
Is there a Perl memcached client that works on Windows XP?

I'm trying to find an alternative to the Cache::Memcached Perl module that works with Windows XP. Or, to somehow get Cache::Memcached working on Windows XP. A bit of background: the production environtment (web server) is Solaris 10, which I've already installed memcached and Cache::Memcached, and all works fine. However, the developme...

Memcached getting null for String set with python and then get from Java

When I try to read a String from memcached that I set in python: import memcache MC_SERVER = "" MC_PORT = "11211" mc = memcache.Client(['%s:%s' % (MC_SERVER, MC_PORT)], debug=0) mc.set("test_string", "true") print mc.get("test_string") Java tells me is doesn't exist and obviously returns null when I try to get it: impo...

Has anyone ever created a relational database-style front-end for memcache?

I'm not sure if my question was at all clear or not, so let me just dive in and give you the long version: Someone said recently, when discussing high-volume web applications, that "disk is the new tape". Website administrators use huge clusters of memcache servers to make disk I/O-free round trips between the client and the server. In ...

(php) Any patterns around to help with memcache invalidation routine?

Hello, some cached elements of my project are stored in memcache. I'm using memcache tagging mechanism (not native, of course) to simplify cache invalidation control. Everything is ok, but project is growing, number of controllers and models is growing and it is becoming really difficult to support cache invalidation control. Unfortunat...

(Google AppEngine) Memcache Lock Entry

Hi, i need a locking in memcache. Since all operations are atomic that should be an easy task. My idea is to use a basic spin-lock mechanism. So every object that needs locking in memcache gets a lock object, which will be polled for access. // pseudo code // try to get a lock int lock; do { lock = Memcache.increment("lock", 1); } wh...

Joomla memcache session problem

Hi i have some troubles with memcached + joomla. I installed and started memcached => joomla options cache type memcache (write memcache options) and session type - memcache too. Save all options and after cann't login to site and administration. In error log nothing, when i change cache to database i can login, where is the problem? ...

How do I return memcached string based on respond_to type?

I have a group of categories and I access these categorizes via javascript several times during the average course of use for my application via JSON. So in my control currently I have a @categories = Category.all respond_to do |format| format.html # index.html.erb format.json along with the appropriate index.json.erb file that...

Do I need to re-cache my object after I updated it in the memcache of Google AppEngine?

Hi all, I am currently using Google AppEngine(Java) to build a web site. I created a bean to be cached in the memcache, when I retrieved it from the memecache and called some methods on it to update its status, do I need to re-cache it into memcache? I guess that memcache used its reference, so I should not need to do it. But things ...

Memcached Best Library

Hi, Can anyone tell me the best library in C# for memcache and also a little help required. Thanks ...

Memcached Alternative?

Possible Duplicate: Memcached Best Library Hi Buddies, Can anyone tell me any alternative of Memcached Server which is as good as memcache or better than it.. Thanks ...

Smarty compressed template caching in memcached

Right now i use smarty caching and it stores cached template on disk, i have new caching handler(memcached handler) that will store cached template in memcached but i cant decide what compression to use and if i should use any? So im thinking of compressing it with gzcompress(level 9) before storing to reduce size but will it effect perf...

How to use memcached on Win32?

I am using Win32 memcached from And there is a DLL file within the package. Now I am trying to write my Java project to use memcached. Somebody suggested Java -> JNI -> Custom DLL -> standard DLL call -> 3rd Party DLL in order to use the API. What is the solution? ...

cache backend works on devserver but not mod_wsgi

I am using a custom cache backend to wrap the built-in cache backends so that I can add the current site_id to all the cache_keys (this is useful for multi-site functionality with a single memcached instance) unfortunately it works great on the django built-in devserver, but give a nasty error when I try to run it on the live server wit...

Memcached set() fails: WRITE FAILURE

So Memcached fails to write certain keys, getResultMessage() says WRITE FAILURE I'm using this in setup: $this->mmcache = new Memcached(); $this->mmcache->addServer('localhost',11211, 100); $this->mmcache->setOption(Memcached::OPT_BINARY_PROTOCOL, true); $this->mmcache->setOption(Memcached::OPT_SERIALIZER, Memcached::SERIALIZER_IGBINARY...

What in the world is my Memcache host?

What in the heck do you put as the host for Memcache::addServer($host, $port)? I am hosting on mediatemple and this is really, really, really, really starting to get to me. Do I have to set up a new memcahce server or what. I have no idea what to do and every tut just keeps saying "localhost". Well I don't want to run it on my localhos...

django + memcached: problem with limit of 1 mb

Does anyone know about any solutions for keeping data bigger, than 1mb in memcached ? This is no big deal to cut big data to 1mb pieces before setting and merge this pieces after getting from memcached. And this algorithm can work transparently for users. This can works on the base of this snippet

Can I Use MemcacheDB to Replace Memcached in django?

I want to use MemcacheDB instead of Memcached because I don't have a lot of RAM for Memcached. Will it work with django's cache framework? Is there anything additional I would need to do? ...

How much more efficient is php_apc than memcached?

There are various problems when using php_apc with symfony, If the boost is not so significant,I'm going to replace apc with memcached. ...

What is the best way to do AppEngine Model Memcaching?

Currently my application caches models in memcache like this: memcache.set("somekey", aModel) But Nicks' post at suggests that first converting it to protobuffers is a lot more efficient. But after running some tests I found out it's indeed smaller in size, but actually slower ...

Google Apps Engine: Memcache/JCache only works during the expire time

I am using jsr107 JCache in Google Apps Engine to save website data. My code looks like: public static String read(String link, boolean UTF8) throws Exception { URL url = new URL(link); String cached = CacheLogic.instance().get(link); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(cached)) { return cached; } // Here i save the...