
ASP.NET Membership users disappear.

I started creating a project using the membership classes and I keep adding a few users to test, and when I want to continue the next day, those users are GONE. When I query the membership table I can still see the records but the Web Site Administration Tool tells me I have NO users. This has happened quiet a bit and I am worried if I ...

ASP.NET Membership setup - Database problems

I am setting up a membership provider, and as a result, I am getting the following error message: An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file C:\Users\Mcoroklo\Desktop\Programmering\Private Projekter\ASP.NET\Helpdesk\Version4\HelpDesk\ClientSite\App_Data\ASPNETDB.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or...

Is there an security advantage of using ADAM for membership over aspnet_regsql?

Hi, I'm wondering if there are security (or otherwise) advantages of using an ADAM (Active Directory Application Mode) store for membership. I'm afraid that setting up the ADAM store is more difficult than the default aspnet_regsql scripts for a default membership database, but i will prefer the more secure solution. Wich of th...

Using one Membership database with multiple applications Single Sign On

Hi there. I have two applications on one IIS server and I would like to use the same back end asp_security database and membership provider. I've read that all I have to do is reference the same application name in both web configs as I'm doing now, but I must be doing something wrong In each applications web.config I have thi...

Can I create an ASP.NET website with users without using MembershipProvider?

Is it possible to have an ASP.NET website which allows users to register and login, without using a MembershipProvider? And instead just work directly towards custom database tables which stores user information? ...

Sitecore Custom User Profile - where is it stored how can it be queried

I have created a custom User profile template and object in the core database in Sitecore (as per the Security API Cookbook). I can select this programmatically (as per the Security API Cookbook) so that my extranet users have an extended profile, that covers all the usual suspects (Address, phone, email format etc.) However, where is ...

PHP/MYSQL Site Membership software recommendation for member dashboard tools

I'm creating a member dashboard where customers of my wordpress theme system can access updates and deploy them to multiple sites at once. I need to choose a membership software that will allow me to manage user access and present both a common area where updates can be obtained, as well as a unique, user-specific dashboard interface wh...

ASP.NET Web Service and Membership

Hi, I try use Membership in asmx web service. I use Web Site Administration Tool, create som roles and users. In asmx web service I create Login method a test some users account. It's work ok. [WebMethod] public string Login(string userName, string userPassword) { if(Membership.ValidateUser(userName,userPassword)) { re...

Unable to initialize provider. Missing or incorrect schema. for MySql.Web connector

Hey guys and gals running into a little issue here.. I'm trying to use MySql Connector for membership and role providers.. The issue I'm having is: Unable to initialize provider. Missing or incorrect schema. <authentication mode="Forms"/> <roleManager defaultProvider="MySqlRoleProvider" enabled="true" cacheRolesInCook...

User.Identity.Name returns comma separated list of logged in session usernames

We recently deployed a new ASP MVC application to our live environment but have been experiencing intermittent issues with users logged sessions. After a lot of logging etc we finally saw the error to be that: User.Identity.Name returns a comma separated list of all the particular users logged in sessions. We do have other asp based si...

Converting website membership from 2.0 to 3.5

The title says it all. We had a working website built on framework 2.0 with membership. After we converted it to framework 3.5 using the Visual Studio automated conversion mechanism by opening it in Visual Studio 2008 and following the prompts, the membership system is now broken. Dammit, all we wanted was some newer AJAX. The rest of ...

SqlMembershipProvider where IIS and SQL are on different machines?

We're moving one of my websites to production. Because of a firewall and the website and database being on different machines, the website can't connect directly to the SQL server. We've set it up so we're running all of the database access through a WCF service. All of this works fine. The problem, however, I've discovered lies in t...

Searching for flexible way to specify connection string used by APS.NET membership

Hi, I develop an web application and I use ASP.NET membership provider. The application uses the membership schema and all required objects inside main application database However, during development I have to switch to various databases, for different development and testing scenarios. For this I have an external connection st...

Custom form Authorization/Authentication linq to sql

All greetings Anyone can do their implementation Authorization system? Do not use the Membership API? Of course we could implement custom providers to plug a different database into this framework, as detailed at MSDN, but if my application is going to use a repository pattern for data access, and I’m going to have specific controllers ...

Different Providers, different websites, still think I'm logged in on the same website.

I have two web applications in the same solution. They both use different membership/profile and role providers. They are named differently. When I run the solution, and visit one website, and login everything is fine. I then go to the other website, it thinks I am already logged in and the profile provider tries to load profile propert...

ASP.NET MVC Custom Role Provider/RolePrincipal

My MVC application is not caching roles instead it round tripping to the database every request. Also when I attempted to view the cookie I noticed it had not been written to the browser. Web.config: <roleManager defaultProvider="CustomRole" enabled="true" cacheRolesInCookie="true" cookiePath="/" cookieName="CustomRole" maxCach...

login restriction with ldap, but where to store the functional rights/access control list?

Question is: LDAP authentication required Internal users automatically authenticated, external users requires login Where do I store complex access control rights? In the AD/LDAP or in the Application itself (asp.membership db). What is your experience and best practices suggestion? Looking to build this in mvc 2 and using...

Using ASP .NET Membership and Profile with MVC, how can I create a user and set it to HttpContext.Current.User?

I implemented a custom Profile object in code as described by Joel here: I can't get it to work when I'm creating a new user, however. When I do this: Membership.CreateUser(userName, password); Roles.AddUserToRole(userName, "MyRole"); the user...

Creating membership tables online

I want to create the membership tables online that are used for ASP.Net 3.5 login controls. I thought their was a script I could use or executable on my computer to install those tables. Is that the case? or what would be the best method to create the tables online. ...

ASP.NET Membership - keep users to use previous passwords

I created a Membership login system for my client, now they do NOT want the user to use one of his 5 last passwords when it comes time to create a new one. Is that something that is build in or how could I accomplish that? Thank you, Steve ...