
Is there a list of mobile browsers which I must support and test for?

Is there a list of mobile browsers which I must support and test for? There are so many mobile devices and browser, it may not be possible to test for all and support all. Yahoo made a list for Desktop browsers Does anyone knows any suggested browsers list like this for Mobile browsers. ...

iPhone, Mobile Safari, YouTube ... stay on page.

Is it possible to have a YouTube video played on a web page in Safari on the iPhone, and have the 'done' button and 'video finished' event send the user back to the mobile web page they came from? Currently, it seems like i'm only able to direct them to to view the video ... but they then remain in and are presen...

Javascript AJAX failing when put in to a function

I've written the following code to get JSON data with a POST request. $.post("", "data[Song][keyword]=Stereophonics", function(data){ /*$("#results").append(data);*/ alert("test"); var songdata = JSON.parse(data); //$("#results").empty(); ...

Get current position of the viewport in Mobile (iPhone) Safari

I'm trying to position a div in the center of the iphone viewport. Basically so that when you hit an image, it pops up in the middle of the screen regardless of where you had scrolled to on the page before you clicked. It's not as simple as just making it position: fixed; as that will cause the origin to be the top of the page, not the ...

Facebook Mobile Authorization

I am trying to make a Facebook Connect web app more "mobile friendly". I am currently able to allow iPhone users to log into the site using the normal Facebook Connect PHP libraries. Here is the issue: Using my iPhone I am able to log in successfully. However this leaves 2 Mobile Safari tabs open: the site and the cross domain helper fi...

Dashcode code translation

Hi, a quick, probably easy question whose answer is probably "best practice" I'm following a tutorial for a custom-template mobile Safari webapp, and to change views around this code is used: function btnSave_ClickHandler(event) { var views = document.getElementById('stackLayout'); var front = document.getElementById('mainScree...

Mobile website for iPhone regardless of orientation

Hi, I'm looking at this site (on my iPhone) That site is always at 100% width even when you're horizontal or vertical aligned. (obviously don't pinch enlarge it) I copy the exact code and put it on my server, it doesn't behave the same.

Mobile web - best way to youtube video

Hi, what is the best way to open a video on mobile device? When I do <a href="rtsp://">video</a> that works fine on my HTC Touch but on iPhone it complained that link is not valid. Please enlight. Thank you, Tee ...

Mobile Safari scrollTo w/ textarea bug

Hi all, Have stumbled upon what seems to be a bug with how mobile safari renders the cursor when a window.scrollTo() is executed while a user is entering text into a textarea. Have attached source code which illustrates the issue. I'm wondering if anyone has any advice on how I might work around this. The issue: If a user is enterin...

[iPhone] Mobile Safari "hover" (x positon of finger matches x position of image)

I'm working on a web app where I don't really have web hooks for hovers (think touch device). I can get x coords of exactly where the mouse is at all times. I need to check to see if the x coords of the mouse is over top of an image, and then grab that image I'm over top of. What I'm doing I'm using jQuery right now, and what I do i...

how to hide URL bar in ipod touch

hi, i need to hide the URL bar in ipod touch when the web applcation loaded, i tried all the possible solutions found online including the one found here: and setting min-height in CSS, but it only works in landscape, and in profile mode, it only hide...

Iphone darkens div on click

When you have a div with a click handler attached, the iphone darkens the div as a click indicator, when the div is clicked. Example: view on mobile safari My question is, how do I turn this behavior off? This is probably useful for most iphone users, but in some types of rich media applications, this is bad. ...

iphone browser moving itself

Hello guys. I am making iphone application with Xcode. I create a webView to load a web page. I load the following link: If I open that link by browser on computer, we can draw by mouse. But on iPhone, the browser itself screen is moving. So I can not draw on it. Please tell me ...

Set textbox focus in mobile safari

Hey, I was wondering how to set the focus to a text box in Mobile Safari. I've tried document.myForm.myTextArea.focus() which works in regular Safari, but it does not seem to work in Mobile Safari. To clarify, I want to set focus to a text box as soon as the user loads a page, and have the iPhone keyboard pop up. ...

Javascript won't execute in iPhone Safari

I'm running into this issue only because I recently purchased an iPhone. The javascript for a picture carousel on my website ( won't execute in Safari for iPhone. I thought it worked on Mac Safari last I checked with a friend who had a Mac (a year ago), but now I need to go back and check that too ...

How to require fullscreen mode in a jQTouch application?

I'm using jQTouch to develop a version of a website optimized for safari on the iphone. The jQTouch demo helpfully shows how to show an "install this" message for users not using full screen mode and hide it for those who are. When in fullscreen mode, the body should have the class "fullscreen." So you can hide the "install this" mess...

javascript date works in all browsers except iPhone/iPod Touch.

I've got some code to work with dates in javascript. This works in IE, FF, Safari (desktop versions win & mac), Chrome, Opera. In iPhone safari (mobile safari), i get a 'invalid date' response. The code for managing dates is function fixDateFormat(dateText){ var isoExp = /^\s*(\d{4})-(\d\d)-(\d\d)\s*$/, newDate = new...

How to fix slow scrolling when using webkit-transform and relative positioning on the iphone

I have implemented scrolling of a div by using relative positioning and webkit animation for the iphone, it works beautifully on desktop safari but is choppy on the actual iphone (fine on the simulator). The scrolling works by having a div nested and clipped (overflow:hidden) by its parent. I then set the top position and animate it wit...

Adding a header view to a UIWebView similar to Safari and Articles

I'd like to add a header view to an UIWebView similar to the address/search bar in MobileSafari and the excellent by Sophia Teutschler. More precisely, I'd like to create a "pull to fix orientation" view above a UIWebView, just like in Articles. Articles does use a UIWebView, so it seems to be possible. Is there a way to acc...

why does my google map get glitchy in mobile safari?

I'm building an iphone web app, I have a google map embedded it has multiple points on the map, if I scroll around on the map it will sometimes move everything on the screen and get very glitchy. Is there some kind of code I need to prevent this? i've seen google maps that dont do this in mobile safari, for example http://search.missouri...