
Best practices for login form modal window

Hello, I want my web site to open login form in a modal div window (like thickbox works). So I see 2 questions here: Client validation - should I send from javascript plain login & password in POST request to the server? Is it safe to do so? Using of IFrame. Login link will be on every page in top right corner, so I'm just thinking ab...

Child form causes Parent Form Vertical Scroll

I have a loading dialog that I show with a static method. The loading dialog class is as follows: using System.Threading; using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace Pf.PfGui2010.Gui.Base { public class PFLoadingDialog : DevExpress.Utils.WaitDialogForm { private static PFLoadingDialog form; private static Threa...

C++ My form should stay on top of every kind of windows

Hi, I have a main form. This main form generate another form. This new form should be fill before having access to other window. I used Myform.ShowDialog() to make this form modal. I would like that my form will be on top of every type of other windows even if these windows are not part of my application (for example: Internet explore...

Run a modal dialog on a non-UI thread

I'm writing a simple data UI using standard .Net databinding to a typed DataSet from SQL Server. I have a reload button which calls Fill on all of the DataAdapters to get new data from the database (in case another user changed the data). This takes some time, during which the UI is frozen. It must be run on the UI thread or the datab...

Jquery multiple modal dialogs by classname?

How can I create multiple modal dialogs by classname (basically the same dialogs but have a different code black attached). One I launch a modal dialog I cannot reference the dialog anymore because jQuery will move it to the bottom of the document so something like.. $(this).find('.dialog').dialog('open'); Would not work anymore. ...

jQuery val(val) is not working in modal dialog (jQuery ui)

I have a modal dialog which opens on click of Edit button of my webpage. I am passing the values to the onclick handler (which calls $("#editdialog").dialog('open');). Beside opening the dialog I need to populate form inputs within the dialog with values passed to the onclick event handler. I am doing this: $("#editfrm > input[id='FirstN...

Jquery UI Dialog Post to ASP.Net MVC Controller Action

I have an MVC view that contains a JQuery UI dialog that can be opened and populated with data. <div id="dialog"> .... Table of phone numbers </div> <div id="personData"> ... Person model data </div> I am attempting to pass the data from the JQuery UI dialog along with the rest of the MVC View data to a controller action. public A...

File uploads not working within jQuery UI Dialog

So I have a rather odd issue that I wanted to see if anyone has some insight into. I have a page in which I display a grid of files that have been uploaded to our server. The toolbar for the grid provides them with the ability to upload more files. When they click the "Add File" button on the toolbar, a jQuery UI Dialog modal window ap...

C# CancelButton closes dialog?

(VS2005, .Net 2.0) I have a form that is displayed as a dialog using the ShowDialog() method. The form's CancelButton property is set to a button on the form. Even if I set that button's DialogResult to None, clicking the button still closes the dialog. I don't want this to happen - I want to be able to control whether the dialog closes...

JQuery Close Event remove class from table row

Hi all, I currently have a table with rows that contain a clickable link. When a user clicks a link from any table row JQUery's UI Modal DIalog popups up and i add a class to the clicked links parent tr called 'highlight'. What i'd like to be able to do is remove this class from the row when the JQuerys UI Dialog is closed. Does any one...

Running jQuery command from modal window to affect main page

Hi all, I'm currently trying to write a jQuery script which opens a modal box then (upon user entry) changes a value on the original page. Currently I've got the script working on just the page itself (without the modal), but when I try to run the command from the modal the value on the main page doesn't change? Does anyone know how I...

jQuery modal Dialog over iFrame

I am using jQuery UI dialog for modal popups. I have some iframes in my page as well. The iFrame (z-Index = 1500) sits on top of the parent page (z-index =1000). I open the modal dialog from the parent page. I am trying to set the z-index using $('modal').dialog('option','zIndex',3000); but this is not working. I also tried stack:true ...

C# Windows Forms: Topmost dialog not focused

My app displays a login box on start up, I've been able to make it top most, however it is not set focused until I click on it. How do you make it so it's automatically focused? ...

Why do buttons need to be pressed twice to work in this modal dialog?

I have this C# code: public partial class Continue : Form { public Continue(string colourName) { InitializeComponent(); lblMessage.Text = String.Format("Do you wish to change the colour to {0}", colourName); } private void btnConfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { btnConfirm.DialogResult...

How to give ajax call in modal dailog box.

I am using modal dialog box from jQuery UI. I want to make a ajax call to display the content in my dialog box. $(function(){ $('#myLink').live("click", function(){ $('#lbContent').dialog('open'); var url= $(this).attr("href"); $('div#lbContent').empty(); $('div#lbContent').load(url); return f...

How to hide a modal dialogbox in MFC application?

hey guys..I have a hard time hiding the modal dialog tell u exactly..what i am doing is..I am trying a design a UI for my own application in MFC..its kinda setup assistant.. In the 1st dialog box i have NEXT button so when I click that it has to hide the 1st dialog box and move to the 2nd dialog box..where i have some controls i...

How can I make a jQuery UI Dialog Modal during the show-effect?

I have a jQuery UI Dialog, it is Modal and shows with a Bounce effect. I use a Theme where the background is dimmed with a striped image. The first time the Dialog is opened, the striped background also covers the dialog during the bounce effect. Once the bounce effect has finished, the dialog becomes modal and appears in front of the st...

Simple ASP.NET MVC CRUD views opening/closing in JavaScript UI dialog

I have various simple ASP.NET MVC views for CRUD operations which work fine on their own as a simple webpage. I will now integrate them into the website itself (into the content) and have for instance links like "Create new post" which would fire up the view in a chosen Lightbox clone (don't know yet which one, maybe Colorbox or Thickbox...

Reopen modal dialog in MFC

I need to open a dialog box instantiated from the same class twice. When I try this CdelmeDlg dlg; dlg.DoModal(); dlg.DoModal(); The second call opens the dialog only for a split second, then it is closed. My bet was there is a leftover message in the message queue, so I added this in between the calls MSG msgCur; while (::PeekMessag...

JQuery implementation of Facebook's Modal Box

Hi all, I was wondering if anyone knew of a jquery implementation of the following moo-tools modal box -> click here I've seen facebox, but it uses the old facebook modal dialog layout and not the newer one. If there aren't any available then an example of how to theme jquery's ui modal dialog to look like that would be really helpful....