
Recording video in C# and WPF from mediaElement

My application applies custom HLSL shader effects to a mediaElement using decorators. How can I record and save the modified video using the application itself in realtime? ...

WPF MediaElement - Why are my blacks not black?

When playing an MPEG2 video using a WPF MediaElement, the parts of the video that should be black are gray. There is no alpha in the video, and the video has accurate color when played via Windows Media Player or Quicktime Player. Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong, or what codec is recommended to get accurate blacks? I'm more...

MediaElement: Element Binding to DownloadProgress

Hello guys & gals, I am trying the very simple scenario of binding the DownloadProgress dependency property of MediaElement to the Text of a TextBlock. <StackPanel> <MediaElement x:Name="mediaElement1" Width="500" Height="500" Source="" AutoPlay="True" /> <TextBlock Text="{Bindi...

Why don't my media elements resize and clip properly when using UniformToFill?

Why don't my media elements fill the screen correctly when I use the UniformToFill stretch? The mediaElement clips at the bottom if the window is wider than the mediaElement, and it clips at the right if the window is taller than the mediaElement. <Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.Window3" xmlns="

Playlist for WPF MediaElement app

I'm learning C# and WPF by building a WMP-type app. The code below runs fine, selecting a movie from the listbox runs it in the media element. The problem I'm having is finding a way to automatically start the next movie after one ends. Thank You. The xml file that provides a list of movies: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> ...

Change Source in MediaElement (SILVERLIGHT)

I would like to change song on my MediaElent from track1.mp3 to track2.mp3. And here is the code: MyMediaElement.Stop(); Uri u = new Uri("track2.mp3", UriKind.Relative); MyMediaElement.Source=u; MyMediaElement.Play(); The MediaElement change the source but just wont start. What could possibly be wrong with this code? ...

SpeedRatio & MediaTimeline

I'm trying to be able to affect SpeedRatio on a MediaElement whilst having the media play in a continous loop. This is possible through code behind; I can reset the position of the media once it has ended, but that creates a seam in the playback. For seamless playback, I use a MediaTimeline, but when I use I media timeline, I can't c...

MediaElement plays video, but no video shows

I can open a video, play it and get position and set position, but nothing shows up in the video window on one pc. The code works fine a on a couple of PCs, but doesn't work on another. Does any one know or can refer me to what files I need to properly run MediaElement on XP pro. Thanks, Rob ...

How to use a windows forms embedded resource as the Source for a WPF mediaelement?

I am hosting a MediaElement in a WinForms application, which I would like to play both images and video through. My images and video are set as embedded resources to the application. The MediaElement.Source property only accepts a URI. Any ideas on how to get the MediaElement to play the embedded resourece files without writing them...

Mediaelement repeatbehavior fails when binding to xpath

I'm trying to get video's to repeat forever using MediaElement. I found the code below at and it works fine. <!-- The MediaElement control plays the sound. --> <MediaElement Name="myMediaElement" > <MediaElement.Triggers> <EventTrigger RoutedEvent...

MediaElement Markers Missing in WPF

I see that there is a Markers Property on the MediaElement, but this seems to be available to the Silverlight MediaElement, not the WPF MediaElement? Can you help me with what I'm missing? I'm trying to add Markers to a WPF MediaElement, to play a video and show popups based on the timeline. What should I be using in place of the Missi...

Can WPF's MediaElement play a playlist of AVI files with seamless transitions?

The Windows Media Player control (sitting on a form) can be programmed to play a list of AVI files consecutively, but there is always a delay of a half second or so between the end of one file and the start of the next. Can WPF's MediaElement (or anything else) play a list of AVI's like this so that there is no noticeable delay between ...

Cannot play local WMV in silverlight MediElement

Hello, I am trying to play a video in WMV format in a silverlight MediaElement. <StackPanel> <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot"> <MediaElement x:Name="media" Source="Bounce.wmv" Width="300" Height="300" AutoPlay="True" /> </Grid> </StackPanel> This does nothiing.. but if I change the source attribute to point to some W...

After playing a MediaElement, how can I play it again?

I have a variable MediaElement variable named TestAudio in my Silverlight app. When I click the button, it plays the audio correctly. But when I click the button again, it does not play the audio. How can I make the MediaElement play a second time? None of the tries below to put position back to 0 worked: private void Button_Click_P...

Audio not playing dynamically When the audio file is in webserver?

Hi , When I try to play a Audio file , on http severr from silverlight code behind, unable to do so: string mediaFileName = "http://myserverIP/file.mp3"; musicPlayer.Source = new Uri("mediaFileName", UriKind.Relative); LayoutRoot.Children.Add(musicPlayer); musicPlayer.Play(); Now this should play the files easily. I dont understand wh...

How to Set MediaElement Position Dynamically in Silverlight?

Hi, I am trying to set the Media Elements position by following code: MediaElement musicPlayer = new MediaElement(); musicPlayer.Position = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 30); musicPlayer.Source = new Uri(strMediaFileURL, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); LayoutRoot.Children.Add(musicPlayer); To Surprise, musicPlayer.Position...

WPF MediaPlayer doesn't play M4A?

I am trying to use a MediaPlayer instance to play M4A files. For those of you that aren't familiar, MediaPlayer is the non-XAML version of a MediaElement. There are pretty much the same, but I don't want any XAML, so I use a MediaPlayer instead. Anyways, it plays some M4A files just fine. The NaturalDuration of other M4A files is 0, but ...

How do I stream videos from web server in Silverlight using ExpressionMediaPlayer control?

Hello. I would like to stream videos that reside at the webserver from within a ExpressionMediaPlayer control. The following results in a network error. I believe that the problem is with my Uri. I have the videos inside the 'ClentBin' folder. Can anyone tell me how this is done? private void videoList_SelectionChanged(object sender, S...

Silverlight 4 MediaElement play sound

I converted a local sound file to a resource, which built this in my XAML: <UserControl.Resources> <my:Uri x:Key="SoundFiles">file:///c:/Audio/HebrewDemo/Shalom.wav</my:Uri> </UserControl.Resources> I did this by pasting a local disk mp3 filename into source, then clicked on the "dot" by source and chose "Extract Value to Resourc...

Unable to Inherit from MediaElement Class

Hi, I am trying to create a custom MediaElement , and the 1st thing I need is to inherit it from the MediaElement . But this is simply not happneing when I try to inherit like following: CustomMediaControl : MediaElement { } ...