
Configure Memcached with Rails 3

Hi :) I'm having problems trying to use Memcached in a Rails 3 Application ... My question is quite simple : How I'm supposed to configure Memcached to make it works with Rails 3 ? Thanks for your help ! Edit: It looks like the object isn't correctly deserialized by the no matter :raw => true or :raw => false but th...

Make an ASP.NET MVC application Web Farm Ready

What will be the most efficient way to make an ASP.NET MVC application web-farm ready. Most importantly sharing the current user's information (Context) and (not so important) cached objects such as look-up items (States, Street Types, counties etc.). I have heard of/read MemCache but haven't seen a simple applicable way (documentatio...

libmemcached - memcached_fetch() does not fetch value for all the keys mentinoed memcached_mget() call

Hi I want to perform multi get operation using libmemcached 0.32 (client library for memcached). There is group of 13 keys which I passed as argument to memcached_mget() and then call memcached_fetch() in loop to retrieve the key, value pairs till it returns NULL. I found it does not fetch all values consistently. Most of the time its ...

Data object storage - Can table JOIN's do what single table SELECT's cannot?

Now that "NOSQL" or "object only" storage systems like MongoDB or memcached are really picking up steam in the world. I was wondering if there are any requests that cannot be performed on them that can be performed using multiple object joins (in SQL that is JOIN "table"). In other words, are there any multi-table queries that cannot be ...

NorthscaleClient does not Set values consistently

I am using NorthscaleClient from Enyim Memcached client libary to store objects in Northscale Memcached Server. Below does not work consistently, assertion fails most of the time. Am I doing anything wrong? // File size is 360kb var reader = File.ReadAllText(@"c:\RHDSetup.log"); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) ...

PHP Memcached CAS (check and set) issue

Hey all, here are the version of my current setup Memcached (1.2.2) Pecl Memcached Client 1.0.2 (using libmemcached 0.43) Issue: I cant get a cas token returned during a get request Here is the code in question! 27 public function action_test() { 28 //phpinfo(); 29 $m = Model_Mem::getSingleton(); 30 $found = $m->get(...

Perform Assert.AreMatch() to deep compare properties in two objects

I am writing tests against our Caching mechanism and I want to be sure that what goes into the cache is the same as what comes out, ie that all properties match. Here is a fictional example of how I would like it to work [Test] public void add_client_model_member_to_cache_then_retreve() { //arrange MemcachedC...

Enyim (Memcached C# client) returning "Socket bound to localhost:11211 has N unread data" warn

Hello, I am using Enyim to communicate with the Memcached server. First time I start my application it is running smoothly with the Enyim client. If I stop and start again my application I receive Enyim warning "Socket bound to localhost:11211 has 1160 unread data! This is probably a bug in the code. InstanceID was 06edb637-cff3-438d-8a...

How is memcache.incr() affected by App Engine maintenance periods?

I'm working on an application that will run on Google App Engine. I would like it to respond gracefully to App Engine maintenance periods. According to the documentation, memcache will simply not store or retrieve data during maintenance periods: During a read-only maintenance period, calls to the memcache API will not throw exc...

Compress Python objects before saving to cache

What's the fast method to compress Python objects (list, dictionary, string, etc) before saving them to cache and decompress after read from cache? I'm using Django and I hope to add compress/decompress support directly in Django's cache backend which makes it available to all my Django apps. I looked into django/core/cache/backends/me...

Having huge problems getting memcached plugin working on ub 9.04

Heya, so I've spent about 6 hours now trying to get this working. I had the following set of rules I uses to compile in the memcached plugin to php, installing libmemcached dependency first. Here are the steps: cd ~ sudo wget sudo tar -zxf libmemcached-0.35.tar.gz cd libmemcache...

memcached as an Object store in Rails

I am using Memcached as an Object Store with my Rails application where I store search results which are User objects in memcached Now when I fetch the data out I get the Memcached Undefined Class/Module Error. I found a solution for this problem in this blog

how do you install memcache into your server?

sorry im a newbie, i dont know if i am asking the right question, i just wanted to optimise my sites perfomance!! thanks in advance ...

search good resources to implement memcached with doctrine 1.2 and zend framework

I search a good resources with examples to use a doctrine memcached and zend framework. i search in google but not found, i need resource that Combine all this things. using Doctrine_Cache_Memcache in zend framework. thanks ...

"no such file to load -- memcached" problem

Hi, I'm playing with one open source project and have a problem with the "memcached". Actually I get a "no such file to load -- memcached" error when I do a "rake db:migrate". It appears to me that I should install it somehow, but unfortunately a "gem install memcached" drops a error. This is my console log: D:\BitNami RubyStack proje...

Which technology should be used for serving large number of static files?

My main aim is to serve large number of XML files ( > 1bn each <1kb) via web server. Files can be considered as staic as those will be modified by external code, in relatively very low frequency (about 50k updates per day). Files will be requested in high frequency (>30 req/sec). Current suggestion from my team is to create a dedicated ...

Java: How do you use key/value datastores like memcached with Java property file code?

We are trying to move away from property files as files on the file system and more want to use a server based key/value store. Does anyone have any code to do this with Java. Are there systems already built to connect to a server like memcached and build a property object with key values? I want to do this in a struts web based proje...

rails memcache dev vs production

I am using memcache for caching in my rails app and currently I have a dev and a production environment. I would like to run the dev environment without caching so that I can debug more easily but I wanna enable the caching in production obviously. I am using github and capistrano for deployment. Without doing a check at every stateme...

how do I return all memcached values in Google App Engine?

I want to use all the data in my python app engine memcache. I do not know the keys in advance. How do I go about getting all data? ...

eliminating memcached's 30-day limit

Why does memcached impose a 30-day limit on the lifetime of cache entries? In my system, I am always setting the lifetime to be 30 days, since that's the max allowed value. Setting it to a value much greater than 30 days would be ideal for my app. Is there a way to change the "30-day" value to something else? I am considering downloa...