
Reporting Services Problem Rendering RTF

Hi all, I'm using VS.NET 2005 and SQL Server 2005. My development computer is running Windows XP SP2. SQL Server 2005 database and reporting services are running on Windows 2003 Server. My business requirement is to develop and deploy a report which takes rich text (RTF) stored in the database (datatype = TEXT) and converts it to an ...

Can Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 2005 be used for free?

Is Visual SourceSafe 2005 free to use in commercial development or does it require a license? ...

Microsoft Visual C++ doesn't respond when building a project

When I Build, VC++ 6 will show "Linking..." and the programs NEVER get linked. I tried pressing STOP but no use. I cant even close VC++ as it says its still bulding a project. How do I fix this? ...

Is it legal to use Microsoft's icons in Outlook addin?

I am creating an addin for Outlook, and I would like to use some standard microsoft's icons in my addin's GUI - for example, outlook has 'reply to' icon that people already know well, and I would like to use the exact same icon for replying action in my addin. Is it legal to do this? According to

What problems will Microsoft's Oslo project solve?

I watched few videos/webcasts about "Oslo" but I still fail to see how it all comes together. I understand that Oslo is a modeling platform. What's the process to create a DSL? Is it more than just a tool to create DSLs? I understand that MGramma is used to create a DSL's syntax. What is M language for? What is MSchema? After ...

Choose Network Connection for Browser in Windows

I frequently work from home using our corporate vpn. I have noticed that when connected to the vpn the browser doesn't use my internet connection, everything is passed through the vpn. Is there a way to force my browser to use my local internet connection for surfing the web while connected to the vpn? ...

Java in a Microsoft shop

I've been introduced to this wonderful project, xhtmlrenderer; the flying saucer project. Problem is, is that where I work, it's strictly a microsoft shop and I haven't done any java development since college, and a smidge of WebSphere a few years back. I was wondering what it takes these days to do java development? I set up a quick p...

How Do I ensure that my MSI project is built into a package that is compatible with a specific msiexec version?

I have a windows installer (MSI) project. I want to ensure that when i build it , it will be compatible with msiexec version 4.5. ...

What, if any, technology is going to replace ASP.NET?

WinForms has given way to WPF and new models such as MVVM, that better enable Test Driven Development, work very nicely with WPF. Also, it seems to me that ASP.NET is very closely aligned with the WinForms way of doing things, for example event handlers in the code-behind which is linked using inheritance or partial classes. With WPF a...

Automating paper forms and process flow in the office

I have been tasked with automating some of the paper forms in HR. This might turn into "automate all forms" eventually, so I want to approach this in a way which will be best for the long term and will be a good framework as this project grows. The first things that come to mind were: -InfoPath/SharePoint (We currently don't use Share...

Is there a bing API?

Microsoft has just launched a new search engine, Bing, "Bing Is Not Google". Does this service have an API? ...

How does one become a Microsoft - Most Valuable Professional (MVP)?

What are the eligibility criteria? Are there any specific benefits? Existing MVPs please chime in. I am wondering why I am still not an MVP despite being an active participant in the Microsoft community. ...

Does MCSE give you automatically MCSA?

Dears, If I take the exams for MCSE (70-290, 70-291, 70-293 and 70-294) and as a core exam on client operating systems, 70-620, do I automatically get MCSA as well? I mean, the exams are the same. Best regards, nhaa123 ...

e-commerce webapp integration via Web Services with MS Dynamics (Navision 2009)

Hi, Has anyone tried to build an e-commerce site atop MS Dynamics, using the new Web Services introduced in Nav 2009 ? I'd like to know what kind of load these web services can take, and what kind of resources can be read/written, and any other challenges that I can expect. I intend to integrate an existing linux-based webapp via Web S...

How to have all .Net dlls loaded via Wow64 on a 64 bit machine

I have a 64-bit machine and a bunch of .Net binaries compiled as Any CPU. By default they all get loaded as 64-bit. I thought I remembered a way to set a machine level flag so that all the Any CPU .Net dlls would be treated as 32-bit and not 64-bit by deafult, but I can't seem to find it again. Can someone please point me in the right...

Connect to Sharepoint through Cocoa

Hi, how do I connect to Sharepoint (e.g. fetching lists) through Cocoa? Is there any blog post or document about it? Regards, Stefan ...

C# Web Service via SSL vs Firewall

We allow users to dial-in to our system. We run a firewall on the dial-in system that blocks all access by default and we only allow certain servers to be accessed by adding specific rules. We have a web service that contacts our server. The service calls are made over SSL. The SSL Cert is from GoDaddy. We have found that when conne...

FrontPage tags - Pain in da HTML

I have a webapplication, developed and ready to be deployed. The web part of it was designed using M$ FrontPage. None of the developers cared about proprietary weird tags that FrontPage inserts into HTML. I don't remember tags on top of my head, but I remember seeing tags such as <webbot> and etc. Now, my client doesn't want to see a bun...

VS2008 and Microsoft Reports paging

Is it possible to make Microsoft Reports component use server side paging when displaying data. I had problems in the past with getting all the data from the database and then having client side paging implemented. large amounts of data were triggering out of memory exceptions on the server. So basically what I want is to use Microsof...

Microsoft Solver Fundation tutorial ?

Hi all, I develop an application (in C# Winform) that try to solve calendar issues and time slots assignments. This should be done by contraint programming. Do you know some good url and tutorials to get start with Microsoft Solver Fundation? ...