in /media/xml/gallery.xml In the gallery.xml file I want to add this snippet of code: <items> {% for image in images %} <item source="{{ MEDIA_URL }}{{ image.image }}" thumb="" description="{{ image.title }}" /> {% endfor %} </item> But the source="... rend...

CakePHP Media plugin with php safe_mode

Hi, i'm trying CakePHP( 1.2.6 ) and Media plugin( 0.60 ) on shared server with php_5.2.5( safe_mode : On ). And upload jpeg file by media plugin, following error message apear on attachments.ctp( media plugin's element ). An error occured while transferring the file. How can i fix this error without php cgi_mode on shared server...

Reasons to use RTP when streaming a pre-existing file?

The only reason I could think of for using RTP to transfer a pre-existing file is if you're trying to monitor the amount of time a user is streaming the file, like if you're running a time-based On-Demand website. The other streaming-solution i know of is to use HTTP to upload a media file, then providing a client to progressively play t...

Python CDROM Production

Hi, I'm a complete newbie to Python so forgive my ignorance. I have been using Macromedia / Adobe Director & Lingo since 1998. I am extremely familiar with using this software to create CDROMs and DVDs and also have a good knowledge of design elements and their integration such as flash videos, images & audio etc. I am always keen to ...

JQuery Media Plugin playing file outside the webroot

Is it possible to play a media file which is outside the webroot using the Jquery Media Plugin. The server that we are on is windows based. The file path for example is: \server\share\music.mp3 In my testing so far it does not seem possible. ...

Django application for media content

Hello, I'm looking for a Django application which stores and outputs articles (like on the internet media sites), probably containing pictures. I need paged output because the articles are going to be large, and I also need some kind of content navigation for the same reason. Can you advise me of some? Any applications, even those that...

jquery media conflict with swfobject

Hi, If I use jquery media plugin WITH swfobject 2.2 I get an 'unknown runtime error' in IE. It works fine in FF and other browsers. If i remove swfobject.js then the media works fine as it loads using simple object/embed tags. But I need to use swfobject as well (for other things). Has anybody come across this or a fix? A. ...

WMEncoder merge wmv files

how I can merge two or more wmv files using WMEncoder without lose quality. I'm using next code. but output file has very low quality(is unusable). Note: files were created with the same profile as for output. public void Merge(ICollection<string> files, string output, string profileName) { WMEncoder Encoder = new WMEncode...

How can i create a stable checksum of a media file?

how can i create a checksum of only the media data without the metadata to get a stable identification for a media file. preferably an cross platform approach with a library that has support for many formats. e.g. vlc, ffmpeg or mplayer. (media files should be audio and video in common formats, images would be nice to have too) ...

Delphi: crossfading tracks in a music player

I've built a simple music player in Delphi which plays one track after another. Now there should be some kind of "pseudo crossfading" in the player. This means that a track should be faded out at its end and the new track (which starts then) should be faded in. This way I want to avoid those unaesthetic track changes with abrupt crossi...

WPF: Controlling timing of media

Does anyone have a sample on how to control timing of a audio clip in wpf c# I'm using this code to control timing of a animated disappearing of a image. DoubleAnimation AnimImage3Ut = new DoubleAnimation(); AnimImage3Ut.From = 1; AnimImage3Ut.To = 0; AnimImage3Ut.BeginTime = (TimeSpan.FromSeconds(12.0)); AnimImage...

Memory Card Information

I'm detecting the insertion of memory cards (removable media). Can I get information about the inserted media - type, manufacturer, etc? ...