
How to implement code in a manner that lessens the possibility of complete re-works

I had a piece of work thrown out due to a single minor spec change that turned out not to have been spec'ed correctly. If it had been done right at the start of the project then most of that work would have never have been needed in the first place. What are some good tips/design principles that keep these things from happening? Or to...

How to locate DLLs for inter-component referencing

My SAAS company has two C#.NET products, call them Application Alpha and Application Beta. Both of them reference some libraries that we can call Core. At the moment, the codebase is monolithic, stored in a single SVN repository with a single .NET solution, and we're trying to make it more modular/componentized. We've split off into s...

Creating a separate module in MVC like you can do in DotNetNuke

I've newly started to open my eyes for ASP.Net MVC, but on the site we are currently working on we use DotNetNuke, and I actually like the way you can create new "Modules" and just plug them in to your site with ease (If the module is coded right that is). Can you achieve this when using the Asp.Net MVC pattern? That you have a co-worke...

How to manage multiple (different) view layers

I have a website (ASP.NET MVC) which I would like to extend to another similar topic (like stackoverflow-serverfault-superuser). Database layer and controllers layer are the same for both websites. What differs is just the vie layerw, and only for just a few detail: logos, masterpage and some resources files (in part) and css. What's t...

Overcoming bad habit of "fixing it later"

When I start writing code from scratch, I have a bad habit of quickly writing everything in one function, the whole time thinking "I'll make it more modular later". Then when later comes along, I have a working product and any attempts to fix it would mean creating functions and having to figure out what I need to pass. It gets worst b...

Do I have to design for separate database & server runtime per different module?

Hi! When designing a new J2EE based enterprise framework, do I have to prepare for the situation where separate business modules have to use different databases and have to run on different application server instances? From another point of view: has anyone ever experienced a real life requirement for different databases & servers p...

How do I protect my Python codebase so that guests can't see certain modules but so it still works?

We're starting a new project in Python with a few proprietary algorithms and sensitive bits of logic that we'd like to keep private. We also will have a few outsiders (select members of the public) working on the code. We cannot grant the outsiders access to the small, private bits of code, but we'd like a public version to work well eno...

How to make code modular?

I have some Java programs, now I want to find out whether it is modular or not, if it is modular then up to what extent, because modularity can never be binary term i.e. 0 or 1. How do I decide that particular code is modular upto this much extent. I want to know how to make code much more modular? ...

EventAggregator vs CompositeCommand

I worked my way through the Prism guidance and think I got a grasp of most of their communication vehicles. Commanding is very straightforward, so it is clear that the DelegateCommand will be used just to connect the View with its Model. It is somewhat less clear, when it comes to cross Module Communication, specifically when to use E...

Integrating Modules with Application in Prism aka CompositeWpf

From MSDN: It is likely that most of the views in your modules will not have to be displayed directly, but only after some action by the user. Depending on the style of application, you may want to use menus, toolbars, or other navigation strategies for your users to access views. In the initialization method of the module, you can a...

Modularizing Rails applications

I'm looking for a way to modularize Rails applications. As I've seen there is no built-in way of accomplishing it. I've found different plugins/core hacks but I feel untrusted about the way they work and their maturity. Do you have any experience on this? So far I found this ones: Desert: Rails engine...

web2py (and other MVC frameworks): How to execute base code on all controllers

In web2py, is there a way to have a piece of common code be executed before all controllers are called? For example, I want to add some code that will log client IPs to a log of requests to enable analysis. I could simply make the first line of all my controllers be something like response = RequestBase(request) but I'm curious to kno...

LINQ-to-SQL References to Entities in other DataContexts

In my database designs, I tend to have "clusters" of tables. These clusters will typically support one application or group of tightly-functionally-related applications. Often, these clusters also relate to each other through a relatively small number of foreign keys; this helps otherwise independent applications in the business integrat...

"Managing dependencies to achieve Modularity"

Can I make the above statement? Is it right or not? does modularity and dependencies are different thing or are inter-related? Help... ...

What is the underline theme in OSGi?

OSGi - dynamic modular system for Java. Ok, but what is the base line theme, why OSGi has been developed? What are the benifits of using OSGi? What is the main story of developing the OSGi? Why it is? Waiting for kind response. ...

How to design an application in a modular way?

I am looking for pointers, suggestions, links, warnings, ideas and even anecdotical accounts about "how to design an application in a modular way". I am going to use python for this project, but advice does not need to necessarily refer to this language, although I am only willing to implement a design based on OOP. Here's some context ...

Minimizing the number of DLLs while keeping Composite WPF modular

I've been working on a Composite WPF application and just read some good guidelines on partitioning code into assemblies. The author of the article supports minimizing the number of assemblies where possible. How do you balance making your Composite WPF application reasonably modular while minimizing the number of assemblies? For my cu...

Can ActionScript and Flash handle complex dynamically-loaded modules and architectures?

I'm looking to start learning ActionScript and Flash to write a potentially very complex game engine. I come from a background in relatively advanced software architecture and as such am wondering if a few things (which I consider important for my engine) are possible with Flash: First, I want to modularize my game so that it can be bo...

Can I improve my module-skin architecture somehow?

Hi, I'm designing a CMS for a private project that should make the editing of the website simple. It supports modularism. However, it's still in beta, and I'm now asking if you can see something I could improve or if you have some entirely different approaches to this scenario. First of all, I have "themes" that are a set of HTML, CSS ...

OSGI - Hibernate + JBoss Seam

Hi all, I am running a JBoss Seam web application with Hibernate as the persistence provider. I am considering migrating to OSGI to simplify deployment and updates. I don't have any experience yet with OSGI, so I don't know if this can be done and what the limitations are. For instance, if I change entity classes and I want Hibernate...