
Weird memory leak

Hi I am having a memory leak problem and it is actually generating from the following structure array: TagStruct TagData [] = { { Tag_SecurityToken, string("x-abc-security-token"), string("ab-security-token") } , { Tag_XYZ, string("x-abc-xyz"), string("ab-xyz") }, { Tag_ChunkCount, string("x-abc-meta-chunk"), string("ab-me...

Linq to SQL DataContext Windsor IoC memory leak problem

I have an ASP.NET MVC app that creates a Linq2SQL datacontext on a per-web-request basis using Castler Windsor IoC. For some reason that I do not fully understand, every time a new datacontext is created (on every web request) about 8k of memory is taken up and not released - which inevitably causes an OutOfMemory exception. If I forc...

How can I create memory dumps and analyze memory leaks?

I need to get the following to analyze a memory leak issue. How to do that? Orphan Block Addresses Orphan Call Stack Are there any good resources/tools to know about/fix memory leaks. Thanks ...

ASP.NET Ajax Dispose pattern equivalent in jQuery?

ASP.NET Ajax, has a dispose pattern by having a IDisposable interface which let you free up the resources. How the freeing up of resources should be done in jQuery? Is there any similar pattern? How / when the dispose function is invoked by the ASP.NET Ajax library? Do we have to worry about memory leak if the page will be reloaded af...

Image loading memory leak with C#

Hi, I have a memory leak issue in my application which loads a large amount of images. I'm rather new to C#, and thought my days of memory leak issues were past. I can't figure out the problem - maybe I'm using some unmanaged modules which I'm not handle correctly? To illustrate my problem I've simplified the core of what causes the p...

Java memory leak detection tools

I am now trying to detect memory leak in our java codes. I understand there are a few of detection tools such as memory manager that comes with eclipse, and NetBeans. Based on your experience, which is the best free tool out there I can use? I tried memory manager, but it is not very easy to detect where the leak is. I heard that NetBean...

Do Small Memory Leaks Matter Anymore?

With RAM typically in the Gigabytes on all PC's now, should I be spending time hunting down all the small (non-growing) memory leaks that may be in my program? I'm talking about those holes that may be less than 64 bytes, or even a bunch that are just 4 bytes. Some of these are very difficult to identify because they are not in my own ...

Being a good iPhone memory citizen

I am trying to clean up my code from memory leaks and I am having problems with the 'release' method. Here is my code: NSArray *dict = [[NSArray alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:url]; if (dict == nil) { UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Error" message:@"Cannot retrieve content. Please try again la...

What Operating Systems Will Free The Memory Leaks?

I've got a desktop program. Most Operating Systems run the program in its own address space. When the program exits, I believe most operating systems free the memory allocated by the program and return it to the memory stack for reuse. What I am not sure of, is if the program has a memory leak, will the memory "leaked" also be returne...

c# windows service problem with memory (memory leak?)

Hi all, I have a little problem with memory management in a Windows Service written in C# (framework 3.5, visual studio 2008). The service run fine, with a Timer and a CallBack the fire the procedure every 3 minutes. Therefore, the memory in the Windows Task Manager slowly growing at every timer's run. Have you an idea to how resolve t...

iphone memory deallocation issue with scrollview with image inside

Hi, I'm having trouble deallocating a UISCrollView that contains images. There's something wrong with my code, but I cannot understand where. this is a snippet of my code. It basically create a loops adding a uiscrollview with an image and removing. If you run the code with instruments, no memory will be freed. I also add some check for...

Memory Leak Analysis

There is a memory leak in my application. The memory consumption shoots up after a couple of days of running the application. I need to dump call stack information of each orphaned block address. How is it possible with WinDbg? I tried referring to document created by my colleague, but I'm confused about how to specify the symbol path ...

JRockit Mission Control - MemLeak not showing any of my objects

I'm running a Weblogic application server, version 10.3. In it i run a couple of enterprise applications. I suspect a memory leak so i booted up mission control and memleak. The problem is Memleak Tren tab doesn't show any of my own objects only bea, java and sun objects are listed. I sincerely doubt mine occupy less than 0,1% of the he...

NSScanner memory leak

Hello, I'm at my first experiences with iPhone development. I wrote some basic code to test the NSScanner class, and now I was looking into the Leaks tool. It seems that this code is leaking, when in the detailed stack I double-click my last call (before Apple's stuff), the incriminated line is the commented. Can anyone help me to under...

Huge memory leak in NSBitmapImageRep

I have a method that analyzes pixel data inside an NSBitmapImageRep that is built from a CGImageRef. Here is the relevant code: CGImageRef ref; // omitted code for initializing ref NSBitmapImageRep *bitmapRep = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithCGImage:ref]; uint32* bitmapPixels = (uint32*) [bitmapRep bitmapData]; // do stuff with bitma...

C: Correctly freeing memory of a multi-dimensional array

Say you have the following ANSI C code that initializes a multi-dimensional array : int main() { int i, m = 5, n = 20; int **a = malloc(m * sizeof(int *)); //Initialize the arrays for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { a[i]=malloc(n * sizeof(int)); } // something with arrays //How do I fre...

boost::thread causing small event handle leak?

I'm debugging this database project. It wraps access to SQLite for a higher level application. It's designed to run asynchronously, that is, it has methods like ExecuteRequestAsync() and IsRequestReady(). When ExecuteRequestAsync is called, it spawns a boost::thread to do the job and return the function immediately. When the higher level...

What are the frequently encountered causes for COM memory leaks

What are the most frequently encountered causes for COM memory leaks? I have read that passing the address of an initialized CComBSTR to a function as an [out] parameter causes leak. I'm looking to enumerate other common programming mistakes like this. ...

Hunting memory leaks

I'm finding leaked heap blocks by using the following command in WinDbg !heap –l With each leaked heap block I get, I'm running to following to get the stack trace. !heap -p -a leakedheapblock The following is the result of this command: address 1c841cc0 found in _HEAP @ 3930000 HEAP_ENTRY Size Prev Flags UserPtr UserSize - s...

Memory leak for CComBSTR

I have read that the following code causes memory leak. But did not understand why. CComBSTR str; pFoo->get_Bar(&str); pFoo->get_Baf(&str); How does it cause a leak when we are not allocating anything? ...