
Important UI Features That Are Often Left Out

I really want to know if I'm missing anything obvious in the software I'm developing. What User Interface features that you consider important are often missing in most software? ...

Function overloading in Python: Missing

As this says: http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2003-May/206149.html Function overloading is absent in Python. As far as I feel this a big handicap since its also an OO language. Initially I found that unable to differentiate between the argument types was difficult but the dynamic nature of Python made it easy (e.g. list, ...

Missing features in jQuery

jQuery is a very popular JavaScript framework nowadays. You can tell that based on number of jQuery tags on this site for example. I haven't used any other JS frameworks and I would like to get your opinion on some of features you can think of that the library is missing. What would you change in the project? What would you add? Are ...

How to generically/dynamically create/drop users

(Related to, but separate from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1502885/syntax-error-with-emulating-create-user-if-not-exists.) Is it possible to achieve the functionality of generically/dynamically adding a user (i.e. emulating the sp_adduser system procedure included with other DBMSs) in MySQL? MySQL doesn't support the following i...

Missing datetime.time.__sub__?

Why I can't subtract two time object? 12:00 - 11:00 = 1:00 from datetime import time time(12,00) - time(11,00) # -> timedelta(hours=1) Actually TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'datetime.time' and 'datetime.time' ...

How to handle a missing feature of SQLite : disable triggers?

How to handle a missing feature of SQLite: disable triggers? I don't have it stored the name of triggers for a specific table. For example how can I drop all triggers? What would you do? ...

Workaround for missing group_concat on MySQL 3.23

I developed a script on MySQL 5.1, not realising the client is stuck with MySQL 3.23. It makes significant use of GROUP_CONCAT() and particularly GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT), to reduce a column of values down to a succinct, comma-separated list. So, are there any workarounds? The best I can think of is doing a separate query to just get the ...

Which features do html form elements miss

I just wondered and wanted to gather together in one place all missing features of our beloved html form elements. One example could be missing of horizontal scrollbar in a listbox. But I am sure there are a lot of features we would like to see in our form elements by default. One missing feature per answer please. Thank you. ...

Python thread pool similar to the multiprocessing Pool?

Is there a Pool class for worker threads, similar to the multiprocessing module's Pool class? I like for example the easy way to parallelize a map function def long_running_func(p): c_func_no_gil(p) p = multiprocessing.Pool(4) xs = p.map(long_running_func, range(100)) however I would like to do it without the overhead of creatin...

How can I get the effect of colored vertices in WPF 3D?

Those in the know know that the D3DRS_COLORVERTEX Render State, present in every version of Direct3D since at least version 5, is not found in WPF 3D. The question is: How can you approximate colored vertex data, with gouraud shading, using WPF 3D? Optimally, I just want to be able to assign an RGBA color to a vertex. And presumably, I'...

How can I make Enterprise Templates available Visual Studio 2010?

How can I get Enterprise Templates option enabled in Visual Studio 2010? Is there something I need to setup? I have Ultimate Edition 2010 installed. I read this and it tells me that I should see Under Other Projects / Enterprise Template Projects / when I try to create a new project. I am unable to see this in my installation. What cou...

Where is "navigate to" in Visual Studio 2010 Express C#

Is "Navigate to" one of the "missing" features from Visual Studio Express 2010? ...