
Mersenne Twister: seeding & visualization

I am using a C# implementation of Mersenne Twister I downloaded from CenterSpace. I have two problems with it: No matter how I seed the algorithm it does not pass DieHard tests, and by that I mean I get quite a lot of 1s and 0s for p-value. Also my KStest on 269 p-values is 0. Well, I cannot quite interpret p-value, but I think a few 1...

Why is this class not Serializable?

I was using the Mersenne-Twister implementation at as a drop-in replacement for the default java.util.Random class. However, four fields (an int, a boolean and two byte[]) are marked as transient. This means that I can't serialize an object of this class without ...

functional correctness of wiki mersenne twister psuedocode

can anyone tell me if the mersenne twister psuedocode on this page is the same as the code here? if they are not the same, which one is correct? ...

Python Mersenne Twister implementation

I have Python 3.1.2 and I'm using Windows XP. Where can I see Python's implementation of the Mersenne Twister? In the Python docs it is stated that the Mersenne Twister was written in C and the Python History and License ( ) states that "The _random module includes c...

Thread safe mersenne twister

Looking for a thread safe random generator I found a mersenne twister generator class that the author says if thread safe: But after studying the code I cannot see were it is safe thread. There are no locks of any kind or anything resembling a lock variable in there. Is this implementation ...

Distributed sequential random number generation in Ruby 1.9.2

The Random class in Ruby 1.9.2 is guaranteed to generate random numbers in the same order, given a particular seed and range. For instance: r = r.rand(100) # 83 r.rand(100) # 40 But suppose I want to generate the next number in the sequence on another computer (without re-generating the earlier numbers i...

How reliable is the Random function in Delphi

I am writing a program which write statistical tests in Delphi (must be Delphi) and I've heard that the Random functionality is somewhat odd. You have to call randomize to randomize the seed of the random function when the program starts. I'm wondering if the random function (after calling randomize) is random enough for statistical t...