
Modal/Kiosk UI framework for Winforms/WPF?

I'm currently working on a windows application which is entirely model, that is, it removes the start bar, disables alt-tab, etc. Thus far what I've done is use a maximized, topmost, MDI container and hide/show the child forms as the user navigates through them. This works fine until you start getting into more complex interactions whe...

Fancybox iFrame Links Bound / Null Response

I've got running on For some reason, it's not working at all, I checked the header and it verifies that all CSS and javascript files are loaded, I'm using the same call to initiate the script that I always do, yet nothing. I know it's working somehow, because it's binding the links (th...

Changing location within Modal Dialog

Hi, In a simple web app I'm opening a modal window which loads a jsp using window.showModalDialog. I have the following questions: I have a button in the JSP within the modal dialog. It has a click handler that says: document.location.href = ''. Problem is, when the button is clicked, the parent window's location ...

Different transition on presentModalViewController:animated:

Hi there. I present a modal view controller which is a tab bar controller with a navigation controller inside it. The problem is my first view has a black background and I want the new view to have a white background. This means I either have to have the modal view controller with a transparent background (until its completed the "sli...

How do I set the z-index of a table row?

Maybe what I am trying to accomplish is not feasible but the general idea is that when a person clicks a table row, the page dims (like a modal) but leaves that row visible for editing. I tried setting the z-index of the table row itself but it did not work. It will work if I set the table rows position attribute to absolute but that s...

disable all page elements with modal feature using jquery

I wish to disable all page elements upon an action. Like the modal feature that is in the JQuery UI. Like on an ajax action.. I wish to show a notification and at the same time to enable the modal feature. And after the request, need to re-enable the page elements back. Is there any option available in core jquery for that or any plugi...

iPhone SDK: Modal Table View List Picker

Hi, here is a strange one: I created an overlay view to mimic a list picker like the Bluetooth device picker from Apple. It looks and works exactly like that one now, so no issues here. It contains a title, table view and cancel button and everything works fine. Now comes the part I can't resolve. As soon as I want to make it a modal di...

UIView notification when modal UIImagePickerController is dismissed?

Is there a way to call code when a modal view is finished dismissing? EDIT: I'm sorry, I didn't clarify earlier. I'm trying to dismiss a UIImagePickerController and then show a MFMailComposeViewController and attach the image data to the email. When I try to call [self presentModalViewController: mailController] right after [self d...

How to get modal window location change event in javascript

I have modal popup of external site using jquery The external site is a login After completion of the login the modal window will redirect to a site. I want to: i) identify when the modal has redirected (login complete) ii) capture the modal url to acquire parameters from the url. How do i do this in jquery methods & javascript ...

JQuery modal form DIV that does a window.location.href with querystring values from the form

I'd like to use a jQuery Modal Dialog of some kind to present 4 or 5 options on a form to a user. When the user clicks Save, the dialogue would validate and then window.location.href somewhere else using values from the form in the arguments. I can't find a good example of doing this; almost every sample is Ajax... ...

iPad Modal View rotates parentViewController View

When the application is in landscape mode (which I plan to force), displaying a modal view causes the parent view to rotate to portrait mode. If I set the return value of shouldAutoRotateToInterfaceOrientation to NO, the parent does not rotate, however the modal then slides in from the side and displays sideways. Below is the code that r...

Jquery modal for form posting

Greetings I would like to use a jquery based modal library for dynamicly generating ajax based and forms as a modal to display and submit. I already use jquery ui for other purposes however I am not sure if jquery ui dialog is a good way of displaying such data by fetching lists of items via ajax and generating forms to post. If not,...

JSF Navigation Question

Hi all, Can someone explain more about JSF page navigation to me? Basically, I understand that the action returns a string, that is mapped to a URL in a navigation rule. However, it seems like there is more to it, that I don't understand. My main problem is really that when I navigate away from a modal popup, using an action, it op...

Delphi MainFormOnTaskBar Modal windows bug

HI I'm using Delphi 2007 and have set the MainFormOnTaskBar property to true. The issue that I'm having is this. If you open a child window from the main form and then you show a message dialog from the child window you just opened. When you close the message dialog and then close the child window, the main form will be sent to the b...

Looking for lightweight modal popup JS library that runs stand alone

I need a pointer to a library to show modal dialog popup with HTML content. The library should be able to work in random websites without relaying on a library like jquery etc.. My requirements: 1. beautiful design (shadow is a plus for example). 2. compatibility with arbitrary doctypes 3. lightweight and quick to load. thanks ...

Passing Variables to a Modal

Is there anyway I can pass a javascript variable to a Modal? ...

modal forms using jquery and railse

What's the best option to to a model/overlay type form (to create a post for example) using rails and jquery? I have tried jquery ui dialog/jquery tools overlay etc, but there does not seem to be a good solution to handle.. 1 - Validation errors, i.e. present the form with appropriate inline/flash validation errors 2 - the only way t...

UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl support for iOS 3.0?

According to the iPhone doc this particular modal transition is available for iOS version 3.2 and up. Yet i know my phone (running 3.1.3 i think) can do this curling transition because of the Google Maps app. Is there another way/trick to get this curling transition for iOS versions < 3.2 ? Thanks! ...

How do I show a view similar to UIActionSheet, on top of everything that's on the screen

I have a view with a UITextField which is the first responder. I'm trying to add a semi-transparent view with an activity indicator that would cover everything. Right now the code looks something like this: CATransition *animation = [CATransition animation]; [animation setType:kCATransitionFade]; [self.window.layer addAnimation:animati...

jQuery: Load Modal Dialog Contents via Ajax

Currently my Modal Dialog is like this <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script type="text/javascript" src=""&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <link rel="stylesheet" href="http...