
sending message to my cell using Java application

Hi I have written an chat application in java, now I like to update my application whenever user registers my chat application I should get a sms on my cell. I am not getting how should I start with messaging service. Let me know any ideas or links. Thanks ...

Rails Message This User Button

Hello, I am using this plugin in rails and I am on a user page show.html.erb - User and I want to put a button there that, when clicked, goes to the current user's inbox and populates the field call "send to" with the "user" name. How do I send that data along when the button i...

Available message types in JMS?

This is based on a past exam question. The question is asking to describe the four types of message available using JMS. The problem is it says the four, not just four. So it assumes their is only four, no more no less. However according to this site their seems to be five; streams maps text objects bytes *Another book states th...

Rails model relations depending on count of nested relations

I am putting together a messaging system for a rails app I am working on. I am building it in a similar fashion to facebook's system, so messages are grouped into threads, etc. My related models are: MsgThread - main container of a thread Message - each message/reply in thread Recipience - ties to user to define which users should sub...

how to check if there is any consumer to the queue on Ibm Mq

Hi All, How can I check from IBM MQ UI that to a specific queue if there is any consumer present ...

message queue : selection and sizing

Hi, I have 20 messages/s, each 1 - 1.5 Mbytes. I need High Availability (2 to 4 servers min). I need low latencey (high daily volume -> full RAM prefered). I need persistent poisoned messages queue. Only few clients (about 16), locally. I can have 12-16G bytes RAM per server (brooker). Which JMS message queue / messaging would you re...

Receiving Text From Another Application

Hi, I'm building some home automation software with Cocoa/Objective-C. The main application will have a minimal GUI and will most likely be represented by a status bar icon only. I'm using proprietary speech-to-text software (MacSpeech Dictate) that takes my voice command and converts it to plain text. I then need to send this plain te...

Any reason why I shouldn't use couchdb for message passing or realtime activity streams?

While using ampq or xmpp (rabbitmq or ejabbered that could have couchdb as backends) seems like a good fit to deliver real time updates about friend state in a social gaming platform where updates are small but frequent, I can't help but think why wouldn't couchdb be a good platform to deliver such updates? The main advantage I could th...

message forwards settings in mail

Is there a way in qmail to set forward messages. Like for instance a support person might leave the company and if a client sends a mail to his id then a mail should be send asking him to use another mail id i.e the id of the person to whom work has been transferred. ...

Alternatives to Protocol Buffers

I'd like a basic message passing/RPC system. I could use a serialisation system but I want some sort of verification to ensure both ends are synchronised. I've looked at Google Protocol Buffers, but I'm not too keen on code generation. What are other alternatives? ...

Java JMS Messaging

Hello, I have a working example of sending message to server and server receiving it via qpid messaging. Here is simple hello world to send to server : And here is server which receives requests and sends response(the current client doesn't receive response) : Here is my prope...

log activity. intrusion detection. user event notification ( interraction ). messaging

Have three questions that I somehow find related so I put them in same place. Currently building relatively large LAMP system - making use of messaging(activeMQ) , memcache and other goodies. I wonder if there are best practices or nice tips and tricks on howto implement those. System is user aware - meaning all actions done can be bind...

How to host autonomous SOA agents on Windows?

We need to notify other systems when certain events happen, for example when we receive a file or when some database state changes. We currently do that using Windows Services that poll for whatever is necessary, then call web services to notify our integration partners. I think Thomas Erl calls this "SOA agents". It seems to me that ...

Application wide messaging... without singletons?

So, I want to go for a more Singleton - less design in the future. However, there seem to be a lot of tasks in an application that can't be done in meaningful way without singletons. I call them "application wide services", but they also fall into the same category as the cross cutting concerns, which I usually fix via AOP. Lets take a...

Do I need to implement an XMPP server?

(newbie alert) I need to program a multiparty communication service for a course project, and I am considering XMPP for it. The service needs following messaging semantics: 1) server will provide a method of registering and unregistering an address such as [email protected]/SomeResource. (for now I will do it manually). 2) serve...

Check for messages apache Qpid

Is it possible to check for messages from Qpid queue from unix/windows console? Here is how I check via GUI : I can see all the info from Qpid JMX Management Console, is there a something close to this that I can use in console? ...

What is the best way to interoperably serialize a message?

I'm considering message serialization support for spring-integration. This would be useful for various wire level transports to implement guaranteed delivery, but also to allow interoperability with other messaging systems (e.g. through AMQP). The fundamental problem that arises is that a message containing Java object in it's payload a...

How to approach parallel processing of messages?

I am redesigning the messaging system for my app to use intel threading building blocks and am stumped trying to decide between two possible approaches. Basically, I have a sequence of message objects and for each message type, a sequence of handlers. For each message object, I apply each handler registered for that message objects type...

When to use Spring Integration vs. Camel?

As a seasoned Spring user I was assuming that Spring Integration would make the most sense in a recent project requiring some (JMS) messaging capabilities (more details). After some days working with Spring Integration it still feels like a lot of configuration overhead given the amount of channels you have to configure to bring some req...

Message Queues use and interesting features

I understand the basics of a message queue system, but I have no idea about the different systems out there. There seem to be a lot of open source and non-open source solutions out there. What are some of the ones out there and which one[s] have the most unique features? [Multicast, p2p, alternative message structures, device detection,...