
How to call IsDialogMessage in a Modal Dialog

In my Win32 app, I had a modal dialog that displays settings that I had to add more settings to. In order to fit the new settings, I dropped a TabCtrl in the dialog and implemented two modeless dialogs. The UI is working switching between them but the modeless dialogs don't respond to the keyboard. In a regular app, IsDialogMessage (hW...

Why does Showing a UserForm as Modal Stop Code Execution?

The following VBA code stops at Me.Show. From my tests, it seems that Me.Show stops all code execution, even if the code is inside the UserForm. This part is outside the UserForm: Public Sub TestProgress() Dim objProgress As New UserForm1 objProgress.ShowProgress Unload objProgress End Sub This part is inside the UserFo...

jQuery Show Dialog Modal Animation Happens while Background Dimmed

Hello all, This is an annoyance that I've tolerated for too long, and finally decided to pursue an answer. I am showing a modal jQuery dialog box in my web app, but the animation to show it doesn't occur in the right order. I'm setting a click event (using jQuery) to a link on a page, and when the user clicks it, it creates a new Dialog...

Running jQuery command from modal window to affect main page

Hi all, I'm currently trying to write a jQuery script which opens a modal box then (upon user entry) changes a value on the original page. Currently I've got the script working on just the page itself (without the modal), but when I try to run the command from the modal the value on the main page doesn't change? Does anyone know how I...

jQuery modal Dialog over iFrame

I am using jQuery UI dialog for modal popups. I have some iframes in my page as well. The iFrame (z-Index = 1500) sits on top of the parent page (z-index =1000). I open the modal dialog from the parent page. I am trying to set the z-index using $('modal').dialog('option','zIndex',3000); but this is not working. I also tried stack:true ...

Activating Modal Windows after switching to an application

We have a C# application which contains both modal and non-modal windows. It is possible for a user to have several non-modal windows open and open a modal window from one of these. If the user switches to another application and then switches back to ours by clicking one of the non-modal windows (other than the one which opened the mo...

dismissModalViewControllerAnimated: will not dismiss the page?

I have read all the other user's accounts of problems, but they don't seem to conclude with a result that works for me or they end with 'I fixed it guys - thanks for the help', but then they neglected to share their solution. Here is my code to present and dismiss (all key objects are properties of my application delegate. I am trying ...

How do you create a sequence of modalViewControllers?

I have struggled and now I just need to see it in action. I have an info-button on my title page (UIViewController) and I want to bring up an About-view with a 'dismiss' button on the left and a 'detail disclosure on the right.' If one presses the 'detail disclosure', it brings up the PrivacyStatement-view with the same buttons. If on...

ModalBox display only once sitewide

I am using the script called ModalBox. I want to display the ModalBox on page load the first time a visitor reaches my site. Every time after the first visit the modalbox should not display again. How can I do this? I have set up a testing page. Please Visit this page to view my code. Testing Site The code that I am using to pop up the...

How can I Prevent Shortcuts from Colliding/Interacting in Delphi?

I use the standard Cut, Copy, Paste actions on my Main Menu. They have the shortcuts Ctrl-X, Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V. When I open a modal form, e.g. FindFilesForm.ShowModal, then all the shortcuts work from the form. But when I open a non-modal form, e.g. FindFilesForm.Show, then the shortcuts do not work. I would think that those actions s...

is there a way to perform UIModalTransitionStyleCoverHORIZONTAL (not FlipHorizontal)?

I'm using objective-c (obviously, I guess) and I'm wondering if there is a (simple) way to present a modal view but have the view slide in from the right side of the screen. UIModalTransitionStyleCoverVertical has the new view slide in from the bottom, so I would naively think that there would be a Horizontal counterpart, but I can't ...

JDialog with minimize button

Is it possible to have a minimize and maximize button for a non-modal(modal=false) JDialog.I know JFrame is the ideal solution for this but this change has to be made in an existing code and its little difficult to change from JDialog to JFrame. ...

Pros and cons of various jQuery Modal Window plugins?

I've been using Fancybox for modal pop-ups within my jQuery stuff for a little while. It's nice. I like it. I do find the CSS a bit unwieldy, though. I thought I should spend some time and really look at the options and try to decide to 'standardize' on one for my own work. Have you chosen a standard modal implementation in your jQue...

@font-face in IE with modal window: once in the modal font reverts back to Helvetica

I'm using @font-face and it's working perfectly even in IE when loading the index page. However, when I open my modal window using IE it still works and then I click on a link within the modal to display a new page in the modal - it reverts to Helvetica on that page, on the previous page and even when I close the modal my index is now in...

modal dialog over Activex control

I use jQuery modal dialogs (jQuery UI) for modal popups.It is working fine, until recently we installed an activex plugin. Now, when ever the plug in is activated, this popup goes behind the plugin.Is there any way to show the modal dialog on top of activex plugin ? Browsers: IE7,IE8 ...

iPhone: Some Views Landscape others Portrait

Hey there, I've got a tabbar setup with a few tabs. The first tabitem is viewcontroller that programmatically loads a xib that is laid out in portrait. When the user rotates the phone, it automatically presents a modal view that is laid out in landscape. This mechanism works fine. When the device is rotated to portrait mode, it dism...

html Modal popup

All, How to make a simple modal popup for the following code.And on click on the background the modal popup should not disappear. <html> <input type="textarea"></input> </html> Thanks......... ...

WPF: How to correctly implement a modal dialog on top a non-modal dialog?

In a WPF application I would like to implement the following behaviour which doesn't seem to work straightforward: From the main window (Window1) the user opens a non-modal window (Window2), and that non-modal window may display a modal dialog (Window3). The problem is that whenever the modal dialog has been shown, the main window disa...

Stopping modal when window is closed (Cocoa)

Hello all, I am currently displaying a modal window by using this code: [[NSApplication sharedApplication] runModalForWindow:mainWindow]; However, when I close this window, the other windows are still inactive. How do I run the stopModal method when the window is closed using the "red x"? Thank you, Michael ...

Invoke modal view controller from UIWebView weblink

Hey folks I was wondering if anyone can tip me on a painless way of invoking a modal view controller from a web link in a UIWebView. Is it possible to do this? I want the modal view controller to still be a part of the app as opposed to closing the main app and using a helper application instead. Any help would be greatly appreciated...