
Surprising IPhone leak

Hey guys, So I'm running instruments on my app, and getting a leak that I could have sworn I was doing right. + (NSMutableArray *)decode:(NSDictionary *)encoded_faculty_array { NSArray *faculty_id_data = [encoded_faculty_array objectForKey:@"faculty_id"]; NSArray *faculty_first_name = [encoded_faculty_array objectForKey:@"fi...

Memory leak for NSDictionary loaded by plist file

I have a memory leak problem that just can not understand! Watch this initialization method: - (id)initWithNomeCompositore:(NSString *)nomeCompositore nomeOpera:(NSString *)nomeOpera { if (self = [super init]) { NSString *pathOpere = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:kNomeFilePlistOpere ofType:kTipoFilePlist]; NSDictionar...

Objective-C memory leak in loading remote content

I try to load a plist file from my server. I can think of 2 ways to do that, but for both Instruments says there's huge memory leak : NSData* plistData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:url]; and NSDictionary* updateDigest = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfURL: [NSURL URLWithString:updateURL] ]; The backtrace of the memory lea...

Objective C selector memory managment (does this leak memory)?

- (IBAction) someButtonCall { if(!someCondition) { someButtonCallBack = @selector(someButtonCall); [self presentModalViewController:someController animated:YES]; } else ... } //Called from someController - (void) someControllerFinished:(BOOL) ok { [self dismissModalViewControllerAnima...

Memory Leak question

I am having a memory leak issue with the following code. As much as I can tell I don't see why the problem persists but it still does not release when called. I am detecting the problem in instruments and the following code is keeping its "cards" classes alive even when it should had released them. Any help welcome. ... ... -(id)init...

How to solve the leaks when allocating the NSMutableArray in Objective-C

Hi Guys, I am getting leaks in Master view controller of iPhone. When I call this method, I am inserting them into filteredListCount array, because when I search I need to show the list from filteredListCount array otherwise customerArray. This functionality is working fine but I am getting leaks in the method below at allocation: fil...

Facing Memory Leaks in AES Encryption Method.

Can anyone please identify is there any possible memory leaks in following code. I have tried with .Net Memory Profiler and it says "CreateEncryptor" and some other functions are leaving unmanaged memory leaks as I have confirmed this using Performance Monitors. but there are already dispose, clear, close calls are placed wherever possi...

Memory Leakage using datatables

I have situation in which i'm compelled to retrieve 30,000 records each to 2 datatables.I need to do some manipulations and insert into records into the SQL server in Manipulate(dt1,dt2) function.I have to do this in 15 times as you can see in the for loop.Now I want to know what would be the effective way in terms of memory usage.I've u...

Memory Leak in returning NSMutableArray from class

Hi I am quite new to Objective C for the iPhone, so I hope you wont kill me for asking a simple question. I have made an App that works fine, except that Instruments reports memory leaks from the class below. I use it to store settings from one class and then retrieve them from another class. These settings are stored on a file so they...

Instruments bug or coding error?

A quick question from a beginner. I'm doing an App for the iPhone and get the following message in Instruments when looking for leaks. Is there anything I have done wrong or is this just how it is? I had some memory leaks in my own library, but I took care of those. But how to solve this? Thanks ...

Objective-c for the iphone: Mystery memory leak

My application seems to have 4 memory leaks (on the device, running instruments). The memory leaks seems to come from this code: NSURL *url = [self getUrl:destination]; [destination release]; NSMutableURLRequest *request = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] initWithURL:url]; [request setHTTPMethod:@"GET"]; [request addValue:@"application/j...

Why do I not get low memory issues until images are draw on the screen?

I am able to load over 200 UIImage objects into a NSMutableDictionary without any memorry warning issues. When I start displaying them on the screen (after about showing 10-20 images) I get low memory warnings and an eventual crash. Only about 8 images are displayed at anyone time. Does it take additional memory to actually draw a UII...

Memory leak, again!

A couple of weeks ago I was having trouble with memory leaks associated with a ContextMenuStrip. That problem was fixed. See that question here Now I'm having similar issues with ToolStrip controls. As in the previous problem, I'm creating a large number of UserControls and adding them to a FlowLayoutPanel. Each control creates a ToolSt...

Memory Warning but Small Live Bytes

Hi everyone, In my application, I get a memory warning of level 1 and then 2 after repeating some action (choosing a picture + processing) several times and then a crash. The leak tool doesn't show any leak. I'm also following the Allocations tool in Instruments and my Live Bytes are roughly 4 MB, overall I allocate 113 MB. At maximum ...

object not getting released in iphone

i m writing this code in my code to store the data in database.. Search *objSearchDetail = [[Search alloc] init]; objSearchDetail = [xmlResponseDetail objectAtIndex:i]; sql = "INSERT INTO tblsearchdetail(tblrecentsearch_id,name,address,email,url,street,postcode,city,telephone,mobile) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; ...

object not getting released in iphone

NSString *strSql = @"select tblrecentsearch_id,xmlrequest,company,postcode,city,kilometer,date from tblrecentsearch"; returnValue = sqlite3_prepare_v2(database, [strSql UTF8String], -1, &selectStatement, NULL); if(returnValue == SQLITE_OK) { arrRecentSearch=[[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; while(sqlite3_step(selectStatement)==SQL...

Can VS2010 help me find memory leaks?

I'm going through the pain right now of finding memory leaks in my application using WinDbg. Luckily, I've found a few good articles that give a very good step-by-step process of how to do it. Still, it is a fairly painful process. Does VS2010 have any built in features that can ease the burden of finding a memory leak in a Silverlight a...

Silverlight DataForm Memory Leak

Some Background I have noticed that setting the EditTemplate of a DataForm (from the Silverlight Toolkit) can cause the DataForm to not be garbage collected. Consequently, the parent control of the DataForm cannot be garbage collected either, causing a very significant memory leak. Here's some XAML which demonstrates the case. <to...

iPhone: Problems releasing UIViewController in a multithreaded environment

Hi! I have a UIViewController and in that controller, i am fetching an image from a URL source. The image is fetched in a separate thread after which the user-interface is updated on the main thread. This controller is displayed as a page in a UIScrollView parent which is implemented to release controllers that are not in view anymore. ...

Another memory leak question

Hello My application keeps running for 4 to 6 hours, During this time there is no contineous increase in memory or anything similar. Then after 4 to 6 hours i start getting EOutofMemory Exceptions. Even still at that time there is only 900MB out of 3GB RAM is used as per task manager. And application itself is not using more then 200MB...