
How can relate "block of memory" to "objects" in Java?

How can I define an object in Java in a way that would mean 'block of memory'? ...

Figuring Out Memory Leaks without Clang

I'm trying to see if I can find some leaks myself in Apple's TopSongs app. Can someone help me out in at least one and how to identify what is in the Leaks reports and how I can get an idea on finding them? ie: I got one like this: # Category Event Type Timestamp Address Size Responsible Library Responsible Caller 0 Gener...

Leak in NSScanner category method

I created an NSScanner category method that shows a leak in instruments. - (BOOL)scanBetweenPrefix:(NSString *)prefix andSuffix:(NSString *)suffix intoString:(NSString **)value { NSCharacterSet *charactersToBeSkipped = [self charactersToBeSkipped]; [self setCharactersToBeSkipped:nil]; BOOL ...

Objects leaking immediately from allocation using either new or [[Object alloc] init];

While running Instruments to find leaks in my code, after I've loaded a file and populate an NSMutableArray with new objects, leaks pop up! I am correctly releasing the objects. Sample code below: //NSMutableArray declared as a retained property in the parent class if(!mutableArray) mutableArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWi...

Freeing memory twice

AFAIK, freeing a NULL pointer will result in nothing. I mean nothing is being done by the function free. Still, I do see some statements where people say that one of the scenarios where memory corruption can occur is "freeing memory twice". Is this still true? ...

AVAudioRecorder Memory Leak

I'm hoping someone out there can back me up on this... I've been working on an application that allows the end user to record a small audio file for later playback and am in the process of testing for memory leaks. I continue to very consistently run into a memory leak when the AVAudioRecorder's "stop" method attempts to close the audio...

Need a tool to detect memory leaks in C code

Hi guys, Is there a good application (that has some kind of gui) for testing memory leaks in c code. I would really like to test my assignment/programme but being very new to this, i struggle with using the terminal to do things, especially using gdb for debugging (to me it feels like a blast from the past, where i could be using some v...

understanding valgrind output

Hi, i made a post earlier asking about checking for memory leaks etc, i did say i wasnt to familiar with the terminal in linux but someone said to me it was easy with valgrind i have managed to get it running etc but not to sure what the output means. Glancing over, all looks good to me but would like to run it past you experience folk ...

Is there an NSCFTimer memory leak?

I tracked down a memory leak with instruments. I always end up with the information that the responsible library is Foundation. When I track that down in my code, I end up here, but there's nothing wrong with my memory management: - (void)setupTimer { // stop timer if still there [self stopAnimationTimer]; NSTimer *timer = ...

GDI handles in a DotNET application

My pure DotNET library runs as a plugin inside an unmanaged desktop application. I've been getting a steady (though low) stream of crash reports that seem to indicate a problem with GDI handles (fonts in error messages etc. revert to the system font, display of all sorts of controls break down, massive crash shortly after). My Forms hav...

Mystery OpenGL/SDL memory growth

This is my first "game" I'm working on in C++ using OpenGL for graphics and SDL for the application. My code appears to work as I am able to create a functional application window and fully load and draw a texture with the Devil Texture library. The problem arises at runtime. My Memory usage, according to Windows Task Manager, starts a...

UITableView's NSString memory leak on iphone when encoding with NSUTF8StringEncoding

my UITableView have serious memory leak problem only when the NSString is NOT encoding with NSASCIIStringEncoding. - (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"cell"; UILabel *textLabel1; UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeu...

Memory leak using (void) alloc

I have seen a similar line of code floating about in Apples code: (void)[[URLRequest alloc] initializeRequestWithValues:postBody url:verifySession httpHeader:nil delegate:self]; URLRequest is my own custom class. I didn't write this and I think the guy that did just grabbed it from Apple's example. To me this should leak and when I te...

Memory leak of java.lang.ref.WeakReference objects inside JDK classes

The following simple code reproduces the growth of java.lang.ref.WeakReference objects in the heap: public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { while (true) { java.util.logging.Logger.getAnonymousLogger(); Thread.sleep(1); } } Here is the output of jmap command within a few seconds interval: user@t1007:~> jmap -d64 -hi...

NSCFArray leak in the NSMutablearray allocation

Hi, I am getting the leak at this allocation filteredListContent = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:[showList count]]; CODE: -(void)reloadTable { EventListAppDelegate *appDelegate; UIApplication app = [UIApplication sharedApplication]; appDelegate = (EventListAppDelegate *)[app delegate]; contactList = [appDe...

NSCFString leak inVolving NSString

Hi, I am getting leak at: NSString *firstNameStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s",firstNameString]; CODE: +(NSString *)getValueForProperty:(ABPropertyID)propertyId forContact:(NSString *)contactId { if (addressBook == nil) { addressBook = ABAddressBookCreate(); } ABRecordID contactInt...

Chrome is leaking memory, when jQuery is used on events?

Hi, I'm experiencing an increase of memory usage, when I use the jQuery-eventhandling in Chrome. I've tested it with IE and FF as well, but there I couldn't see a suspicious rise of memory-usage, compared to Chrome. I'm using Chrome version (unfortunately I'm forced to use this version, here) Simple example here. Just scrol...

Memory leak at NSObject allocation

HI, I am getting memory leak at NSObject allocation i.e., ContactDTO* contactDTO = [[ContactDTO alloc] init]; Code: +(ContactDTO*) getContactDTOForId:(NSString*) contactId { NSString* homeMail =@""; NSString* workMail=@""; NSString *lastNameString=@""; NSString *firstNameString=@""; firstNameString = [AddressBookUtil getValueForP...

Memory leak in mutablearray allocation

Hi I am getting memory leak in mutablearray allocation.. in NSMutableArray *contactsArray =[[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; CODE: +(NSMutableArray*)getContacts { addressBook = ABAddressBookCreate(); NSArray* peopleArray = (NSArray*) ABAddressBookCopyArrayOfAllPeople(addressBook); int noOfPeople = [peopleArray count]; ...

Why does Perl's Devel::LeakTrace::Fast point to blank files and evals?

I am using Devel::LeakTrace::Fast to debug a memory leak in a perl script designed as a daemon which runs an infinite loop with sleeps until interrupted. I am having some trouble both reading the output and finding documentation to help me understand the output. The perldoc doesn't contain much information on the output. Most of it ma...