
how to submit html form in jquery ui modal dialog itself

I am using jquery ui dailog box to display a form.When i click on submit, I want the form to perform action in the same div which is used to display the dailog box. But after form submission the response just displays the returned page on the parent window and not within the dialog. ...

How to display a modal message box in C++ on Mac?

CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert and CFUserNotificationDisplayNotice creates a non-modal window and this is bad because it could bring your application UI in a very undesired state if you select the original application window (the message box is hidden but the applicaton does not respond). The old SystemAlert was modal but this one doesn...

Where can I find the "First Time here?" JavaScript component of the StackOverflow website?

I need to implement for my Grails web site something similar to the orange and closable dialog that appears on the top of the StackOverflow website whenever SO detects that it is your first visit. (for a demo, just start your browser in Private/Incognito mode and go to I am interested mainly in the front-end com...

modal-dialog or div overlay over frameset?

I have a html page with several frames in it (also nested framesets). I want to show an overlay over all these frames to show a modal box / light box. Is that possible? I know, i know, framesets are not good to use, but I want to give it a try! a modal dialog example ...

jQuery Validation hiding or tearing down jquery Modal Dialog on submit

Basically when clicking the modal created submit button, and calling jQuery('#FormName').submit(), it will run the validation and then call the method assigned in the submitHandler. After that it is either creating a new modal div or hiding the form, and I don't get why. I have debugged it and noticed that after the method call in th...

Any jquery modal box like this?

Hello. i want a jQuery modal box which is like the following shape, and also, it should opens near to the clicked button wherever it is. Thank you so much. ...

problems with modal window/background

Hi, I'm trying to make modal window for my website, I have a problem with overlay or modal div I'm not sure what is the problem. The thing is everything except modal window shouldn't be clickable, but for some reason my navigation <ul><li> tags are visible and clickable. Here is css of my modal window : { display:block; ...

Why is a UITabBar considered Modal?

Reading the Apple documentation on the UITabBar states, The most common use of a tab bar is to implement a modal interface where tapping an item changes the selection. With my definition of Modal being: A modal view is one that has to be dismissed before you can do anything else. But that's not always the use case. I...

How to close a jquery modal dialog and refresh parent page

Hi, i'm not able to close a jquery dialog. Below are my code. I have a parent page called academic.asp which will open a modal dialog by jquery plug in. function openPopupDialog(location, windowTitle, heightValue, widthValue) { var $dialog = $('#dialogWin').load('submission.asp') .dialog({ autoOpen: false, ...

Custom Modal Window with Block Completion Handler

Hey Guys! I'm stuck! I am trying to create a custom modal dialog. I would like it to perform similarly to the NSSavePanel using a block as a completion handler. I've copied only the important snippets I think are needed. @implementation ModalWindowController - (void)makeKeyAndOrderFront:(id)sender modalToWindow...

Rich text editor in JQuery dialog box

I'm trying to get a rich text editor in a jquery dialog box. I'm currenty trying tiny mce. When I don't initialize tiny mce the text area displays the text with the HTML characters. When I do initialize tiny mce nothing is displayed in the text area. Any ideas on how to get a text editor in the dialog box? <textarea id="reason" rows="...

How do jQuery modal box plugins compare?

There is a huge number of jQuery modal box plugins out there. Jitter lists 20 of them in this response ( Which one do you use and why? If you use different ones in different cases, how can they be broken down categorically by use-case? ...

jQuery UI dialog - how to make it not closable?

Hi, I'm trying to use the jQuery dialog as a loading screen for ajax. I have it working very well so far but I'd like the loading screen to be not closable. However it seems the UI dialog doesn't have "closable" as an option? How do you make it non-closable? I tried setting closeText to blank but that didn't do anything. The little 'X' ...

Parent page spawn modal window, button on modal windw cause trigger postback on parent?

Hello, I have a webform. There's a few fields on the form that the user will fill out. There is a hyperlink that opens a modal window (I'm using jquery & prettyphoto, but may switch to because his documentation is better) The modal window contains an iFrame where the user makes a ...

Scrollbars in a modal panel

I'm working on a web application where we have a modal panel/dialog popup to collect user data. The form within the panel has grown large and we've suggested splitting the form across multiple tabs, but our client has suggested adding scrollbars within the modal panel. Are there usability issues with scrollbars within a modal panel? I ...

jQuery dialog scripts for input val

Hi, I have a bit of a problem with a jQuery dialog and the way scripts are handled. In the dialog html, I have <input id="test"> If I do <script type="text/javascript> $('#test').val("haha") </script> after the input, it shows up. If I put it before, it doesn't work. Now the problem is I'm trying to change the value of $('#te...

Whar are equivalent cross-browser solutions for window.showModalDialog?

Whar are equivalent cross-browser solutions for window.showModalDialog? showModalDialog introduced in IE and FF 3. ...

JQuery UI Dialog Issue: Close removes the div

I want to show a popup screen on my page using JQuery UI Dialog widget. To implement this I have a <div class="popup-placeholder"> on my page. Actually there are more than one on the page (If this makes a difference to the solution) On click of a button, I am initializing the dialog and 'open'ing it. The initialization of the popup is ...

Problem with google maps on IE + pop up layer

Hi, I'm using a jQuery plug-in "Boxy" ( to open a pop-up layer and show a map on it. It works perfectly on all browsers except IE (7 & 8). Some elements like shadow of the marker & infoWindow are transparent, so that you can see background of the page. Here's the test page: http://ko...

Jquery Dialog - div disappears after initialization

JQuery Dialog is giving me lots of pain lately. I have the following div which I want to be popped up. (Ignore that the classes do not show the double quotes in the syntax) TABLE class=widget-title-table border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD class=widget-title><SPAN class=widget-title>Basic Info</SPAN></TD> <TD ...