
Does the Model Binder in ASP.NET MVC Beta Support List<T>?

Take the example classes below. I want to display the customer and two addresses (from a LIST) on a form. Does the model binder in MVC beta support this or will I have to write my own custom binder? public class Customer { public string FirstName { get; set; } public string LastName { get; set; } public List<Address> Addre...

Model Binding within a Model Binder

Firstly, bear with me here. I have a custom model binder which is successfully mapping form data to a custom object. Within this model binder it also maps form items to different custom object. What I feel I should be able to do is create a separate model binder to take care of this second mapping. This is a simplified version. Custom o...

ASp.NET MVC: TryUpdateModel doesn't update all properties

Hi all. I've got the following action: public ActionResult Create() { var entity = new Employee(); TryUpdateModel(entity, new[] { "Person.Name", "Code", "CompanyID" }); if (ModelState.IsValid) { var result = Service.MergeEmployee(entity); return RedirectToAction("List", new { success = true }); } return...

ASP.NET MVC ModelBinder not working with GET requests and/or jQuery AJAX?

I seem to have a problem with getting MVC to fill in my custom model parameter when called through GET instead of POST. I have a JavaScript snippet that calls into an action like so: $.getJSON('<%= Url.Action("DoSearch") %>' +, function(data) { if (data.Result == "OK") { location.href = location....

ASP.Net MVC DefaultModelBinder not binding properties on POST

Hey all, I'm facing a really strange problem that has me smoked. I have a fairly simple scenario where I have a strongly typed view that is correctly populated from the controller on the GET, but then when it POSTS the form to the controller, the Reqeust is full of all the right values and right key names for the default model binder ... mvc custom modelbinder - how to perfom updates with assosciated entities

Hi All I am trying to understand how associated entities are updated when using custom modelbinders. If you have a Product entity with a relationship to a Category entity and you are displaying a list of category choice for a product in a dropdown on a form. The the user assigns a new category and that change needs to be persisted wit...

MVC default model binding to complex list

Hi, I'm having some trouble binding to a nested list with the default binder. I am using linq to sql and have the following data structure Competition < CompetitionQuestions < CompetitionQuestionChoices my html is as follows <%= Html.Hidden("Competition.Id",Model.Competition.Id) %> <%=Html.TextBox("Competition.CompetitionName", Mod...

ASP.NET MVC 2 RC model binding with NHibernate and dropdown lists

I have problem with model binding in my ASP.NET MVC 2 RC application that uses NHibernate for data access. We are trying to build the application in a Ruby on Rails way and have a very simple architecture where the domain entities are used all the way from the database to the view. The application has a couple of domain entities which c...

Handling invalid values with ModelBinder in ASP.NET MVC 1.0

Hey all. First of all some context: I have a form, where I post back some objects that are automatically materialized into objects by MVCs built-in ModelBinder: <input type="hidden" name="myobj[0].Id" /> <input type="text" name="myobj[0].Hours" /> <input type="hidden" name="myobj[1].Id" /> <input type="text" name="myobj[1].Hours" /> ...

ASP.MVC 1.0 complex ViewModel not populating on Action

Hi, I'm 3 days into learning MVC for a new project and i've managed to stumble my way over the multitude of issues I've come across - mainly about something as simple as moving data to a view and back into the controller in a type-safe (and manageable) manner. This is the latest. I've seen this reported before but nothing advised has s...

ModelBinder does not update the session key

I created a Website(it is poco object) model binder, that checks the sessions: public class WebsitesModelBinder:IModelBinder { private const string websitesSessionName = "SelectedSite"; #region IModelBinder Members public object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext) ...

MVC 2 & TypeConverters, Get the destination type in ConvertFrom where the context is null

I have a TypeConverter on the base class in my project. [TypeConverter(typeof(CodeTypeConverter))] abstract class CodeBase I have a number of classes which inherit this base class TitleCode : CodeBase class PreferenceCode : CodeBase When the thing that calls the type converter (ValueProvider.ConvertSimpleType) it does not create a ...