
Modal label elements wrapping to newline in webkit browsers

I'm currently having a problem with CSS styles in Webkit browswers (Chrome & safari 4.0.4) in which I have a modal window that has a list of labels, radio buttons and some more text describing the what each radio button does. The modal displays correctly in FF 3.5.7 Here's the html for inside the modal, <div id="rta_top"> ...

MVP for an ASP.NET page with a modal dialog

I have to create an ASP.NET page that lists various types of customers in a grid. When a user selects to edit an item, a modal dialog should be displayed that allows the user to update the customer's properties. The dialog will display different fields and perform different validation depending on the type of customer being edited (i.e....

JQUERY UI Modal Tutorial

Can anyone provide a clean example of how to use JQUERY's UI Modal dialog. Surprisingly it's not as simple as you would think. Goal: clicking an element loads a modal The modal appears showing "Loading..." And then makes an ajax call to get the contents of the modal The modal can be closed by clicking a close btn or by pressing escap...

Scriptaculous Slider handle doesn't move when slider is above a multimap.

I have a Scriptaculous Slider showing in a modal-dialog window above a Multimap. The problem that I'm having is that on this page the slider handle doesn't move if you try to drag it. If I click on the slider track, the handle correctly jumps to that point and you can then use the handle to drag correctly. Clicking on the handle success...

Cocoa: Processing thread results, and queuing multiple sheets.

Hello, I have a multithreaded application that has many concurrent operations going on at once. When each thread is finished it calls one of two methods on the main thread performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(operationDidFinish:) // and performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(operationDidFail:withMessage:) When an operation fails, I l...

php image create and jquery dialog

Hey All I want to be able to show an image made on the fly with php in jQuery Dialog window. When I try this all I get is the binary data for the image. But creating the image on a normal php page is not a problem. I have a simple php script to create the image public function image() { header('Content-type: image/png'); //...

Simulate a another button postback inside a jQuery dialog.

Hello. I have the following ASPX page: <html xmlns="" > <head runat="server"> <title></title> <script src="js/jquery-1.2.6.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="js/jquery-ui-1.6.custom.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(...

jQuery UI's Dialog doesn't work on ASP.NET

Hello. I have the following test ASPX page: <head runat="server"> <title></title> <script src="js/jquery-1.2.6.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="js/jquery-ui-1.6.custom.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { var dlg = $("#dialog")....

iPhone: -[UIView presentModalViewController:animated] Argument Error

Hey When I run my application it shows one warning message: warning:passing argument 1 of 'presentModalViewController:animated' from distinct objective - c type How do I resolve this warning? I've used presentModalViewController:animated many times previously in my application. Please help me. Thanks in advance ...

JQuery UI Modal only works first time

I am using JQuery UI to show a modal, after I do a lookup on an input field value. This has to fire every time the value changes in the input field. My problem is, that the modal only displays the first time the code is called - not subsequent times. I know the code runs, because I tried putting alerts in there - that displayed just as ...

iPhone Developer's Cookbook: ModalAlert Frozen

I've used a recipe from the iPhone Developer's Cookbook called ModalAlert in order to get some text from a user; however, when the alert is shown, the keyboard and buttons are frozen. Here is the code for the modal alert. +(NSString *) textQueryWith: (NSString *)question prompt: (NSString *)prompt button1: (NSString *)button1 button2:(N...

jQuery modal plus drag and drop

I am using jQuery to build a magentic refrigerator game where you create sentences from the word bank. I have a list of 90+ words. I would like for the user to be able to open the word bank in a draggable modal and then drag each word from the modal to the main content div. The issue I am having is that I can only keep the words insid...

Modal dialogs opened by a fullscreen OpenGL window on Windows 7 are not showing.

Hi, It seems that my problem may be the same as an unanswered related question (OpenGL with GLUT on windows 7, fullscreen mode not showing the message box). Since I switched to Win7 as a development environment, and a possible target platform for my applications, I noticed a regression in their behaviour. Whenever I have a fullscreen ...

MFC (C++) CDialog DoModal() not working as expected

Hi, I have a plugin that is loaded by this application.. This plugin calls some dialog boxes with DoModal(). I'm expecting these dialog boxes to function like this: If I click on the application window behind the dialog box, the dialog box flashes and does not allow the application to be in focus. However, in one of the other dialog b...

How Do I Make A Small jQuery Confirm Replacement?

I have a table row with a Delete link on it for deleting that row. I want to create a jQuery feature that pops up above that Delete link an "Are you sure?" yes/no confirm dialog, but in a very small size. How do I achieve this in the least lines of code in jQuery? I mean, I need to determine the x,y of the Delete link that was detecte...

From where can i get Light Window 2.0 or similar?

Hi, After seeing tons of web site using modal window with a nice expansion animation i wanted to use it also. I googled it and found that many people recommend to use Light Window 2.0 For example but all sites linked to are broken and i can't get Light window 2.0 Is an...

How to keep mainframe behind dialog when switching top-level windows?

Following situation: I have a JFrame and call JOptionPane.showInputDialog("test"). The modal dialog will be shown. When I then switch to another open window in Windows (let's say Firefox) and then return to my Java application (by clicking the tab in the windows task bar or with ALT+TAB) then only the dialog will be shown. Is it pos...

Displaying text on dialog box

How to display text on dialog-box? for example - I want to display a countdown timer, should I go with static text control? ...

Mulitple ui-widget-overlay with multiple dialog boxes

I've got this - $(function(){ var dialogOpts = { autoOpen: true, height: 400, width: 600, position: ["center", "center"], modal: true, closeOnEscape: true, }; $("#contact").dialog(dialogOpts); $("#why").dialog(dialogOpts);...

How to remove the upper right close button

I need to kill the close 'x' button at the top of a jQuery UI modal dialog box. I have a modal that opens with an OK button that redirects to the site. The site behind the modal is in an iframe. When the user agrees to the statement in the dialog box and clicks the 'OK' button, it redirects to the site that is outside the iframe. If the ...