
iPhone performance with Bitmaps

Pretty new to iPhone / objective-C. I have an application that has 15-100 small images (16x16 or 8x8 PNG) on the screen. For this example sake, let's assume that I can create these images using CGContext if I needed to. I would have to assume that iPhone would perform better using that method rather than loading images (PNG's). H...

Trying to track down a memory leak / garbage-collection problem in Java.

This is a problem I have been trying to track down for a couple months now. I have a java app running in that processes xml feeds and stores the result in a database. This has been giving intermittent resource problems that are very difficult to track down. Background: On the production box (where the problem is most noticeable), i do n...

Should I release a IBOultet in my dealloc function?

If I have something like this in my .h file: @property (nonatomic,retain) IBOutlet UIButton *btnHelp; Should I release it in the dealloc function of the .m file? ...

Javascript memory leaks after unloading a web page.

I have been reading up to try to make sense of memory leaks in browsers, esp. IE. I understand that the leaks are caused by a mismatch in garbage collection algorithms between the Javascript engine and the DOM object tree, and will persist past. What I don't understand is why (according to some statements in the articles I'm reading) the...

Where's the memory leak here?

Instruments tells me there's a mem leak in this code, but I can't seem to find it....any help? sorry or the newbie question. - (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { int altoBufferCelda = 26; Mensaje *msg = (Mensaje *)[model.mensajes objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]; CGSiz...

BindingList memory leak

Hi All My application uses a custom List that inherits from Bindinglist which is then bound to all the UI controls. The list is a collection of baseobjects which implements INotifyPropertyChanged. I suspected a memory leak and profiled my application using memprofiler which confirmed that that all my lists are never disposed and that t...

iPhone: Can my Leaking App harm other apps?

So, I finished writing my first iPhone App, and I have sent it out to a group of beta testers. Everybody is happy, except for this one guy who noticed that after having run my app, another app is not starting up anymore. Not knowing too much about memory management, I started looking at the Leaks graphs in Instruments, and noticed, that...

What do those strange class names in a java heap dump mean?

I'm trying to track down a memory leak in a java process, using jmap and jhat. Every time I do this I see those weird notation for specific object types, like [S for string arrays and [C for Character arrays. I never remember what means what, and it's very hard to google this stuff. (EDIT: to prove my point, it turns out that [S is arra...

Memory leak in Mixed Mode C++/CLR application

I'm having problems with a slow memory leak in my mixed mode C++/CLR .NET application. (It's C++ native static libraries linked into a VS2008 C++/CLR Windows Forms app with the "/clr" compiler setting) Typical behaviour: app starts using 30 MB (private memory). Then leaks memory slowish, say a MB every hour when running under simulated...

.NET Garbage Collector Basics

I apologize if the answer to this question is trivial. But I still cannot figure out this by myself. How does the garbage collector in .NET identify what objects on the heap are garbage and what objects are not? Lets say a .NET application is running and at a certain point of time garbage collection occurs(lets leave out the generatio...

In C, declare and initialize a variable in a small function or just return a response.

Coming from a PHP background, I'm used to writing small functions that return a string (or the response from another function) like so: function get_something(){ return "foo"; } However, I'm new to C and am trying to figure how to do some really fundamental things like this. Can people review the following similar functions and t...

iPhone: Existence of a Memory Leak Profiler?

Is there such a thing as a Memory profiler for Iphones apps? I'd like to know what objects are in memory at any moment. ...

Java Web Service: How to Avoid Memory Leak exception

Hi, I developed a web service, which updates the table with the details entered by the user per each call of the link.Meaning,per each call of the WSDL I will be inserting/Updating a row in the Table. So, in order to connect to the Table I used a single connection object that too static. But I got a Memory leak exception saying "memo...

Can't figure out where memory leak comes from.

Hello everyone! I'm somewhat of a cocoa newbie and I simply can't figure out why I'm getting a spike in the leaks graph in Instruments with this code. It seems to be a small leak (i.e. 16 Bytes and the Leaked Object is "Generalblock-16"; that is the only leaking object and says Self 100%) and it seems to remain that size regardless of wh...

jQuery question: Does using .remove() also properly remove children?

Not that it matters strictly, and maybe I just don't yet fully understand how the DOM works by asking this, but I'm just trying to anticipate if there is some kind of memory leak potential here. If I remove an element that has children, event listeners, etc., do those get cleaned up as well? Or would I be wise to implement some kind of...

Using SoftReference for static data to prevent memory shortage in Java

I have a class with a static member like this: class C { static Map m=new HashMap(); { ... initialize the map with some values ... } } AFAIK, this would consume memory practically to the end of the program. I was wondering, if I could solve it with soft references, like this: class C { static volatile SoftReference<Map> m...

How to interpret the output from the "Leaks" XCode performance tool?

I don't understand the output from the "Leaks" performance tool in XCode. How can I interpret this output? ...

Instruments (Leaks) and NSDateFormatter

When I run my iPhone app with Instruments Leaks and parse a bunch of NSDates using NSDateFormatter my memory goes up about 1mb and stays even though these NSDates should be dealloc'd after the parsing (I just discard them if they aren't new). I thought the malloc (in my heaviest stack trace below) could become part of the NSDate but I a...

.net dottrace memory profiling usage questions - Filter Circular References

I use DotTrace as memory profiler. I wonder how it can filter circular incoming references? As for the scenarios that I want to see who the hell holds reference to my object and keep it alive, those circular references, especially event handlers are not of interest but the true bad reference is often hidden among them. Additionally, w...

About PropertyStore and MDI child form.

This is .net WinForm question about MDI setting. When the main form creates an MDI child form, the main form's PropertyStore holds a reference to the MDI child form. I wonder whether this will cause the child form to be alive even if it is closed. If so, what shall I do when disposing the child form in order to remove this reference? T...