
Loading models in Zend_Form using Zend Framework

I'm trying to build a form using the Zend_Form component, but the number of elements varies. The information for each Zend_Form element is stored in a database (name, options, validators, filters, etc.). The application I'm working on consists of building surveys which contain a varying number of questions. Each question is associated w...

MS MVC - Can I somehow globally fill in strongly typed ViewData/Model for all my Views?

I'd like to supply instance of logged User (or null if nobody logged yet) for all views in my MVC application. I've already succesfully implemented my own ControllerActionInvoker class which overrides InvokeAction and supplies logged user instance in ViewData (controllerContext.Controller.ViewData["LoggedUser"] = xxx). The problem is tha...

Modeling objects with multiple table relationships in Zend Framework

I'm toying with Zend Framework and trying to use the "QuickStart" guide against a website I'm making just to see how the process would work. Forgive me if this answer is obvious, hopefully someone experienced can shed some light on this. I have three database tables: CREATE TABLE `users` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `ema...

Silverlight MVVM linking model and view model

There are lots of great examples around on MVVM but I'm still confused. Lets say you have a CustomerModel and a CustomerViewModel. It seems there would be a Name property on the CustomerModel and one on the CustomerViewModel. The setter on the CustomerViewModel will set the CustomerModel Name property and then call the OnPropertyChange...

Advanced Search option Programatically Sharepoint Search

I am using object code model to retrieve search result from sharepoint search..Can any one suggest how do i put advanced search option for my search.Do object code model has the feature to perform advanced search. ...

WCF Service exposing DTO or Entity

I have read questions and answers about this topic but I still have some question without answer. If I create a method to convert Entity to DTO i'll run into some circular calling methods (probably caused by errors in Model), for example: Product class has a property Supplier that point to a Supplier class that contains a List property...

Separating Models and Request Handlers In Google App Engine

I'd like to move my models to a separate directory, similar to the way it's done with Rails to cut down on code clutter. Is there any way to do this easily? Thanks, Collin ...

Modelstate with Ajax Form

I'm using an AJAX form to update an item to the database. When it gets done, it returns a partial view that re-lists all the items and displays them all in a table. The problem occurs when I have to add a modelstate error in my controller action. I don't want to return the list of items when there is a modelstate error because I want ...

C++ Parser/Model for Java

I was wondering if anyone knows of existing C++ parsers/code models that can be used programmatically in Java. I'm looking for something similar to the Eclipse CDT that can be used as a library from Java (and that does not rely upon Eclipse). Thanks in advance. ...

How to relate multiple models to one model that will rule them all, in Rails?

Let's say I have four completely independent models (Movie, Book, Game, Album) that control the types of things I have in my media collection. With them I can CRUD and tag individual albums, movies etc. But I need to keep track, and do some stuff that is common to, all of them. So I figured I need an Item model that would give me a tabl...

Rails "validates_uniqueness_of" Case Sensitivity

Here is the model (I am using SQLLite3): class School < ActiveRecord::Base validates_uniqueness_of :name end For example, after I add "Yale", I cannot add "Yale" but can add "yale." How can I make the validation case insensitive? EDIT: Found it - Active Record Validations ...

Model won't update

Using cakephp: I am trying to update customer information and the address the customer is linked to. such that Customer.address_id =, and Customer Model $belongsTo = 'Address'; From the customers_controller function profile($id = null) { if (empty($this->data['Customer'])) { $this->Customer->id = $id; $thi...

Microsoft SQL Report Builder - Visual Studio 2005

Hi, I am creating a Report Model Project in Visual Studio 2005. In the data source view, I am adding the entities that represent subsets of the data of my tables. For some tables, there is a 1-many relationship. For example, Entity A has a Primary Key of A_ID, and links to Entity B through this field which is present in both A and B. F...

Ruby on Rails: errors.add_to_base vs. errors.add

I have read that errors.add_to_base should be used for errors associated with the object and not a specific attribute. I am having trouble conceptualizing what this means. Could someone provide an example of when I would want to use each? For example, I have a Band model and each Band has a Genre. When I validate the presence of a ge...

MVC + Wich pattern for this 1:n relationship

I have a Server application with a GUI. Written in c#. Now I want to use the MVC pattern for the whole Application. Normally you have 1 Model, 1 Controller and maybe n views. Okay, I have one of everything, but I'm not sure with the Model. My Situation: There are 1 server state, that can be online / offline, that has a client count, et...

Problem in Model inheritance when some elements are deleted

I use a snippet in for my Model inheritance. It works fine at the first. However, after I delete some elements in database, the code works wrong. As I debug, I found that the problem is reside in the method: as_leaf_class. In the following code: if (model == Meal): return self return mode...

ZF: performing redirect inside model

I've chosen to move Form processing from Controller to MyForm class, in order to follow ThinController/FatModel rule. But some of my code in Zend_Form class needs to perform a redirect. In Zend_Controller_Action my redirect was: $this->_redirect('/'); What would it become in Zend_Form? ...

Rails: Model method execution sequence

I have problem in my model. I want method to use another property of model but before using it I want another method to be executed (to make property have value). Here is an example: def medthod_one=(val) self.value = val end def method_two self.second_value = self.value / 2 #just for example end So, in my case self.second_...

How do I dynamically determine if a Model class exist in Google App Engine?

I want to be able to take a dynamically created string, say "Pigeon" and determine at runtime whether Google App Engine has a Model class defined in this project named "Pigeon". If "Pigeon" is the name of a existant model class, I would like to then get a reference to the Pigeon class so defined. Also, I don't want to use eval at all, s...

easiest static model format to load with java?

What's the easiest static (non-animating) 3d model format to load with Java? I used .obj in C++, but that's a pain to do in java. Is there anything better? ...