
How to Really start LOADING a page (in a jQuery modal/dialog window) AFTER clicking a button??

Dear folks, A question that hasn't popped here before: How to start downloading / truly loading a page (html or php) inside a jQuery modal/dialog window, AFTER a link or button is clicked? See, currently i blieve that all .load() url objects HAVE to be inside the page and load is actually just opens them, doens't really start fetching ...

jQuery: fading in modal dialog

hi all, is it possible to smoothly fadein a jquery modal dialog? (can't find anything in the docs). i've tried fadeTo but didnt help. thanks in advance ...

Adobe Flash modal window

Hi Is it possible to have MODAL window opened by WindowedApplication ? Alert or Popup is not an option as window boundaries might be bigger than WindowedApplication's. Thanks ...

jQuery UI close Dialog when form submitted

Hello, I have been trying to do the follow: Form gets showed inside jQuery Dialog When form gets submitted, jQuery dialog should close I am trying the following code: $('#RegisterDialog').dialog({ autoOpen: false, closeOnEscape: false, position: 'center', modal: tru...

View controller calling a modal view

How can I reliably determine the name of the view controller that called a modal view from within that modal view? The app has a singleton so I was planning to add a view controller there and save the name of the calling view controller. .parentController gives me the name of the nav controller. EDIT I tried a sample project and it did...

Modal view can be dismissed by swipe

I have encountered a strange behaviour when presenting my modal view. I have a scroll view on as my main view with 4 pages... tapping on a button on the scroll view presents the modal view, but i can dismiss the modal view by swiping left or right. Obviously i just want to be able to dismiss using the Done button. This is the method i u...

Present Popover from Modal View Controller

I am trying to present a Popover from a button in a UIModalPresentationPageSheet. It crashes the app and returns the following message to the console: Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Popovers cannot be presented from a view which does not have a window.' My code works fine in a standard...

How to focus modal dialog clicking the notify icon in C#?

My application's notification icon shows and hides the main application window accordingly. However, when a modal dialog is opened (this can be the About dialog or Settings dialog, to name a few) I want to the modal dialog to gain focus instead of showing/hiding the main application window. The modal dialogs are opened with form.ShowDia...

Why is the word "modal" used to describe forms?

We all know what "modal" forms are in windowed programming environments: forms that must be closed before the rest of the application GUI can be accessed again. Why is the word "modal" used to describe this concept? ...

How to pop up a Window in onClick event of a link (<a>) in HTML ?

I just have a link : <tr><td align="center" height="10%"><a href=";.src=ym"&gt;Mail&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt; while clicking on it, it will shift to the pave, but I want the page open in a frame that pops up on this page & the inner display is target...

Trigger a pop up modal div after 1 minute

Hi Guys, Ive never used this site but really need some help with this one. I have this page and in the top left corner if you click learn more you will see my pop up div So i need to trigger this event but after 1 minute instead of using the link learn more. Also in the same breathe is it possible to validate and...

Show modal upon receiving push notification

I need to show a notification modal whenever a push notification is received (while the app is running). My app has a tab bar, and I've gotten this to partially work by pushing the notification modal onto the tab bar controller. - (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo { ...

How do I vertically center the modal in an iframe?

I have a web application that: 1. Is an iframe (it appears in multiple places, e.g facebook). 2. Has modals in it (I'm using jqmodal). 3. Has a vertical scrollbar. The problem is that when a modal is opened from a link at the bottom of my page, the modal appears at the top of my page, so the user has to scroll upwards in order to see th...

Using Facebox as a Confirm()?

i would like to make a modal-confirm that acts like an confirm() but looks nicer :) im using Facebox for other things right now and would like my confirms to have the same design Is it possible to do this in some way? ...

jQuery UI modal input button value

I need to change the value of the input buttons created in the jQuery UI dialog modal to present them in the language of the user. I don't see how to do it. var $dialog = $('<div><div style="padding:10px;text-align:left">' +'New name' +'</div>' +'<div style="padding:0 10px 10px 10px;text-align:left;">' ...

jQuery modal dialog and jqGrid

How can I use the Jquery modal confirmation with jqGrid? Say when I will submit my entries it will pop up a modal dialog and display the names with the message for sending to server.. My approach $("#dialog-confirm").dialog({ autoOpen:false, resizable:false, height:180, modal:true, ...

How do people achieve the loading effect with jQuery modal windows?

I'm going to be dynamically loading certain information in a modal window via ajax. I've noticed on other sites that a small circular loading animation will appear in a modal window prior to loading the content. Does anyone know how this effect is achieved and possibly where to find the loading animation? Thanks ...

dismissModalView crash iphone app, but not with debugger on

Hi all, I have an iphone app with a modal view. The app crashes when the modal view get dismissed. As soon as the modal disappear at the bottom of the screen, and consequently the original view is shown behind, then the app crashes with no entry in console view. I have tried to switch debugger on and I discovered that the app just run ...

Dismissing iPad modal view messes up the UISplitView panels

The premise is remarkably simple: I want to display a modal view in an iPad app that uses a UISplitViewController. The view hierarchy is straight-forward: /- TableViewController1 /- root:TabBarController -- TableViewController2 SplitViewController - ...

how to show an modal pop up in the center of screen and maintain the position on resizing the screen also

i have an modal pop up i am showing it in the middle of screen using javascript $('div.openIDPopup').css({ 'height': $(document).height() + 'px', 'width': $(window).width() + 'px', 'visibility': 'visible' }) .fadeIn('slow'); $('div.openId').css({ 'visibility': 'visible', 'top': ($(window).height()...