
Get VPN IP address via WMI on Vista

How can we enumerate all the network connections in order to extract the IP address of the VPN connection using WMI? On XP, Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration works fine but on Vista it only seems to enumerate the physical connections... ...

editing/viewing a Microsoft Outlook NK2 name cache file

I am trying to find some code which shows how one might open an Outlook NK2 names cache file. I did some searching and I have seen several people say that it's not possible, but then I find links to some freeware that can do just this so I know its possible. I would use the freeware applications, but would rather do it in my own code, ...

I am looking for some Expression Design tutorials. Can anybody point me to them?

I used google but could only find some msdn tutorials. I am looking to create some nice visual arts using expression design. ...

convert mysql stored procedure to mssql

Hi, I need to used dynamic order query in mysql and i have successfully achieved that through string concatenation in mysql as follows: set @stmt_text := concat('select * from abc order by ',sorder); prepare stmt_handle from @stmt_text; execute stmt_handle; deallocate prepare stmt_handle; i need a similar way to convert this in mss...

SQL Server Licensing: Are Windows Server CAL's required?

If I purchase a SQL Server 2008 Processor license, this permits any number of users to connect to the database instance. Users will typically connect through one or more application servers running WS08 Web Edition, and are authenticated through the hosted application (not AD or otherwise). The users belong to various different organisat...

Exporting PDF in Reporting Services

Does anyone know if it is possible to alter the page size/scale of a report when it is displayed in PDF after an export? The problem we have is one of our users has created a report with a large number of coloumns in the table, the table then runs on to the next page of the report. We have altered the page setup to landscape within the ...

ASP.Net (C#) & MSQL -or- PHP & MySQL for Performance?

Money, Staff, Skill and preference to open source or commercial is neutral. Lets take the best of the best programmers (for arguments sake) and think about this: What will perform better overall: PHP & MySQL or ASP.Net & Microsoft SQL (I don't want biased answers, just looking for Performance, and Speed). ...

WPF - Canvas.GetTop returning NeuN

Hi, I'm trying to get the position of a canvas from a mouse move handler but it returns NeuN. The canvas is inside another canvas and the code is: Console.WriteLine(Canvas.GetTop(canvas2)); this is inside: private void move(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine(Canvas.GetTop(canvas2)); } I'd say it can't be a scope...

Spurious characters in HTML files using Microsoft Expression

Hello all, I've got MS Expression Web (12.0.6211.1000). I usually use Homesite but it and Vista don't get on so I thought I'd try Expression for editing simple HTML files. I find that Espression Web inserts the characters  at the top of every file I edit, just before the <!DOCTYPE... tag. What are these and how can I make it sto...

What are the limitations for bookmark names in Microsoft Word?

I need to bookmark parts of a document from the name of paragraphs but the name of a paragraph is not always a valid name for a bookmark name. I have not found on Google or MSDN an exhaustive list of limitations for bookmark names. What special characters are forbidden? The only thing I found is that the length must not exceed 40 cha...

Outlook Form

Hello, i had to modify an existing form, which i did and saved it on my desktop as .oft file. My problem is that when ever i send this form i have an old signature that shows. for instance, if i double click the .oft file i see the body with that old signature and then my newer one below it. I would like to delete that old signature tha...

What options are available for doing Source Control in SQL Server 2005 / 2008?

Title says it all really. What software is available for enabling Source Control in SQL Server 2005 and above. What are the downsides of doing Source Control in SQL Server if any? ...

What all can I download\use a MSDN License for ?

My Employer gave me a MSDN License, not that I asked for it. I have been programming in the Java world all these years and on C++ in Linux. I am wondering what all I can do with this License, considering that I don't work on Dot Net ?? :-( ...

Does anyone know code to do layout analysis? In particular for Visio\powerpoint diagrams?

layout analysis examples are understanding when an arrow connects to a shape (when it is not used as a connector), what shape contains.... ...

Why is Microsoft not developing a Halo-like next gen title using C#?

The question might look subjective but considering Microsoft: Owns the Xbox 360 platform Owns the Windows platform Have their own game studio (MGS) Own other 3rd party developers Is a major publisher makes me wonder why Microsoft doesn't push their flagship language to prove that not only you can cut down significant development time...

How do I implement Zip functionality in VBA?

Hello, recently I have been working on an app in vba which relies on some files which are contained in the .docm file of the document its self. Initially, I was using the Windows XP compressed folder functionality to programmatically extract the contents of the docm. This was an optimal solution because it is built into all Windows XP ...

Memory allocation in VC++

I am working with VC++ 2005 I have overloaded the new and delete operators. All is fine. My question is related to some of the magic VC++ is adding to the memory allocation. When I use the C++ call: data = new _T [size]; The return (for example) from the global memory allocation is 071f2ea0 but data is set to 071f2ea4 When overlo...

Is there a good reason why AntiXss.JavaScriptEncode wraps result in single quotes?

I've been using Microsoft's AntiXss Library and was wondering if there is a good reason why its JavaScriptEncode method wraps the result in single quotes? That behavior seems unconventional. ...

microsoft certifications

Hi Am thinking of getting certified in MCTS and MCPD for ASP.Net and SQL Server (Developer). My question is since Visual Studio 2010, NET Framework 4.0, SQL Server 2008 R2 would probably get released late 2009 or early 2010, should I just wait and take tests for the new versions. Am still planning to study ASP.Net 3.5 and SQL Server 2...

Microsoft SDL and memcpy deprecation

As some of you may know, Microsoft banned memcpy() from their Security Development Lifecycle, replacing it with memcpy_s(). void *memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n); /* simplified signature */ errno_t memcpy_s(void *dst, size_t dstsize, const void *src, size_t n); So if your code used to be: if (in_len > dst_len) { /*...