
Jquery - Customizing the colorbox plugin

I'm using the colorbox plugin for modal popups. It's working nicely, but there's a main thing about it that seems wrong. I have a form that pops up, and on submitting (or clicking a link) in the form, this might open another "colorbox" modal. It works smoothly, but there's one thing that bothers me. As it is, colorbox seems to wait unt...

How can I use UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl on a UIView that does NOT take up the whole screen?

In Apple's official Maps app for the iPhone, there is a small 'page curl' button in the lower-right corner. When you press it, the map itself peels back to reveal some options. I would like to duplicate this effect in my own app. I'm trying to use UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl (Added in SDK 3.2). In terms of its layout, my app re...

How can I use Simple Modal to scroll to the top of my page just before the modal launches?

I'm successfully using Simple Modal to launch a modal when a button is clicked, however, I want the page to scroll to the top first. I tried placing an anchor tag at the top of the page and referencing it in my link using , but it didn't work. The Simple Modal still worked, but it didn't scroll to the top of the page first. Is there a...

Error with Jquery UI Dialog in Ie7 / Ie8

Hi guys, have abit of a problem with Jquery UI dialog. I set it to modal:true, and so when i initialize the dialog, i do see the grey overlay. However, the dialog itself simply does not appear. This is the strange part (perhaps): when I put settings to autoOpen: true, the dialog appears fine, it simply does not appear again when i click....

load different FLV video in modal window

Hi, Im using JW Player 5 to play about 10 FLA videos loading them into a modal window using swfobject. The modal window is from "lightbox_me". This is probably easier than I think but I am stuck. I can get the modal to work and load the first video, but not the second or third, it always loads the first video. The CSS #showVid1, #sh...

What are ways to reduce mode errors while learning vim?

I frequently make mode errors while using vim, i.e. I'll start typing text while in Normal mode, or start typing commands while in Insert mode. I understand this goes away with time as vim's quirks seep into your bones, but are there any ways to speed the process? ...

How to show a login modal in Rails if a user tries to access an authorized section

How would you implement a modal window saying "In order you to access this area you have to be logged in.." in combination with a login form below it every time a user tries to access authorized content. I'm using Rails 3, Devise and CanCan. My first thoughts were do put it somewhere in the application_controller.rb: # application_cont...

Modal popup flickers or flashes first time I click. Next click doesn't cause it to flash.

OK I am posting the whole code. So any tag with name=modal will render the modal. Hope this will help finding the flicker issue. This is how it is triggered: <a tp='#dialog' name='modal' tgt='bob' title='Send message'>Send message</a> JavaScript code: $(document).ready(function () { initmodal(); $("#dialog #mo...

Bug with JQuery Modal Centering

I know there's been a few posts about centering a modal box div using JQuery but I have looked and looked for a solution to my problem, and I have my suspicions on what is going wrong but nothing I've tried seems to have solved it. I have a photo gallery, I click on an image, it grabs the path to the image when it is clicked on and chuc...

Swing modal dialog refuses to close - sometimes!

// This is supposed to show a modal dialog and then hide it again. In practice, // this works about 75% of the time, and the other 25% of the time, the dialog // stays visible. // This is on Ubuntu 10.10, running: // OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.9) (6b20-1.9-0ubuntu1) // This always prints // setVisible(true) about to happen ...

SimpleModal: Once modal is closed it won't open again

This is how I instantiated the modal, with 'btnModalAddGroup' as the div that acts as a button: <div id="btnModalAddGroup" class="button">Add New Group</div> $('#btnModalAddGroup').click(function() { $("#addGroupModal").modal({ appendTo: 'form', escClose: false, persist: true, onOpen: function(dialo...

Trouble with Flex 3 PopupManager

I'm trying to use the PopupManager class in a Flex3 AIR app to open different kinds of panels but I'm running into some problems with it. I'm using a method like the following with which all panels are opened .. private function createPopUp(clazz:Class, modal:Boolean = false):IFlexDisplayObject { var p:IFlexDisplayObject = IFlexDisplay...

Flex 3: How do I reference the Modal Button in a Custom Component?

Hi, I've got a custom component based on a TitleWindow. I want to put an event listener in my main app that listens for the Titlewindow's modal button's click Custom Component: <mx:TitleWindow showCloseButton="true" close="closeHandler(event)"> blah blah... <mx:TitleWindow> In the main app: I've got a variable called popWi...

ModalView with Tabbar visible?

My application structure is the following: UITabbarController UINavigationController UIViewController UIViewController The second View controller is pushed with [self.navigationController pushViewController:[[DetailController alloc] initWithNibName:@"GenericView" bundle:nil] animated:YES]; When i from my DetailController try to pu...

Modal View In TabBar iPhone App

Hi, I have TabBar app that loads several .xib files. In one of the views I am trying to load a modal view to compose an email in the app over the the view. I am using - (IBAction)buttonPressed { MFMailComposeViewController *controller = [[MFMailComposeViewController alloc] init]; [controller setSubject:@"Email Subject"]; ...

Make a jQuery modal-dialog behave like an alert()

I've got a modal dialog popping up via jQuery, but I would like it to behave like a regular js alert in that a) if you are on another tab it will bring the browser's focus back to the page with the alert and b) an alert sound "ding!" will be played. Is this possible? Here is my dialog box: var $newCandleDialog = $('<div></div>') ...

MFC - dim main window when showing modal dialog

I have a fairly standard MFC application that consists of a main window, and occasionally brings up modal dialogs. As we all know nothing can be done outside a modal dialog until it is closed. Therefore, a nice UI feature is to "dim" the rest of the main window behind the dialog, to visually indicate you can't use it until you're done ...