
how to send direct messages uisng oauth?

Hi i am trying to make a twitter application. I have gotten my application to a point where users log in through Twitter's user verification system. I am also able to send status updates using my application. I have this function to send status updates: [CODE] function sendTweet($tx){ $consumer_key = 'MY CONSUMER KEY'; $consumer_se...

Read skype message archive

I would like to read my skype message archive outside of the Skype app. And be able to export it in some sort (other than copy-paste it from my messages) as far i can figure skype only provides 30days or archives. Any one out there using an app for archiving / exporting Skype messages ? Best regards, Mike S. ...

reading error dialog in java

i need to read some error message in java, i tried to do this in getErrorStream and then readLine, but i got exeption. i added a link to a picture of the error message i want to read TNX ...

Message Map in Win32 No-MFC

How could I create similar structure to handle Win32 Messages like it is in MFC? In MFC; BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CSkinCtrlTestDlg, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CSkinCtrlTestDlg) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BROWSE, OnBrowse) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_DEFAULTSKIN, OnChangeSkin) ON_WM_DRAWITEM() ON_WM_MEASUREITEM() ON_WM_COMPAREITEM() ON_...

Taskbar left click minimize the borderless winde.

Hi, I want to know is there any WNDProc message which the form can handle left click or double click on the taskbar inorder to set windows state minimized. Thanks, Raj ...

Best Way to send message to thread c# .net (inter-thread communication)

Hi , What is the most efficient and fastest way to send message to a thread(not process) that run in while(1) loop in c#/.net : 1) Using a synchronized queue (such in 2) Running a message loop Using Application.Run of systems winforms in the thread co...

Why not refresh my objective-c object after receive a message?

A have an NSView object, and it get an message after i push in the Menü bar the Open submenü. It load exchange data from a textfile, and it should render it in a CustomView. So the -(IBAction)loadExchangeData:(id)sender load the data, and store in a NSMutableArray*, and after it should rendered it by drawRect. But! In the drawRect ...

an alternative to progressbar?

could anybody knows any alternatives to progressbar? Inmy project im using progressbar..I would like to change it to something like a rotating gif image which indicates the processing or someother labels which prevents the user from interacting to the program.I tried to implement the gif image by using background worker but its hanging m...

how to remove warning messages in php?

hello i have a php code, when i run it, a warning appears in the page how can i remove warning messages? and ignore them ...

MOTD for channels

Is there a way to display a file/string of text to a user's channel output when a user joins a channel? Would this have to happen serverside in the irc config or could a bot do the same? ...

What is the fastest producer consumer method in c#

Hi, I am trying to implement a queue thread that listen to some messages . What is the fastest way to do it , this is one-process mulitple thread application. Should I use Apache Qpid ? or just a regular .NET Blocking Queue Class (as in I will be happy to hear your experience on this m...

Popup message window in grails?

I have a Grails application with a form in it. Once the user has entered the data and submitted it, and it's been validated etc.. I need a message to popup in a little window to give the user some feedback - it needs to popup, rather than be displayed on the page. Can anyone advise me on the best way to do this? ...

Problem with WM_COMMAND on Lazarus/FPC

I have form with MainMenu and I want to intercept when the user selects a command item from a menu. This works in Delphi: type TForm1 = class(TForm) ... // Memo and MainMenu created protected procedure WMCommand(var Info: TWMCommand); message WM_COMMAND; end; procedure TForm1.WMCommand(var Info: TWMCommand); begin if (...

message passing and signaling in distributed system

I have a distributed video analysis system, which is composed of: 1. feature extraction: generated lots of features(20+) from each frame of the video 2. multiple detectors(in different machine): * Each of them will get a subset of feature * Each of them needs the features from multiple frames. * Eg. Detector 1 needs feature 1-5...

How to output messages to the VS output window, from msbuild?

I have tried adding <Message> elements to tasks in a VS project file, in order to debug the build process. However, the elements have no effect on the text that is written to the VS output window. Is there a way to write messages to the VS output window, by adding markup to the project being built? ...

Glitch in sent mail delete function

Hello, I am still a newbie.So that being said, my site has a messaging system that allows users to delete their sent messages. Its been discovered that if I erase my messages out of my 'sent' box, it erases the message out of the recipients inbox. I have two ways to delete messages out of your sent mail, 'erase all messages' and one by o...

What is the lowest interception point in the WCF runtime stack?

Dear ladies and sirs. I wish to debug why my application sends so much data using WCF underneath. I tried to examine WCF trace logs and examine the traffic with Fiddler, but I need a stack trace leading to the offending client code. So, I installed a custom IClientMessageInspector, but how can I know the size of the actual data given a...

Is there a flash based web client with both group instant message and voice capabilities that I can modify?

I am looking for a flash based web client with both group instant message and voice capabilities that I can modify. Does anyone know of any open source or proprietary solutions? ...

Deserializing unknown inherited type [C++]

Hey Lets say I have a class which routes messages to their handlers. This class is getting the messages from another class who gets the messages through socket. So, the socket gets a buffer containing some sort of message. The class that routes the messages is aware of the message types. Every message is inheriting Message class which ...

erlang - how to limit message queue or emulate it?

Right now I am doing Process ! Message, but as i googled a bit, a message queue size is only limited to memory. I have a tree of processes where leaves generate messages and feed up to the root and i need to limit queue or switch to some another method of doing the same. more of it, sometimes Process gets messages from one leaf and some...