
Colors in Instruments when hunting down memory leaks

Hi I'm currently hunting down a memory leak in my app for iPhone. I'm using Instruments to track down the code that is causing the leak (becoming more and more a friend of Instruments!). Now Instruments show two lines: one in dark blue (row 146) and one in a lighter blue (150). From some trial and error I get that they are connected som...

How to find native memory leak in .net application?

Hi all! I have application written in C#. Memory usage shows that there is a memory leak. However, dotTrace shows that managed memory is OK, so I think that leak occurs in native memory (yes, there are some native calls in my application). How can I find the problem? Thanks! ...

Google Chrome and (cache or memory leaks).

Hello All, I have a big problem with Google Chrome and its memory. My app is displaying to user several image charts and reloads them every 10s. In the interval i have code like that var image = new Image(); var src = 'myurl/image'+new Date().getTime(); image.onload = function() { document.getElementById('myimage').src = src; ...

Is there a memory leak here?

Please see my comments in code: -(id)initWithCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)c title:(NSString *)t { [super init]; coordinate = c; NSDate *today = [NSDate date]; NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; [dateFormatter setDateStyle:NSDateFormatterLongStyle]; NSString* formatted...

iphone: Help with AudioToolbox Leak: Stack trace/code included here...

Part of this app is a "Scream" button that plays random screams from cast members of a TV show. I have to bang on the app quite a while to see a memory leak in Instruments, but it's there, occasionally coming up (every 45 seconds to 2 minutes.) The leak is 3.50kb when it occurs. Haven't been able to crack it for several hours. Any help ...

Java / Tomcat memory leak in RedHat Linux?

Hi, I've got a Red Hat box with 6G memory running Tomcat and I'm trying to figure out how much memory I have left on the box. Problem is, top & jconsole is showing one figure (around 200M), and system monitor is showing a different figure (around 2G). Does anybody know what the difference is? I'm not sure if there is a memory leak happ...

C++ static classes & shared_ptr memory leaks

Hello! I can't understand why does the following code produce memory leaks (I am using boost::shared_ptr with static class instance). Could someone help me? #include <crtdbg.h> #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp> using boost::shared_ptr; #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC #define NEW new(_NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__) static struct myclass { ...

UIWebView memory management

Hello, I have a problem with memory management. I am developing an application that makes heavy use of UIWebView. This app generates dynamically lots of UIWebViews while loading content from my server. Some of these UIWebViews are quite large and have a lot of pictures. If I use instruments to detect leaks, I do not detect any. However...

Do COM Dll References Require Manual Disposal? If so, How?

I have written some code in VB that verifies that a particular port in the Windows Firewall is open, and opens one otherwise. The code uses references to three COM DLLs. I wrote a WindowsFirewall class, which Imports the primary namespace defined by the DLLs. Within members of the WindowsFirewall class I construct some of the types de...

Locating memory leak in Apache httpd process, PHP/Doctrine-based application

I have a PHP application using these components: Apache 2.2.3-31 on Centos 5.4 PHP 5.2.10 Xdebug 2.0.5 with Remote Debugging enabled APC 3.0.19 Doctrine ORM for PHP 1.2.1 using Query Caching and Results Caching via APC MySQL 5.0.77 using Query Caching I've noticed that when I start up Apache, I eventually end up 10 child processes. ...

UIImage from NSDocumentDirectory leaking memory

Hey. I currently have this code: UIImage *image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:[imagesPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"/%@.png", [postsArrayID objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]]]]; It's loading in an image to set in a UITableViewCell. This obviously leaks a lot of memory (I do release it, two lin...

Memory usage in Flash / Flex / AS3

I'm having some trouble with memory management in a flash app. Memory usage grows quite a bit, and I've tracked it down to the way I load assets. I embed several raster images in a class Embedded, like this [Embed(source="/home/gabriel/text_hard.jpg")] public static var ASSET_text_hard_DOT_jpg : Class; I then instance the assets this...

Memory Profiling: How to detect which application/package is consuming too much memory

Hi, I have a situation here at work where we run a JEE server with several applications deployed on it. Lately, we've been having frequent OutOfMemoryException's. We suspect some of the apps might be behaving badly, maybe leaking, or something. The problem is, we can't really tell which one. We have run some memory profilers (like Your...

EXEC_BAD_ACCESS error comes in my applicatoin in iphone

when i print dictionary i got this error.. here my dictTf is mutabledictionay.. when i m in home page i selct few fields and click find. so new view comes with the result.. now i go back and again click find without changing anything.. now comes proper.. now at this moment when i go back it shows this in the dictionay and EXEC_BAD_ACCES...

How to use Application Verifier to find memory leaks

I want to find memory leaks in my application using standard utilities. Previously I used my own memory allocator, but other people (yes, you AlienFluid) suggested to use Microsoft's Application Verifier, but I can't seem to get it to report my leaks. I have the following simple application: #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> class...

What is the effect of running an application with "Unlimited Stack" size

Hello All, I have inherited some code that I need to maintain that can be less than stable at times. The previous people are no longer available to query as to why they ran the application in an environment with unlimited stack set, I am curious what the effects of this could be? The application seems to have some unpredictable memory b...

Why is this leaking memory? UIImage `cellForRowAtIndexPath:`

Hey. Instruments' Leaks tells me that this UIImage is leaking: UIImage *image = [[UIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:[imagesPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"/%@.png", [postsArrayID objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]]]]; // If image contains anything, set cellImage to image. If image is empty, try one more ...

Flex 4 Spark VideoDisplay in Popup causes memory leak

Hi, I'm currently building an air app with FB 4. I have a custom control that contains a VideoDisplay control, and which loaded using the PopupManager. Using the profiler, i've noticed that every time the my popup is loaded the memory for it gets allocated, but when it's closed the memory is never recovered. There's nothing else hol...

UIIMageView, warning: check_safe_call: could not restore current frame

Hi, I am changing the image in UIImageView based on accelerometer input. The images are stored in an array. The application runs fine for a while and then crashes. warning: check_safe_call: could not restore current frame I am not using "UIImage ImageNamed" method when populating the array. The total size of all images is around...

UINavigationController memory does not decrease when pop a controller

I have a navigation controller-based application with 5 view controller inside. When I push a view controller I allocate some memory and when I go back with popViewController my delloc() method is correctly called. I'm sure that the dealloc is called in the right way for every view controller I push and pop. Nevertheless when I run the ...