
Getting Access to Products No Longer Available From Microsoft

As a consequence of a legal settlement with Sun regarding the Java technology, Microsoft has removed certain products from being available directly from them through any means. Here is an excerpt from their MSDN site: Products Unavailable due to Java-related Settlement ...

BizSpark worth it ? Any recommandation ? ...

Why does a Web Service DataMember's Specified Attribute need to be set for int and Data but not for String

I have created a web service via WCF. Then I exposed it as a web service to make it usable with a .NET 2.0 application. I created some DataContract with DataMember that could be used for by the exposed OperationContract. I notice that when I try to create DataClass to be passed in the web service that each DataContract attribute now has...

What are the changes for programmatically accessing Office 2010 documents (a.k.a Office 14)?

What are the changes for programmatically accessing Office 2010 documents (a.k.a Office 14)? ...

Is x.224 specification freely available?

Hello. I need to implement a simple probe that uses "open" microsoft rdp protocol. But that protocol refers to x.224 specification and ITU want money in order to download it. Is it any free version of x.224 protocol available? ...

how to clean up microsoft html doc ?

I have quite big document in html format that generated from Microsoft Word. It is soooo messy and full of bloated things (like unknow tag, unknow namespace etc and other bloated things) is there any way to convert it into plain html sytax ? thanks ! ...

Free API for Parsing US Postal Addresses?

I'd like to use an API to parse US Postal addresses input into an ASP.NET application. I will store the input address, no matter how it's input, then attempt to parse and verify with the user. Does Google, Microsoft or Yahoo have such functionality in their APIs? If so, what is your experience with the various APIs? ...

What are Microsoft's plans for distributed source control?

I've been using Mercurial for some development lately and have been loving it. I'm curious, is Microsoft using any form of distributed source control internally, and/or are they moving toward it in any way? I found this article: It says that Microsoft is u...

Where can I find a list of windows API constants, in a none .net enviroment

I would like to find the values of some of windows API constants, such as, but not limited to *LVM_ENABLEGROUPVIEW* & *WM_SHOWWINDOW* Looking on the net lead me to MSDN which tells me what they are used for, but not the underlying values. There is a very similar question on stackOverflow, Where can I find a list of windows API constan...

What are the various components of Visual Studio Team System each designed for?

What are the various components of Visual Studio Team System each designed for? Our company was recently accepted to Microsoft BizSpark and now I have a blizzard of options to choose from. Right now I'm just needing version control and a coding environment but I'm not sure what distinguishes each of the available downloads. ...

How can we get Microsoft to maintain the .Net reference source?

A year and a half ago, Microsoft released the source code for the .Net Framework BCL for debugging purposes. This incredibly useful offering has had a tremendous impact on my debugging experience. It was mentioned that they were working integrating the source release into their build process, but this appears to have fallen through. T...

Programmatically add an SSIS ForEachLoop

How do you programmatically add an SSIS ForEachLoop? We are limited to SQL Server 2005. I'm having trouble adding the following properties: ForEachEnumerator CollectionEnumerator Directory FileNameRetrieval FileSpec Recurse My code format looks like this: Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Executable executable = aSequence[0].Executable...

Importing from Business Contact Manager to Access

Is there a way to import the database that is created for Microsoft Outlook with Business Contact Manager to an Access 2007 database? ...

SSIS Null Value Questions

I have a table with 5 string columns, all can be NULLs. After I read the data from this table, I want to convert any null values into empty strings. The reason is that I need to compare these columns with columns in another table of the same schema (using conditional split), and null values would cause the comparison to evaluate to NULL....

Installing Microsoft Enterprise Libraries and DatabaseFactory

I'm attempting to use the DatabaseFactory method from the Microsoft Enterprise Library. using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data; The error I get is: The type or namespace 'Practices' does not exist in the namespace Microsoft I tried going to Microsoft's site to install the Enterprise Library, worked through the installation ...

Are there any Discussion Forums on Microsoft's Health Care Initiatives?

Hello everyone, I am new to Microsoft health care system, like Amalga/Health Vault, and I want to know if any developer here working on Amalga/Health Vault could recommend me some specific forum/mail list/web site for developer community of Amalga/Health Vault, which could exchange more points for Amalga/Health Vault? thanks in advance...

When to use "LINQ to SQL",entity framework, or NHibernate?

With .NET, which data access method is better to use "LINQ to SQL",entity framework, or NHibernate? Should a different method be used depending on the situation or is it more of a personal preference? If so which method and when? ...

What is the best way to model a ragged hierarchy in SSAS for both ROLAP and MOLAP?

I'm currently trying to model a ragged hierarchy in SSAS and I'm stuck. First, I was trying to model it like so: ItemKey,Level0Key,Level1Key,Level2Key Item1,Lvl0-1,Lvl1-1,Lvl2-1 Item2,Lvl0-1,Lvl1-1,Lvl2-1 Item3,Lvl0-1,Lvl1-1,Lvl2-2 **Item4,Lvl0-1, , ** Where the last line in this example had blanks for the "missing" levels. Here, RO...

Why Did Microsoft Create its Own SQL Extension (T-SQL)?

What are the reasons behind Microsoft implementing its own SQL extension as Transact SQL (T-SQL)? What are its advantages over the normal SQL? ...

Call Microsoft EWS from JSF app running on JBoss

Hello, I'm running JBoss 4.2.3, Java 1.5, and Ubuntu. Before you tell me to post on the JBossWS forum, I already have and there is not a lot of activity over there. I am trying to call a Microsoft Exchange web service end point from a JSF web application. I have written other web service end points and have successfully built clients in...