
NSArry of floats issue

Hi, Im trying to create an NSArray of floats. However, once the value is added to the arrays it is alway 0.0000000. What am i doing wrong? NSLog(@"percent: %f" , percent); prints the correct value and NSLog(@"timeArray: %f", [timeArray objectAtIndex:i]); is always 0.00000. NSMutableArray *timeArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] ...

What is Azul "Zing"?

What is Azul "Zing" platform? Visiting Azul site turned into a marketing horror - and after wading through every little bit of it, I still don't have a clue. Does anyone have any experience with it? What are the requirement for your application to be "Zing"-ed? (Zing-able?) If, for example, I have an application that loads an object gra...

How do you find the physical memory free on the machine in Ruby?

I would like to know how much physical memory is available on the system, excluding any swap. Is there a method to get this information in Ruby? ...

Retaining C memory throughout the function

Assuming I have a piece of code similar to this: SOMESTRUCTURE *info; info = malloc(sizeof(SOMESTRUCTURE)); while(something...) { info->mini[0] = malloc(sizeof(SOMESTRUCTURE *)); // It's a structure inside the same structure while(something...) { info->mini[x]->name = malloc(sizeof(char *)*strlen(name)); ...

Using SecureZeroMemory in Delphi

I understand there is a SecureZeroMemory function in C. The function implementation is defined in <WinnNT.h> as RtlSecureZeroMemory function. QNS: How can SecureZeroMemory be used in Delphi? Did Delphi release a library that contains that function? I'm using Delphi 7. Windows.pas only has ZeroMemory but not SecureZeroMemory. ...

How much memory is allocated for one Integer object in Java? How to find out this value for any custom object?

What is the proper way to measure how much memory from the heap should be used to create new object of a certain type (let's talk about Integers to keep it simple)? Can this value be calculated without experiment? What are the rules in that case? Are these rules strictly specified somewhere or they can vary from jvm to jvm? ...

Using SetWindowText in WIN32 GDI, and securely deleting data typed in

I wish to securely delete (not even a trace in memory) anything that user types into a textbox. I wonder if setting it to "" is secure enough. SetWindowText is a function in Win32 API, in user32.dll. In the program: SetWindowText(myHandle, "Hello"); SetWindowText(myHandle, "Goodbye"); //Was the buffer containing chars "Hello" overwrit...

C Memory Overflow (v2)

EDIT: Updated code with new Pastebin link but it's still stopping at the info->citizens[x]->name while loop. Added realloc to loops and tidied up the code. Any more comments would be greatly appreciated I'm having a few problems with memory allocation overflowing (v2) No matter what I try, simply not enoug...

Open jar from another jar

Hello , The same old problem ... I want to run my jar on Mac or Linux with high memory allocation. I do not want the user to open the Terminal and write java -XMx512 -jar MainJar.jar manually. I have seen a lot of solutions to fix this ... But i was wondering if this might work : "Executing the Terminal command java -XMx512 -jar MainJ...

Delphi: TAdoQuery Memory Leak?

Hi, I'm developing as small diabetes program using Delphi 5 and ADO. I do a little query like this: function GetLowestGlucoseLevel(StartDate:string;EndDate:string): Integer; var Q:TADOQuery; begin try Q:=TADOQuery.Create(Application); //Separate unit, owner set to App Q.Connection:=dtMod.ADOCon; Q.DisableControls;...

Get allocated memory regions of running process.

Hello, Can anyone tell me how to get using WinAPI functions memory allocated memory regions of some process? I want know for each region, start address, size and some other things like, protect type etc. I can't find any WinAPI function to do it ;-( Can anyone help me? ...

Size of a Packed Structure of Bools

If 1 bool is 1byte [8 bits] then would a packed structure of 4 bools be 32bits or 4? The pack directive removes the alignment requirement, but would it make sets of bools more efficient [memory wise]? ...

Alternative to .iterdump for sqlite in python?

Hi, I found a function that will help me load a disk sqlite database to a memory database, but have found that the module I need, apsw, doesn't support it, while pysqlite does. I need apsw because it has most of the functions I need that pysqlite does not. Is there any work around To completely copying to a database? ...

C# Run Assembly from Bytes

I am using this code, I got it to work fine with any C# assembly that allows it to be ran from memory. Is there anyway I could get it to work with private static void RunFromMemory() { try { byte[] bytes; using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { byte...

Memory Management

Hi, I have resolved memory leaks from my app but my app was still crashing with Program received signal 0. i have checked my app in developer tools. it is showing 30 mb when app launches. It is taking too much memory. how'll i resolve this? anyone has any solution? Thanks rajni ...

glib memory allocation VS std *alloc and free

I tend to use std *alloc/free functions to allocate/free dynamic memory in my C programs. I wonder if there are any good reasons to use the GLIB Memory Allocation functions instead of the std ones. I'd be grateful if the comunity could point out situations where either of these solutions is a winner/looser. I am also interested in perf...

Objective C free command not working with malloced memory

Hello All, I have an object that holds a pointer to some malloced memory, when I come to dealloc the object I use the free command to free up the malloced memory, how ever the free command appears to be absolutely doing nothing and I'm getting large memory leaks as a result. I have confirmed that the dealloc command is being executed. ...

"Attempted to read or write protected memory" Error

We get the error "Attempted to read or write protected memory" when receiving a file via FTP on BizTalk Server 2006 R2 with service pack 1. We are running a 64-bit Windows 2003 Server but the host is configured for 32-bit. Here's the full error message: There was a failure executing the receive pipeline: (myPipeline) Source: "Pipeline ...

MemoryStream "out of memory" C#

I have an implementation of a custom DataObject (Virtual File) see here. I have drag and drop functionality in a control view (drag and drop a file OUT of a control view without having a temp local file). This works fine with smaller files but as soon as the file is larger than say 12-15megs it says not eough memory available. seems lik...

pin_ptr a native void* help

The Setup I have a PDF API which has a native function that is defined below. typdef void* PDF_DOCUMENT; unsigned long PDF_GetMetaText(PDF_DOCUMENT document, const char tag, void* buffer, unsigned long bufferlen) //Calling it "natively" in C++/...