
MFC visibile function

Hi guys, I have an assignment using MFC which is a completely foreign language to me. I have to be able to upload Image1, and Image2 into 2 picture controls. And using a slider: when it is on the far left, you see Image1 in a third picture control, when it is on the far right you see Image2. Anywhere in between you should see a transitio...

Changing vista file permissions programmatically

Hi, I want to add some files to C:\windows\XXX (windows protected folder, in Vista), under the "TrustedInstaller" for my application. I do not want to replace any file so no issues on Windows Resource(formerly file) protection. I have the code to change "ownership" to the current logged in admin, however, I'm don't have any clue how to ...

MFC Automation how to implement RemoveDocument OnCloseDocument

I have an MFC MDI Application and I am trying to implement Automation with it. I am trying to create a RemoveDocument. How is that done? OnCloseDocument is causing problems. Is there a "standard" for doing that? ...

How to Run(launch) elevated command promt programmiticaly in Vista

Hi, I'm trying to install some files from a batch file (through code). However the command should only run as "elevated command" in Vista and Windows 7 Is there any way this can be done programitically? I'm launching the batch file by calling "CreateProcess" in VC++/MFC code. Thanks ...

Finding file size windows MFC application

Hey guys, I Am working on windows MFC application C...I am preparing a report list in my design using CListCtrl were i can list the name,size,type and modified date of the file..I dont know how to display the size of a any one know how to do will be helpful for me thanks in advance.. ...

How can we use .NET dll in VC++?

Please suggest me the best way to use .NET dll in VC++ project. ...

Vertical Scrollbar in CListCtrl

I'm using a CListCtrl in Icon view, but it scrolls horizontally: 1 3 5 7 --> 2 4 6 8 --> I'd rather it scroll horizontally: 1 2 3 4 5 6 | | V V Is there a way to do this? ...

mfc42u exception

I got a crash in one of my MFC based windows service. When I analyzed the crash dump using windbg.exe, I got the following on the top of my stack trace. What is this error? 0094fad8 0040d18c mfc42u!CException::`RTTI Complete Object Locator'+0x10 ...

MFC Active-X control in a winforms window on Vista 64bit; "Class not registered Exception"

In an attempt to try to confirm another SO posters suggestion for key handling in an ActiveX control hosted on a winforms window, I tried making a bare-bones MFC ActiveX control, then placing it on a windows form. In design time the control showed up with no troubles. When running the application the dreaded "Class not registered excep...

How To Track No Sound Area In A Wav File?

Hello, everyone. How to track sections without sounds in a wav file? a small software what I want to develop is deviding a wav file, and it consider a no volume area as a deviding point. how can a program know that volume of a wav file is low? I'll use Java or MFC. ...

ShellExecute + runas with quotes (") in parametees, fails to call the executable/batch

I have tried calling a batch file with elevated permissions. For that I have called fallowing function: (ref - ShellExecute(this->GetSafeHwnd(), L"runas", strExecutable, strParams, 0 , SW_SHOW); The call successfully launches the exexutable, but if I add quotes to my par...

Databinding in MFC

I have an application that is in mfc with a very rich domain object, but I am not sure how to setup the databinding with the cformview. How do you deal with databinding? Are you ussing the DDX and DDV or do you have a better trick? ...

Controlling WriteProfileString

Is it possible to specify the application name which is used by CWinApp::WriteProfileString()? If I use CWinApp::SetRegistryKey to set the name of my company to "MyCompany", and I call AfxGetApp()->WriteProfileString in my application called "SomeApp", my string will be stored under the following registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\...

Not able to Print the folder path in EditBox- MFC

I am using the following function ..instead of CFolderDialog.. to get the folder path...check my code getting a run time error when i try toprint the folder path name in a edit box.. void CSelfExtractorUIDlg::OnBnClickedButton1() { CDialog dlg; HWND hwnd = NULL; LPCTSTR szCurrent = (LPCTSTR)malloc(25*size...

CMFCRibbonEdit does not get focus.

I just added a CMFCRibbonEdit to my ribbon but it seems it does not get the focus. It appears disabled. I even copy/pasted an implementation of the creation of this control from a Microsoft sample but I get the same behaviour. Any idea on what I may be doing wrong or forgetting to do ? ...

To generate a PDF page from an MFC MDI CView

My c++ MFC MDI application displays engineering drawings in its views. What is a good way to dump a CView derived object into a PDF file? What libraries could you suggest (not nesesery free)? I've looked into a few libraries like Cairo and libHaru. It is possible to draw all the graphic components but I was thinking that the CView has...

how to move from one form to another in MFC

hey guys, I am designing a set-up wizard using MFC application controls... how do I move from one form to another in a button click.plz help me guys ...

How to use TRACE with ascii under unicode MFC environment?

I am developing a MFC program under windows CE. It is unicode by default. I can use TRACE to print some message like this TRACE(TEXT("Hey! we got a problem!\n")); It works fine if everything is unicode. But however, I got some ascii string to print. For example: // open the serial port m_Context = CreateFile(TEXT("COM1:"), ...); int ...

MFC, just need some directions

I usually don't expect help from outside but I need to solve this quickly and hence am looking for some directions. I have a 6 year old MFC based application running in an xp machine and deleted some files/programs to free some space in C drive to install additional applications. After installing my new program (Labview 8.6), I find that...

How to enumerate MFC controls if I only have a h_wnd ?

Hello. Long time reader, first time poster. I'm a big noob when it comes to win32 gui apps so here's my question. Let's say you have a handle to a window: HWND h_wnd; That window ultimately has a bunch of controls, list, buttons and whatnot. Now I believe all controls inherit from CWnd (maybe that's not the right technical term i...