
How do I obtain information about a nullable foreign key from Information_Schema views?


How can the .NET source code XML comments be persisted in the assembly metadata?

Dear ladies and sirs. Have you noticed that for some methods in the system assemblies, the .NET Reflector also shows the respective documentation? Which means that the documentation can be persisted in the assembly metadata. How can I make it work for my own assemblies? Meaning, I want to see my comments to my method when I reflect it ...

Setting SharePoint List Metadata

Metadata seems to be used frequently to describe a SharePoint list's structure. That structure allows the storage of data at the list item level. How can I specify information about the list itself without relying on an additional column? Ideally I want something like SPList.Properties ["Mykey"] = "MyValue" PropertiesXml isn't setta...

Storing data and searching by metadata?

Let's say I have a set of data where each row is a pair of coordinates: (X, Y). Associated with each point I have arbitrary metadata, such as {color: yellow} or {age: 2 years}. I'd like to be able to store the data and metadata in such a way that I can query the metadata (eg: [rows where {age: 2 years, color: yellow}]) and in return rec...

dsofile c# API / NTFS custom file properties

I'm searching for a good way to add meta data to a file. dsofile.dll works fine for NTFS. The meta data is lost, when one drops a copy on a FAT32 share (it uses NTFS hidden streams I guess). Microsoft Word documents contain meta data that are not lost, how do they do it? Similiar to FAT, sending the file via E-Mail strips of all meta dat...

what is the .NET equivalent of @Deprecated in java?

Is there an annotation in .NET which allows methods or classes to be deprecated so that their use and their callers are identified by the compiler (cf @Deprecated in Java) ...

CLI nested generic types and generic methods

Have I stumbled upon implementation-defined behavior? Here is the context: public class GenericClass<T> { public class NestedGenericClass<U> { public void GenericMethod<K>() { } } } Here's the behavior. This unit test passes as written. My actual questions are listed as the comment before the "wack...

how can I get the file version on the Internet but not download it ?

I get a file url,for example, how can I get it's version but not download it ? nots 1: if you download the file first on your computer,there are many ways to get it's version, for example ,you can use the window tools "filever.exe" to get the version. but i want to not download it ,at...

C# Get video file duration from metadata

I am trying to read metadata from a file. I only need the Video -> Length property, however I am unable to find a simple way of reading this information. I figured this would be fairly easy since it is visible by default in Explorer, however this looks to be way more complicated than I anticipated. The closest I came was using: Micros...

How do I read the Recieved Date from Outlook MSG files -without- the Outlook API?

I need to read stuff from an Outlook msg file. Currently I'm using a class from project to accomplish this, since deploying VSTO and Outlook on a server is not an option. This class gets To, From, CC, Subject, Body, and everything else I need from the msg file, except Date information (such as Recieved Date and Sent Date...

How can I add meta-data to recorded flv-files in red5?

Hello! I wonder how to you can add meta-data to flv-files you recorded by red5... mine just have something like this: 0.000 | FLV::Event tag | event : onMetaData | audiocodecid : -1 | canSeekToEnd : true | videocodecid : -1 | duration : 0 ...

Can Mercurial be made to preserve file permissions?

I've seen a number of blog posts, and have experienced for myself, that Mercurial does not preserve the permissions on files pushed from one repo to another. Does anyone know of a Mercurial extension that would preserve the permissions? (I'm assuming it can't be done wit a hook, because what does a hook know about permissions at the or...

Entity Framework connection metadata extraction

Hi, I am using the EntityFramework POCO adapter and since there are limitations to what microsoft gives access to with regards to the meta data, i am manually extracting the information i need out of the xml. The only problem is i want to get the ssdl, msl, csdl file names to load without having to directly check for the connection stri...

Report Metadata in a Collection of [Telerik] Reports

I have a rapidly growing set of Telerik reports in my web project. My data providing strategy is that each report has an companying text file containing a SQL query. I handle complex filter criteria, like long 'x is in(y,z,a,b,c....)', or '((x=1) and (x < y))', repeated a hundred times, by doing text substitutions on a text file query ...

What use does an ORM have for database metadata?

I was reading about ORMs and one of the descriptions I read said that the ORM interacts with database metadata. Why is this important or relevant? Metadata, as I understand, is just a way of describing what the database contains. So, for example, the database might have an internal table that lists what user tables have been created....

EXIF key names explanations

Does anyone know of a good explanation of EXIF key names? I am writing a photo organizer and want to get as much information as possible out of the photo as I can. However, the EXIF key names are not very helpful. For example, from what I can tell (by exporting images from iPhoto) album or set name is stored as 'fixture_identifier'...

How to get Custom meta data which is already set?

I use XMPkit to write custom meta data for any kind of images. the source is as shown below: -(IBAction)AddKeyword:(id)sender { SXMPMeta::Initialize(); SXMPFiles::Initialize(); string actualPrefix; SXMPMeta::RegisterNamespace(kXMP_NS_SDK_EDIT, "xsdkEdit", &actualPrefix); SXMPMeta::RegisterNamespace(kXMP_NS_SDK_USERS, "xsdkUser",&actua...

how does google populate the link descriptions on a search page?

I assumed it was strictly by the meta 'description' tag. But I noticed that SO doesn't use this tag and has descriptions for its links in google search. I have not yet added meta tags for the site I'm developing (and in google search it just shows the title of my site with no description), but would it be useful to include meta descrip...

How to retrieve metadata for return values of an sql server inline table-valued function?

It's not in INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS, so where is it? This is a schemabound inline table valued function, so it doesn't have the issues which a stored procedure might have in being able to vary its output schema(s) based on parameters. ...

Oracle: find index creation date from systables/information_schema?

Using Oracle, how can I find index names and creation dates from systables/information_schema? How can I reproduce, from systables/information_schema, the DDL that created the index, e.g., create index indexname on tablename(column_name [, column_name....]) [local]; ...