As an extension to this question here Linking JavaScript Libraries in User Controls I was after some examples of how people are concatenating and minifying JavaScript on the fly OR at build time. I would also like to see how it then works into your master pages.
I don't mind page specific files being minified and linked inidividually as...
How can you compress inline script and style tags?
YSlow says In addition to minifying external scripts and styles, inlined script and style blocks can and should also be minified.
I'm in the initial stages of investigating JSCompress for MSBUILD :
For my initial testing I have a few JS files over which I am running this task, some of the files include already minified JS files (JQuery Library etc..) and some files contain Special characters.
When the task runs everytime it encount...
Do you have a step in your deployment process that minifies JS? Do you have any sort of preprocessor for your JavaScript that allows you to leave in comments and console.logs and then have them automatically stripped out? Is your JavaScript machine generated by GWT or Script#? Do you use ANT or another tool to automate deployment?
I see...
Anyone know of a good technique that minify and combine CSS files from an ASP.NET App_Themes folder before including them in the page?
Online javascript minify tools basically strip out comments and whitespace.
Is there a tool that can reverse this? Taking what is usually a single line of code:
function(){var K=o.timers;for(var J=0;J<K.length;J++){if(!K[J]()){K.splice(J--,1)}}if(!K.length){clearInterval(n);n=g}}
and auto-formatting it so you can begin reverse-engine...
I compress my own JS using YuiCompressor, but is there any reason why MicrosoftAjax.js not minified? Or is there some setting to say run the compressed version of it (if there is a compressed version). Or do I need to decompile it and minify the script resource myself?
I'm trying to use jsmin with nant - and it just uses stdin and stdout for input and output. The nant 'exec' task allows you to redirect the output to a file, but not get the input from a file.
I have tried with a 'commandline' using '>' and '<' to direct the input and output, but nant just goes away and doesn't come back :(
I can't bel...
Why do people suggest minifying web assets, such as CSS and JavaScript, but they never suggest the markup be minified? CSS and JavaScript can be used on many various pages while the markup gets loaded each and every time, making minification of markup far more important.
I'm using MVC ScriptManager to Compress and concatenate all my .js files. It works very well, except that if a *.js has a special character such as "á, à" it turns to "Ã!".
I'm trying to change the source code but with no success so far.
Does anyone have an idea what this could be?
I just found Dean Edwards javascript packer here:
It has a couple of options,
Base62 encode
Shrink variables
To test it I took the latest version of jquery that is already minified to 56kb and ran it on that page above with shrink variables, the result is the same size file, 56kb.
I then ran ...
Hey guys,
Does anyone know of a good way to automatically run certain file types through a processing script on upload? I'm trying to accomplish automatically minifying CSS and Javascript when I upload them to the server, keeping a nice, human-readable version on the local side while keeping a minified one on the server. I'm currently u...
This question is exactly the opposite of
I want to learn how google does it's loading so I can build my own with non-popular JS toolkits.
I realize this is a rather odd request, but I was wondering if anyone was aware of some minification/obfuscation tools that work on C# source code (not a compiled assembly). I am trying to reduce the character count of an already written application to meet a character limit and I can't seem to find any tools that will help me achieve th...
Inspired by this answer.. Can you guys point me to something similar--something that can be integrated into a build-script or perhaps directly into Visual Studio?
I have a web site hosted in a CentOS 5-Plesk-Apache server. I have recently added a second site to the server for serve dynamic content. I have established rewrite rules for images (static content) that works pretty well. The module rewrites the URI in the static server to pointing to the the original file.
The problem is that the first...
Hello, I want to minify my JavaScript files immediately in Gedit. I tried do it via external tools option with jsmin.js script. I have SpiderMonkey engine installed. I stored jsmin.js file at /home/mushex/use/js/jsmin.js and created a new js file named jsmin-low.js in the same directory with content
I'm writing a Rails app and I've partially integrated in this nice little patch to the in line ajax editor:
The problem is, on that page I have tinymce, prototype and scriptaculous included. In Firefox at least there's a big lag when all this stuff is loading. I was hoping to fix it by compressing the fi...
Hi people,
on all the "speed up your website" sites and books they always tell us to minimize HTTP requests at all costs. This is fine and nice but what if that means that on every page you have to reload 120kb again and again and again because the user cache is empty?
If i use 5 js files on every page of my website, wouldnt it be bett...
Is there a version of the Prototype framework that is either packable or already packed at the highest compression level with Dean Edward's packer and is tested to work?
This is a Google-able question but I don't trust Google over mission-critical stuff. I want the information from the pros.