
Why does memory usage grow?

I use sIEve to find out why memory usage grows. "inUse" columns has no big changes. Why does memory usage grow? What can affect the growth of memory usage than the number of DOM elements? Thank you! ...

mutableCopy memory leak

Can anyone shed some light as to why this use of mutableCopy is leaking memory? - (id)objectInListAtIndex:(unsigned)theIndex { NSSortDescriptor *descriptor = [[[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:@"noteNumber" ascending:YES] autorelease]; [list sortUsingDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:descriptor,nil]]; NSMut...

AS3 Do I need remove childs, if I remove the parent itseft?

In flash AS3 Do I need remove childs, if I remove the parent itseft? If I remove childs first, then remove the parent object afterall OR If I just remove parent object Will flash take same memory? ...

MSIL Memory Leaks

Hi All We are using a custom RuntimeDataBuilder class that dynamically constructs a .NET type in-memory using Reflection.Emit to create simple property getters/setters for the information that we receive from a generic WCF DataService. The service exposes a "DataSet like" structure consisting out of 1..m DataTableDefinitions each conta...

iPhone: OpenAL & AudioToolbox leak

I work with OpenAL to play sounds in my app. When I test it using Instruments tool, it finds a leak: LeakedObject = GeneralBlock-512 Size = 512 Bytes Responsible Library = AudioToolbox Responsible Frame = AU3DMixerEmbeddedInputElement::Initialize() Stack trace: 0 libSystem.B.dylib malloc 1 libstdc++.6.dylib operator new(unsi...

Find memory leak in a Ruby on Rails project

I have a Ruby on Rails project with what seems to be a memory leak. It keeps using more and more memory until it crashes. Dumping the amount of objects per class using ObjectSpace I've found this: Name Count ---------------------------------------------------------------------...

C# How to report nonspecific memory usage.

So I'm trying demonstrate to my uppers that the product contains a memory leak. However, it takes about 2 hours of running a script that touches a COM object to duplicate up to an OutOfMemoryException. In order to make this presentable, I'll need data for a baseline to show that it's not my script itself that's causing the memory proble...

Xcode leaks tool not showing object for a single massive leak made by realloc I'm guessing.

Hello. I have some code which has a memory leak. It's in development still so this is expected to happen but I can't find where the memory leak occurs. I try using the leaks tool and it shows an allocation like this (The 1.17MB steadily increases through the program): Category: Malloc 1.17MB Live/Overall Bytes: 1.17MB Obviously for on...

Objective-C Memory Leaking Understanding Question

I have a program that reads a huge text file (line by line) and does some string operations with each line before writing the line into a database. The program needed more and more memory so I figured that I might need to release the strings that I use. But it did not help. So I have put together the following code to test out what act...

Problem with leaking NSStrings.

My code leaks but I do not know exactly what am I doing wrong. Simply I have a function that takes array with NSStrings and outputs NSString formatted as CSV. Here is my code: -(NSString*)generateCSVfromArray: (NSMutableArray*) reportEntries { NSString* accumulator = [NSString stringWithString:@""]; for (NSString* string in r...

valgrind invalid read of size 4, where is the error?

I'm new with valgrind and I'm trying to use it for memory leaks and other memory problems. In my program I have defined the following class class LM_EXPORT LdpElement : public Visitable, virtual public RefCounted, public NodeInTree<LdpElement> { protected: ELdpElement m_type; // the element type ...

What is the HostCodeHeap and why are they leaking?

We have .NET application (actually an IronPython app). We noticed that overtime the app becomes bigger in memory and sluggish. Using WINDBG (!eeheap -loader), we noticed the that the LoaderHeap is getting bigger (150MB increase per day). From the !eeheap output it seems that the increase is due to HostCodeHeap (objects?). I'd like to ...

LAMP and memory/swap space problem

My LAMP application seems to eventually use up all of my server's memory and swap space. My gut feeling is that it has something to do with the external processes I have to call (as that is the only time the problem manifests). I need to call GhostScript, ImageMagick's "convert", PDFTK, etc. constantly. When those processes are running,...

How to use AVAudioplayer plyer impementation without leak

hi made application in which i used avaudioplayer for playing background sound. but i get leak in my project when first time sounds come. can any one guide me how to implement avaudioplayer without leak. ...

In Linux, how to tell how much memory processes are using?

I think I may have a memory leak in my LAMP application (memory gets used up, swap starts getting used, etc.). If I could see how much memory the various processes are using, it might help me resolve my problem. Is there a way for me to see this information in *nix? ...

Memory Leak while using UIWebView Load request in IOS4.0

Hi, I have a Web View Which loaded as a modal view. I am having memory leaks after loading a webpage using the following code. [myView loadRequest:[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:url] cachePolicy:NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData timeoutInter...

IIS memory leak detection techniques

I have a server running about 100+ WordPress sites of varying complexity and traffic volume. The OS is Windows 2003 Server running IIS 6 with the domains being managed via HELM. The thing is there are times when sites stop responding due to insufficient memory, but it has been difficult to track the particular site(s) or other culprit th...

Automatic web-page refresh memory leak using XMLHttpRequest

Greetings, I've been working on a web-interface for some hardware that uses an 8-bit microcontroller. The web page uses HTML, javascript, JSON and XHR (XMLHttpRequest) for its communications. What I'm trying to do is create a page that updates every 250mS with new values from the controller using setInterval so that the web page gets u...

Out of memory after executing application several times

HI, There is a strange out of memory error issue. I create a class to parse live streaming, and the class needs buffers to keep these raw data. Here are code snippets: /* Initial and uninitial buffer in class */ private final int MAX_BUFFER = 16; protected byte[][] m_byStreamBuf = null; // Frame buffer public void InitBuffer() { m...

View heap in a .dmp file

I got a COM+ application (ServicedComponent's) that doesn't free it's memory (possible memory leak). I've generated a DMP file from it (about 1.4 GB large). How can I view the heap to see what all the memory are used for? ...