
Emacs Modes: "Command attempted to use minibuffer while in minibuffer"

Scenario: I start to type M-x to type a command I switch to another emacs window/buffer because I realise I'm executing the command in the wrong window I start to type M-x again to execute the command in the correct window Result: I get the dreaded "Command attempted to use minibuffer while in minibuffer" This happens to me multiple...

Resize Modal Window in Javascript

Hola, I'm trying to resize my modal dialog window when certain items are hidden/shown. window.resizeTo(800, 600); I've tried using code like above, but it doesn't seem to work. I think because it is a modal dialog, and not a regular window. Any suggestions as to how I could resize this? ...

Changing modal UIView's orientation to landscape mode on iPhone

Hi All, Im having a modal view displayed on top of tab bar controller the orientation of tab bar controller and my modal view is currently in portrait mode, i need to only change my modal views orientation to landscape mode, i Tried usign UIDevice Orientation but no success it only works when .plist has UIDeviceOrientationKey, and i ...

Modal popup search window to replace dropdown control ASP.NET

I'm looking for the simplest way of popping a modal search window on top of an ASP.NET 3.5 application to look up values for a field. I've got a screen for users to add courses; users need to be able to choose an instructor by searching for instructors in a popup. So - the popup would have a textbox and a gridview with results; clicking...

Send XML data island to modal

How can I send an XML data island from my current page to another page that I display in a modal when clicking a button. I use ASP.Net. ...

Multiple Swing event-dispatch threads

I would like to create a new event-dispatch thread in Swing, and I'm having trouble finding any references online for how to do this. I have done this in .NET by creating a new thread and calling Has anyone done this? Is it possible in Swing? FYI the reason I am trying to do this is because I am writing an Eclip...

[iPhone] Help with modal text input for new table item

Hi, first let me start by saying I'm pretty new to iPhone, so I apologise for my ignorance. I've got a UITableView that I want to add new items to. When the add button is pressed, I want a modal screen to slide up where the user types in the text for the new item. I've been reading from Apple's Table View Programming Guide for iPhone,...

Is it safe to use Free instead of Release for modal forms in Delphi?

The Delphi online help says that Release should be used to remove a form from memory. However, in many examples for modal forms I have seen this construct: MyForm := TMyForm.Create(nil); try MyForm.ShowModal; finally MyForm.Free; end; Is Free a safe way to destroy a modal form? As I can see in the source for ShowModal, Application...

Google Analytics executing in a dynamically created modal window

I am using JavaScript to create a modal window when a user either clicks a link or submits a form. The modal window holds either a form if they click a link or a thank you page when a user submits a sign up form. The modal window is populated using innerHTML. The issue I am having is that these modal windows have Google Analytic tags in...

Modal dialog prevents return of focus after printing

I have a program which prints a series of pages, stopping after each page to ask the user to verify they want it printed and insert the paper to printed to. The problem is, in some situations, it goes and prints the item, which pops up a print progress window, and then when that window goes away it tries to return focus to the form. Bu...

presentModalViewController crashes my app

It's one of the simplest things to do, I know. But I've been banging my head against this for days. I've done it plenty of times in the past, but for some reason trying to present a modal view controller just crashes the app to a black screen. Nothing reported in the console or anything. I'm hoping someone might have had this problem and...

Javascript modal on top of Flash games, in all browsers...

So we have a weird issue at work. We need to display a Flash game which uses the keyboard, when the game finishes, it triggers a modal popup via Javascript. We're using the wmode param set to opaque so that the modal displays on top of the Flash elment. All works fine, except in IE6/7. When you press the UP or DOWN keys on the keyboard,...

WPF - Truly modal window possible?

Or would I have to do something like create a windows form and host the xaml inside it? Trying to get as consistent a look and feel as I can. If I can only do the latter, how do I achieve that? ...

C#.Net messagebox is not modal

Why is C#.Net message box not modal? Accidently, if the message box goes behind our main UI, then main UI doesn't respond, until we click Ok (on our message box). Any workaround other than creating custom message box? Thanks in advance. ...

Modal Dialog with Multiple Forms

Is there a way to specify what forms are Locked when opening a Modal Dialog? I want to have a specific form available even if a Modal dialog is opened. The form in question is a child form (Accessible from the Windows application bar), that is created from the main application form. The Modal Dialog should only lock the main applica...

Modal Dialog with secondary form shown in taskbar

I have two forms for my application, that are visible in the Windows taskbar. When a modal dialog is popped up on the main form, the secondary form is locked. However, when the user clicks on the secondary form on the taskbar, it appears over the modal dialog box, and is basically frozen. Is there a way to ensure that the modal dialo...

ModalViewController doesn't display during animation when paged scrollView is scrolled

My application has a paged scrollview. Each page of the scrollview has an instance of a view controller (buttonViewController) that shows a grid of buttons. If the user clicks on one of the buttons, buttonViewController launches a detailViewController modally, with animation set to YES. If I'm viewing the first page (furthest left) or t...

Safari: Closing the movie player window doesn't kill the movie playback

Background I built a site for a film-production client. They needed a way to demo their showreels to the public and agreed upon a modal <iframe> approach (using jQuery and Fancybox) to showing their reels, all streamed via a third party provider. You can see the functionality in action here: by click...

Open a modal window on browser close?

Hi folks, I'm trying to open a modal window when the browser window closes. Is there a way to do this with window events? Thanks. ...

jQuery loaded data not firing modal like it should

Okay, I have a map of the country, the user clicks on their state, and a bunch of suppliers is loaded through jQuery via a page like this: $('#sa').click(function () { $('#mapimg').hide(); $('<div id="info">&nbsp;</div>').load('dealers.php?state=sa', function () { $(this).hide() .appendTo('#dealers') .slideDo...