
Can someone break down how localization file ( .mo, .po ) generation works?

I'm trying to grok gettext. Here's how I think it works - First you use some sort of po editor and tell it to scan a directory for your application, create these ".po" files, the application makes a po file for each file scanned which contains a string in a programming language, then compile them to binary mo files, to which gettext pa...

Has anyone had issues with parsing CVS-committed gettext .mo files?

I have this issue where my mo parser code fails if I check out a .mo file from CVS ( CVS server is running on an old, old CENTOS box ) - I think CVS somehow corrupts it. If I use poedit and open the corresponding po file, and resave the mo over itself all is well. ...

how to handle gitting of binaries, e.g. .mo files

Is there a simple way to handle binary files in git operations? I think my ideal in this case - 'merging' of .mo files (binary .po messages) - would be to give precedence to the newer file, copying it over the top of the older one. So can I configure git to do this or is it always going to be a manual exercise? ...

What's the easiest way of making links to select a language which takes multilingual text from gettext, po, mo files (Wordpress)?

I've been playing with po and mo files and they are working fine so far. But I want to make links for the user to select the languages. What's the easiest and most efficient way of doing this? Or is there any other way of doing this besides using gettext? (it will be OK too) (I swear I've looked for that for days on Google and never f...