
safari on iphone stops repositioning widgets

I'm working on a javascript game (written in GWT). The game works fine on any desktop browser I've tried, but when I run it on the iPhone/iPod Touch, the screen stops showing widgets moving at random times during the game. Once it stops showing movements, I can see that the game is still running, because certain actions that cause obje...

stop background of iphone webapp from responding to swipes

I'm making a mobile version of my website, and trying to make it feel as native as possible on the iphone. However, any background areas of the page respond to swiping gestures such that you can shift the page partway off the screen. Specifically, if the user touches and swipes left, for example, the content shifts off the edge of the sc...

Can iphone send gps coordinates to a website painlessly?

Is there an easy way to design a website to facilitate an iphone user providing gps coordinates to the site? I am wondering if there might be a naming convention for form fields for example, to let the user input in an automated way. I am considering building a location based website and would like to tailor it for iphone (and other m...

Tutorials for iPhone Web Dev

Hello everyone! I was wondering if any one knows of some good tutorials for iPhone web development. Specifically, for optimizing a website for viewing in MobileSafari ...

safari mobile nested divs don't respect width?

I'm trying to divide content inside of a table cell into two halfs and center content in each of those 2 halfs. In all other browsers (IE,Firefox,Safari) this appears to work: <td style="width:100%;"> <div style=""width:100%; height:24px;"> <div style="height:24px; float:left; width:50%; background-color:blue;"></div> <div style=" ...

Javascript for "Add to Home Screen" on iPhone?

Is it possible to use Javascript to emulate the Add to Home Screen option in Mobile Safari's bookmark menu? Something similar to IE's window.external.AddFavorite(location.href, document.title); possibly? ...

What is the PastryKit Framework?

I'm trying to find any information I can on the PastryKit Javascript Framework. It appears to be in use on the iPhone User Guide that is displayed on the iPhone itself in Mobile Safari, but I cannot find any documentation or API. If you want to see it in action, open Safari 4, set your user agent to iPhone 3 (In the Develop menu) and che...

Can autocapitalize be turned off with javascript in mobile safari?

Mobile safari supports an attribute on input elements called autocapitalize [documented here], which when set to 'off' will stop the iPhone capitalizing the text input into that field, which is useful for url or email fields. <input type="text" class="email" autocapitalize="off" /> But this attribute is not valid in html 5 (or another...

automatic zoom on iphone safari

Is there a way for Mobile Safari to recognize a site meant for mobile phones and automatically zoom in? How does that work on other phones and browsers? I'd like to avoid looking at user_agent and sending a different page for each mobile browser. ...

Rich Text Editor on Mobile Safari

I'm trying to build a Web page that has a rich text editor. Is it possible to use a rich text editor (such as FCKEditor) in Mobile Safari on the iPod Touch (or iPhone)? All of the demos I tried worked perfectly but weren't editable (The keyboard doesn't appear) EDIT: Does Mobile Safari support editable IFRAMES (or any equivalent) at a...

Scrollable UINavigationBar similar to Mobile Safari

My application uses a UINavigationController and the final view (detail view) lets you view an external website within the application using a UIWebView. I'd like to free up some additional screen real estate when the user is viewing a webpage and wanted to emulate how Safari on iPhone works where their URL bar at the top scrolls up and...

Why is the homepage on displaying oddly on mobile Safari?

On my website at, the site as a whole displays well in mobile Safari, and the homepage displays well on (desktop) Firefox, Opera, Safari, and IE, but the homepage specifically does not look at all good on mobile Safari:itdisplaysonewordperline,stretchingoutthetextvertically. I've tried several things to see i...

source code of contacts - application of iPhone

I have seen the Contacts in iPhone Simulator. I want to create an application similar like that. Does apple provide open source of that " Contacts " application. Similarly, Does apple provide source code of " Safari ", So we can create our own browser. ...

Display image blobs directly in UIWebView?

I have a bunch of images stored in my database as blobs that I need to include in a UIWebView. I'd like to do this directly -- without first saving them as temp files. Is there a way to display images in UIWebView with raw data instead of a URL? ...

Alpha transparent PNGs not displaying correctly in Mobile Safari

I'm using some semi-transparent PNGs as background-images on various websites. These are usually something like a 1x1 image with a 30-percent opaque white layer. I've noticed that Mobile Safari does not display them correctly, giving them a darker/grayish tint. I've created a couple test pages to illustrate. View them both in your norm...

iPhone Web Application JavaScript events break after waking up from sleep.

I'm trying to build a mobile-safari/iphone web-app using jQuery code I already wrote for the desktop version of the app. The problem I'm having is that when my phone goes to sleep with the web-app running, when I wake it up (slide to unluck) the JavaScript event handlers no longer function. In this case meaning when I click on a link t...

Closing an opened window on mobile safari with javascript?

In app mode, if I open a new window using javascript, the newly-opened window cannot close itself (on an on-click event) using the standard window.close() or self.close(). Does anyone know if there's an alternate method? What I find most beguiling about this is that it goes against Apple's very own design guidelines: essentially a site...

Drag and Drop in MobileSafari?

Is it possible to allow users to drag and drop items in mobile safari? Google images on the iPhone does something similar, but I'm not sure if it is true drag and drop or some other work around. Anyone have any insights? ...

Is it possible to change the keyboard type when using the prompt() Javascript function when using Mobile Safari on the iPhone?

Mobile Safari on the iPhone allows you to specify different keyboard types for text input boxes as demonstrated in the Safari How-To's for iPhone, here. However, I'm wondering if it's possible to change keyboard type displayed when a Javascript prompt() dialog is displayed. I know I can roll my own modal pop-up if I have to, but I'd ...

how can I fix the jumpiness problem on a moving <LI> stream jQTouch mobile web app (iPhone JavaScript)

I've got a mobile Web app built with jQTouch mobile web app framework, but when I try to add dynamic <LI> elements the theme starts jumping around like crazy. Includes a short JavaScript sample program that replicates the issue. I posted this issue on the jqtouch Google Code ticket system Issue 134: slidedown prepends LI but causes th...