
Can someone explain an Enterprise Service Bus to me in non-buzzspeak?

Some of our partners are telling us that our software needs to interact with an Enterprise Service Bus. After researching this a bit, my instinct is to say that this is just buzz speak for saying that we need to have a platform-indpendent way to pass messages back and forth. I'm just trying to get a feel for what our partners are telli...

Load balancing the Client connections

We have 5000+ clients, 10 gateway servers and 6 backend servers. Both gateway and backend Servers are in same cluster. If v7.0.1 is used on clients and gaetway servers, is round robin load balancing possible if CCDT is used? We want distribute load even across all the 10 gateway servers. Thank You ...

Threaded messaging system for PHP/CodeIgniter?

Is there an open source threaded messaging library for CodeIgniter? Or is it best to create the system in house? I'm looking for a private messaging system with the basic person to person interactions, reply, attach etc. ...

How does a Consumer know what Channel to use in a ChannelSet?

If you subcribe a Consumer in Flex, you need to assign a ChannelSet to the Consumer. In my case, I create a ChannelSet and then add a Channel to that ChannelSet. Apparently, the added channel is the current channel of the ChannelSet. But what if I would add two Channels to the ChannelSet? Do I need to set the currentChannel before subcr...

mysql not updating

i have a messaging system and it works fine but i have it so when its read it mysql_querys and sets read to 1. so that way in futer you can tell if its opend. it does not update here is the script for viewing the message where its suppose to update. THANKS <?php session_start(); require "../scripts/connect_to_mysql.php"; if (isset...

How can I handle multiple messages concurrently from a JMS topic (not queue) with java and spring 3.0?

Note that I'd like multiple message listeners to handle successive messages from the topic concurrently. In addition I'd like each message listener to operate transactionally so that a processing failure in a given message listener would result in that listener's message remaining on the topic. The spring DefaultMessageListenerContaine...

Sending complex object via JMS in Java

Is it possible to send complex messages via JMS? I can send TextMessages, Messages etc .. but when I try to send my custom object type MyObject trough send() method of MessageProducer I get compile error. Then I tried to cast it, I get cast exception like MyObject cannot be cast to javax.jms.Message Here is a code I tried : MessagePro...

Seeking open-source messaging, comments, and discussion library

We have a website that is like a social network and we already have our own messaging, comments, and forum modules. However, we would like to replace them with an opensource backend library that supports moderation, thumbs-up/down, threading, etc. We need to control the user interface and user authentication/registration ourselves. I ...

Difference between message bus and message broker

what's the difference between a message bus[1] and a message broker[2] Both is middleware for applications Both can be used to decouple various systems Both can have a canonical data model Both route messages and could offer other features such as data transform As i see, the only relevent difference is the picture used to represent...

AMQP vs Websphere MQ

We're working on an application that supports AMQP for queuing. Some of our clients are using Websphere MQ. I'm just wondering at a high level how interchangeable these two protocols are in terms of functionality. I'm using celery, which should allow me to abstract out the lower-level stuff as long as I can write a Websphere MQ backen...

How do CPG of Corosync, ZeroMQ, and Spread compare for messaging?

I'm interested in: Performance Latency Throughput Resource usage (CPU, memory, ...) High availability No single point of failure Features Transport options Routing options Stability Community Active development Widely used Helpful mailing list, forum, IRC channel, ... Ease of integration with my current codebase Gotchas maybe A...

send message to multiple objects at once (objective-c)

(or set multiple objects with one value) Is there a way to send multiple objects one message in one line. So like [someObject, otherObject reset]; like in LUA scripts (which I believe is C?) you can set mutliple objects: someThing, otherThing = 1 , 0 ...

WCF Web Method that Accepts Different Message Types

Microsofts's WCF is easy to work with when you create Web services where each message has it's own Web method. WCF generates all of the WSDL and everything is easy. What I want to do is have one Web method that accepts multiple different messages (I don't want to add a mew method every time I add a new message type). The messages themse...

Are Erlang/OTP messages reliable? Can messages be duplicated?

Long version: I'm new to erlang, and considering using it for a scalable architecture. I've found many proponents of the platform touting its reliability and fault tolerance. However, I'm struggling to understand exactly how fault-tolerance is achieved in this system where messages are queued in transient memory. I understand that a ...

How to pass message to instance from a different class in objective c?

Stuck on what I figure is simple thing here. Basically I need to pass a pointer to an object as an argument into an instance method of another class. Said differently: I have a class that creates "Things" and I have an instance of another class that I want to receive the "Things." Working with Cocos2D frameworks. The Things are a custo...

Best enterprise level SMSGateway platform

Been on Kannel for a while now but am currently experiencing issues with delayed delivery and throttling to the smsc with increase in load even in a multi-threaded environment. What commercial grade platform would you recommend from experience? NowSMS, Ozeki, EMG etc...and why? Not much in-terms of what i would call objective reviews ex...

NServiceBus not publishing any messages

I'm working with NSB (latest version), got to the stage where I configure it correctly and manage to publish messages onto the bus. Only problem is - I'm not getting any of them in my message queues. The event log is clean - nothing to help me diagnose the error. Help greatly appreciated! ...

Is 0MQ a protocol, a layer, or both? Can I use it in conjunction with STOMP?

I've tied myself in knots, being new to both STOMP and 0MQ, but in a nutshell, I want to facilitate client to client communication in the browser with interaction from a PHP MOM or a number of PHP MOMs. I'm considering using WebSocket to provide persistent duplex connections (when available) between html5 browser clients and the MOM endp...

Is there a minimal message queue?

Hi, I'm searching for a minimal message queue project. With minimal I mean something along this: No/Minimal setup / administration Uses http (so I don't need protocol/queue specific libraries/code) (Persistence would get extra points ;) (It should run on linux.) Is there such a project available? I once heard about a message queu...

Accessing Android Inbox/Messaging from Activity?

Is it possible to open up the default Android Messaging activity from inside an activity you write yourself? Like for example: I press a "Mail" button inside my program, and it opens the Android Messaging app just like as if I was to press the Messaging icon on the main screen. I did something similar to this with the Contacts activit...