
TaskDialog always on top in Visual C++

Is there a way to make a TaskDialog always on top (ie, system modal)? I've checked the TaskDialogConfig structure (, but I'm not having any luck. Anyone know how to do it or if it's possible? ...

JQuery UI modal dialog uses 100% CPU

When I have a modal JQuery dialog open in IE8, my CPU usage goes to 100% (no, actually 50, but that's 100% of one core). If I break developer tools, it seems that it's a lot of resize events firing (I don't do any volontary resizing). Has someone else encountered this issue and knows how to fix it? ...

QT 4.5 - having problems to get a modal dialog to be modal. What are some pitfalls to be careful about?

So I have a modal dialog: class GraphChooser : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT public: GraphChooser(QWidget * parent = 0); virtual ~GraphChooser(); void addGraphItem(QString factoryKey, QString graphDescription); public slots: void graphConfirmed(void); void showDialog(void) { exec(); }; private: QMap<QString, QStr...

Send a dynamic id to a Simple Modal confirm dialog confirmation

I see how the Simple Modal example is working, but I don't see a way to send an id to it. I have a recordset on my page with many rows that have a delete button for each. I need to send the id for each one to the modal function to attach the id to the url when redirected. Here is the example site. It's the Confirm Override one. thanks ...

How do I dismiss a modal window created during a Visual Studio 2008 macro?

I am trying to create a macro in Visual Studio 2008 to attach to my local webdev server for an mvc project. Here's the current macro code: Imports System Imports EnvDTE Imports EnvDTE80 Imports EnvDTE90 Imports System.Diagnostics Imports System.IO Public Module Macros ' This subroutine attaches to the first Development Web...

Android : background transparency behind my dialog ?

Here the code... mProgressDialog = new ProgressDialog(this); mProgressDialog.setIcon(R.drawable.ic_dialog_time); mProgressDialog.setMessage("Chargement du flux TV..."); mProgressDialog.setProgressStyle(ProgressDialog.STYLE_HORIZONTAL); mProgressDialog.setMax(MAX_PROGRESS); mProgressDialog.setButton(getText(R.string.alert_dialog_cancel),...

Rails Modal Form Validation

I am using Lightbox Gone Wild to display a modal dialog with a form inside. I am using a vanilla New view. This works like a champ up until a user doesn't input valid form data. Invalid data causes the controller to direct the user to the New view directly with the error message. Obviously, I would prefer the error be returned to the mod...

Built-in password authentication dialog in Cocoa?

Is there a built in username/password dialog box in Cocoa? I don't want to reinvent this if there's a standard way of doing it, but after googling, I came up with nothing. I often see that lock image with the application image superimposed on it, so I thought there might be something. ...

Is there any Prototype Javascript function similar to Jquery Live to trace dynamic dom elements?

Hi Event.observe(window,"load",function() { $$(".elem_classs").findAll(function(node){ return node.getAttribute('title'); }).each(function(node){ new Tooltip(node,node.title); node.removeAttribute("title"); }); }); Using above method, I can retrieve all elements having ".elem_class" and apply some javascript functio...

Get Jquery UI Calendar to Show on Top of Modal Popup.

Hi have a JQuery modal popup that I load HTML into. I have the following code in my scrpt file: //date code - move to reusable. $('.dateDavy').datepicker({ showOn: 'button', buttonImage: '/Content/images/Control_MonthCalendar.bmp', buttonText: 'Enter Date', buttonImageOnly: true, dateFormat...

Better strategy for waiting for a modal window to finish?

I've got a custom ModalDialog class, which I've got working well in most situations. It returns its results via a delegate method, which then continues the app appropriately based on the user's button selection. However, there are some places in my app where the dialog really needs to pop up in the middle of a method (for example, my ga...

Send values from one form to another form in c# winforms application

I want to pass values between two Forms (c#). How can I do it? I have two forms: Form1 and Form2. Form1 contains one button. When I click on that button, Form2 should open and Form1 should be in inactive mode (i.e not selectable). Form2 contains one text box and one submit button. When I type any message in Form2's text box and click...

Windows forms: ShowDialog - dialog doesn't show up

I am running an external process from an outlook plugin - and it doesn't show the dialog. I am using ShowDialog without parameters. Any ideas how to show the dialog ? The process doesn't have any form - i just want to show a dialog with some selections. If I call "MessageBox.Show" before, the dialog is shown - otherwise not. I guess ...

csharp winform modal window, able to click on main window

language c#, winform how do i create a modal window or such a thing that when it still showing i would still be able to click or interact with the main window.. thanks. put some code please or links.. ...

Closing a jquery modal dialog from a remote page

Hi all, I'm using the jQuery-UI dialog widget in a Grails-based application to load a remote page (in this case, a simple file upload form). The remote page is defined elsewhere in my project, and doesn't know it is being loaded in a dialog. Is there any way to close the dialog via a link in the remote page? Would I have to somehow p...

How do screen readers handle modal windows?

Does anyone know how the various screen readers interact with a modal window, ie: Thickbox? Do the contents of the modal gain the reader's focus after they click on it? ...

Help: Change WPF application manifest?

Hello all! I posted a comment to Microsoft that the Dialog Boxes in WPF are not VisualStyle enabled. Joe Castro posted a workaround there which I don't really understand how to achieve, can anyone help? Here is he's response: For app compat reasons applications don't by default use v6 of the system common controls (available since XP...

Modal popup using Javascript and Css

I am using AJAX modal popup in my project, but there is problem with it. Now I decided to acheive similar behaviour using javascript I am able to show popup using document.getElementById('dv').style.display = "block"; Now I just need, how can I make background disable like in modal popup? ...

Modal Dailog box with on/off and min/max button in Jquery

Hi, I need modal dailog box in which i can open forms and other html pages . It should have on/off and min/max button. Could anybody suggest me any link for the same. I am not getting this type of widget anywhere. ...

jQuery UI dialog: a huge DIV on the background in IE 8

I'm trying to use jQuery UI's modal dialog and testing my stuff in IE8. Every time dialog pops up, a huge DIV is being created on the background and IE keeps changing vertical scroll bar's thumb size and if there was a huge page downloading in the background. In compatibility mode IE changes vertical scroll bar's thumb once, everything w...