
Lua and C++: separation of duties

Please help to classify ways of organizing C++/Lua game code and to separate their duties. What are the most convenient ways, which one do you use? For example, Lua can be used for initializing C++ objects only or at every game loop iteration. It can be used for game logic only or for graphics, too. Some game engines provide full contro...

JDBC/OSGi and how to dynamically load drivers without explicitly stating dependencies in the bundle?

Hi, This is a biggie. I have a well-structured yet monolithic code base that has a primitive modular architecture (all modules implement interfaces yet share the same classpath). I realize the folly of this approach and the problems it represents when I go to deploy on application servers that may have different conflicting versions of...

How to modularize a b2b webservice transformation application

How would you modularize a large application that has some incoming (SOAP) webservices, some outgoing webservices, transformations between them and internal formats, internal logging services, accesses external archiving webservices, delays stuff and works on this asynchronously and so forth? One way is to split the functionality into a...

Rational use of unity and service locator pattern

Hello! I've recently introduced to unity block and to DI and ServiceLocator patterns. It seems to have sense, but on practice some questions concerned about its rational use arise. I mean, that I've came to unity from articles about service locator, which is used to decouple classes realize some functionality (services) from classes th...

The best way to separate admin functionality from a public site?

I'm working on a site that's grown both in terms of user-base and functionality to the point where it's becoming evident that some of the admin tasks should be separate from the public website. I was wondering what the best way to do this would be. For example, the site has a large social component to it, and a public sales interface. ...

Replicating object function across various model files in Ruby on Rails

I am looking to replicate a given object function across various model files As you can see below, the 2 things I need to vary across the model are 1) the "guser" string 2) the SIMPLIFIED CODE SAMPLE: def self.get_all statement="SELECT * FROM gusers WHERE" results = results + self.find_by_sql(["#{statement...

Rails- Using a set of functions across the view , controller and model

Hi folks, i have a function that converts an array to a hash which i would like to use across all the model, controller and view files in the rails app. Does this violate some core design principle, or am i missing something really obvious? UPDATE: This is actually a software engineering question. I want to understand why some "conveni...

Modularity in Flex

I'm working on a pretty big application for Flex/Air. We are using GraniteDS and Tide to interact with the model from our Java EE server. I've been reading about modularization and Modules in Flex. The application has already been built, and I'm figuring a way out to re-design some classes and parts. From what I've read so far, I unders...

Android pluginable application

I've been trying to create an android-application the last couple of weeks, and mostly everything has worked out great, but there is one thing that I was wondering about, and that is pluginability trough the use of intents. What I'm trying to create is basically a comic-reader. As of the version I use now, I open the application and get...

Is there a Post-Build Extensible Installer System

We have a product that we need to create an installer for. It has a number of components which can be installed or not as the situation demands. When we ship our installation package, we want to be able to have that include any number of additional components to be installed. For example, Foo Manager Pro contains: Foo Manager Conso...

Using views as a data interface between modules in a database

Hello, I am working on the database layout of a straighforward small database in Mysql. We want to modularize this system in order to have more flexiblity for different implementations we are going to make. Now, the idea was to have one module in the database (simple a group of tables with constraints between them) pass its data to the ...

What is the golden rule for when to split code up into functions?

It's good to split code up into functions and classes for modularity / decoupling, but if you do it too much, you get really fragmented code which is also not good. What is the golden rule for when to split code up into functions? ...

WPF how to integrate Ribbon in prism applications

Hi, I'm writing a prism application and would like to integrate Ribbon library in it. I want a Ribbon Window that would be used as a Shell with office-like tabs and tab groups. The modules should be loaded on demand depending on the tab selected by user. I don't want the tabs to be located in a region if this is avoidable. So I created a...

I need to implement a plugin system like Wordpress; Quickly..

Hello, I know wordpress doesn't get much respect around here but I like how flexible it is. Are there any books on this subject that are not too complicated? Or books that cover the aspect of this architecure without going too deeply into design patterns in general? If you know of other open source projects that have a well coded plug...

Windsor Configuration Standard Practices

The app I inherited uses the fluent interface for configuring our Windsor container, and it's this big glob o' configuration that's pretty disgusting. In the past I created an extension method container.AddModule and then created modules that were passed in the container and registered services a la StructureMap for the different "modul...

How to create own server profile in JBoss AS 5 and 6

I am using JBoss AS 5 + 6 as an application server, however only as a simple EJB3/Web container with ear and war deployment but without special capabilities such as clustering, ejb2 or hornetq. JBoss AS provides server profiles for different uses but I did not find any documentation on how to create my own or customize an existing prof...

Should I create DLLs for modularity?

I'm working on creating an app that will parse MSDN articles for meta-information such as the article title and other articles that are in the same collection. This app also has a GUI front-end. I'm interested in making this program more modular by separating the front-end from the back-end and the back-end into two parts -- one that ha...

Newman's modularity clustering for graphs

Hello, I am interested in running Newman's modularity clustering algorithm on a large graph. If you can point me to a library (or R package, etc) that implements it I would be most grateful. best ~lara ...

Looking for a project idea

Hi, I am a tutor in a software development project that includes of 60 bachelor students, for this project the students have to choose a software project and develop it using C# or Java programming language. The project will be decomposed into multiple modules and a group of 6 or 7 students will work on each singular module. I just wan...

How do you carry out modularized development in c/c++?

I can deal with only the easiest case, when there are only 2 modules A and B A is dependant on B, so I build B as a library and include B's header file in A, also link to B library when building A. This won't work when A and B are inter-dependant, and even worse when the number of modules grow .. So what's the general way to carry out...