
C# Random Code Field Generator for Object

I have an object with the following properties GID ID Code Name Some of the clients dont want to enter the Code so the intial plan was to put the ID in the code but the baseobject of the orm is different so I'm like screwed... my plan was to put ####-#### totally random values in code how can I generate something like that say a windo...

Mersenne Twister: seeding & visualization

I am using a C# implementation of Mersenne Twister I downloaded from CenterSpace. I have two problems with it: No matter how I seed the algorithm it does not pass DieHard tests, and by that I mean I get quite a lot of 1s and 0s for p-value. Also my KStest on 269 p-values is 0. Well, I cannot quite interpret p-value, but I think a few 1...

Can Core Data content be edited directly?

I've been using Core Data for about a week now, and really loving it, but one minor issue is that setting default values requires going through and setting up a temp interface to load the data, which I then do away with once I have the data seeded. Is there any way to edit values in a table, like how you can use phpMyAdmin to manipulate...

Pseudorandom seed methodology for lookup tables

Could someone please suggest a good way of taking a global seed value e.g. "Hello World" and using that value to lookup values in arrays or tables. I'm sort of thinking like that classic spacefaring game of "Elite" where there were different attributes for the planets but they were not random, simply derived from the seed value for the ...

Misbehaving db:seed in Rails

I've got some strange behaviour going on with my DB Seed. the piece of code in question is this: #seeding info about Question Types @question_types = [:name=> "Single Input", :name=> "Multiple Choice"] @question_types.each do |question_type| new_question_type = QuestionType.find_or_create_by_name(:name => question_type[:name]); end ...

ruby-on-rails: Seeding-data strategies (or loading test data into developer database)

I want to clear and re-load my developer database (Ruby on rails) frequently. Of course, I can manually add the data via the web page but I was wondering if anyone has any strategies for this type of testing. (I already have unit, functional and integration tests, fyi) Thanks ...

Can't figure out how to use db:seed for rails in netbeans

can't seem to get my seeds.rb file to run through the command "rake db:seed". I'm using netbeans and I'm a beginner to rails, so I could be doing something really simple and stupid =/. I know you're meant to put your seeds.rb file in the db directory but netbeans doesn't seem to have one or might have renamed it... any help out there? T...

"rake db:seed" no method error

when I try and run the "rake db:seed" command the rails console outputs "NoMethodError: undefined method `db' for #" not quite sure what going on. I'm using netbeans to build my rails project which is using the built-in JRuby 1.2 would that have anything to do with it? ...

appending to rake db:seed in rails and running it without duplicating data

Rake db:seed populates your db with default database values for an app right? So what if you already have a seed and you need to add to it(you add a new feature that requires the seed). In my experience, when I ran rake db:seed again, it added the existing content already so existing content became double. What I need is to add some see...