
How can I use FastMM4 memory leak reporting in a Service?

Does the same technique which FastMM4 for Delphi provides to report memory leaks to a detailed file work if the application runs as service? Of course the best practice would be to write unit tests and a simple standalone application first, and find the leaks there, outside the service environment. Edit: and there is http://blog.delphi-...

Why do I get this strange Memory Leak when I touch my UIImageView?

It's really strange. I have a blank UIImageView subclass that implements the -touchesEnded:, -touchesMoved, and -touchesBegan: methods. The implementations of these methods are empty. They just do nothing. However, when I run Instruments with "Leaks", and I touch the UIImageView and move my finger outside of that UIImageView while still ...

Is this a memory leak in MFC

// CMyDialog inherits from CDialog void CMyFrame::OnBnClickedCreate() { CMyDialog* dlg = new CMyDialog(); dlg->Create( IDD_MYDIALOG, m_thisFrame ); dlg->ShowWindow( SW_SHOW ); } I'm pretty sure this leaks. What I'm really asking is: is there any "magic" in MFC that does dialog cleanup when the dialog is destroyed. How wo...

Memory issue with iPhone game animations using image sequences.

Hi, I am currently developing an iPhone game that has numerous animations using image sequences (jpg and png with transparencies). Using Instruments to view Leaks and Object Allocations, the most I've seen the object allocations go up to is less than 500k. However, the program still crashes and quits unexpectedly when we switch from one...

Which is the best tool to test for Memory leak in Win32/COM application?

I'm looking for a tool which can monitor a running application (Win32/COM) for a long duration (1-3 days) and detect memory leaks if any. Any suggestions? It is a .NET Windows application calling lots of unmanaged code. ...

Good memory profiling, leak and error detection for Windows

I'm currently looking for a good memory / leak detection tool for Windows. A few years ago, I used Numega's Boundschecker, which was VERY good. Right now it seems to have been sold to Compuware, which apparently sold it again to some other company. Trying to evaluate a demo of the current version has been so far very frustrating, in th...

iPhone memory leak seems to be out of my control

Hello, So I'm making a very basic Twitter app (it's actually Presence 2 from the Stanford iPhone course that's on iTunes), when I decided I wanted to see if my application was leaking. So I ran Leaks and it found one right off the bat. But when I look at the stack trace the leak appears to happen in the main function when I call UIAppli...

where did my memory go? large private bytes count

I have a WPF app that among other things display a lot of images, large and small. My problem is that the app uses a lot of memory and I cannot figure out where it's coming from. The scenario, when stressing the app some I get this graph in perfmon: The big black line is Process\Private bytes and the other lines are the CLR mem count...

Are There Memory Issues with Ext.js

The UI for an application I work on was recently redone with Ext.js and I have noticed the memory usage of IE seems very large when viewing it. Are there known memory issues with Ext.js when using IE? ...

Not enough storage is available to process this command in VisualStudio 2008

Hello! When I try to compile an assembly in VS 2008, I got (occasionally, usually after 2-3 hours of work with the project) the following error Metadata file '[name].dll' could not be opened -- 'Not enough storage is available to process this command. Usually to get rid of that I need to restart Visual Studio The assembly I need to u...

How to find a memory leak in C++

Hello Stack overflow, What would be a good way to detect a C++ memory leak in an embedded environment? I tried overloading the new operator to log every data allocation, but I must have done something wrong, that approach isn't working. Has anyone else run into a similar situation? This is the code for the new and delete operator overl...

Does installing Visual Studio change garbage collection in .Net?

I'm trying to debug some resource leaks - oracle connections specifically. On my local machine, as I step through the Page_Load(), I can see the connections created in the db by monitoring v$session. As soon as I step out of Page_Load, all the connections are closed. Same code running on the dev server (W3k, IIS6) does NOT release the...

Using CppUnit for memory leak detection

Is anyone aware of extensions to CppUnit that can be used to make assertions on a test by test basis concerning memory leaks. i.e. CPPUNIT_ASSERT_NO_LEAKS()? Essentially, I want to be able to fail specific tests when the execution of the test results in leaked memory. ...

Objective C memory management for anonymous objects

I'm working on learning Objective-C, and I'm trying to get a feel for the memory management. I'm fairly familiar with C memory management, but I'm trying to figure out how different ObjC is. Let's say I have a class called Complex that is used for holding complex numbers, which has a method -(Complex*)add:(Complex*)c; that adds the pass...

Memory Leaks in .NET CF when running forms on separate threads.

EDIT - nulled thread before measuring finishing memory This is all running .NET Compact Framework 2.0 under Windows CE 5.0. I've come across some interesting behaviour in developing my App. Whenever I try to create a form and have it run a separate thread it seems to leak 392 bytes when it's closed and I'm unsure why. My approach so f...

jmap not working on windows server 2003

jmap works fine for me on XP. But when I try to execute the command, it throws and error Not enough storage available to process. I used the following command jmap -dump:format=b,file=heap1.bin . Note that tomcat is running as a service on windows server. I tried the same on windows xp and no problems there. Any ideas?? Thanks ...

On closing a Qt 4.5 application, Visual Studio reports that it has detected memory leaks

I am building a Qt 4.5 application on Windows using Visual Studio 2008. Whenever I run my application in Debug mode and then close it, Visual Studio prints the following to the output pane: Detected memory leaks! Dumping objects -> {696512} normal block at 0x01981AB0, 24 bytes long. Data: < > 00 CD CD CD 00 00 00...

Objective-c and memory leaks after a program terminates?

I am a new Objective-C programmer coming from a C#, VB.NET, Etc. These are all garbage collected languages and for the most part the worst thing you can do is abuse memory usage, because when your program shuts down the memory is reclaimed by the runtime. However, I am not clear about Objective-C. I get that for the most part its up to ...

How to go about fixing a memory leak in PHP

My PHP app has an import script that can import records. At the moment, it is importing from a CSV file. It is reading each line of the CSV file, one line at a time using fgetcsv, and for each line it is doing a lot of processing on that record, including database queries, and then moving on to the next line. It shouldn't need to keep...

Do recursive sequences leak memory?

I like to define sequences recursively as follows: let rec startFrom x = seq { yield x; yield! startFrom (x + 1) } I'm not sure if recursive sequences like this should be used in practice. The yield! appears to be tail recursive, but I'm not 100% sure since its being called from inside another IEnumerable. From...