
Is a custom module the best way to access an external API in Drupal?

I'm new to extending Drupal, though I've done similar kinds of things for other CMSes. Anyone care to share opinions on the best way to access an external API from within Drupal? I need to show things like search results, listings, and listing summaries. In my reading up on Drupal, I think this implies I need to create both "nodes" and ...

Why would the rollback method not be available for a DBI handle?

For some reason I am having troubles with a DBI handle. Basically what happened was that I made a special connect function in a perl module and switched from doing: do '' to use Foo; and then I do $dbh = Foo->connect; And now for some reason I keep getting the error: Can't locate object method "rollback" via package "...

Is it possible to compile Python natively (beyond pyc byte code)?

I wonder if it is possible to create an executable module from a Python script. I need to have the most performance and the flexibility of Python script, without needing to run in the Python environment. I would use this code to load on demand user modules to customize my application. ...

How do you organise your ATG projects?

If you develop for ATG Dynamo, how do you structure your modules and dependencies? How do you structure the projects? source directories, JARs configs etc. How do you build and deploy? What tools do you use? ...

python module dlls

Is there a way to make a python module load a dll in my application directory rather than the version that came with the python installation, without making changes to the python installation (which would then require I made an installer, and be careful I didn't break other apps for people by overwrting python modules and changing dll ve...

How do I coherently organize modules for a PyGTK desktop application?

I am working on a desktop application in PyGTK and seem to be bumping up against some limitations of my file organization. Thus far I've structured my project this way: - holds the primary application class (most functional routines) - holds a loosely coupled GTK gui implementation. Handles signal callbacks, etc...

What's win32con module in python? Where can I find it?

I'm building an open source project that uses python and c++ in Windows. I came to the following error message: ImportError: No module named win32con The same happened in a "prebuilt" code that it's working ( except in my computer :P ) I think this is kind of "popular" module in python because I've saw several messages in other for...

PHP as a thttpd module vs CGI in terms of memory usage

I am planning to use php in an embedded environment. Our current web server is thttpd. I am considering two options now: whether to run it as a cgi or as SAPI module. I know cgi has advantage in terms of security. But if we are to use php as cgi, an instance of the php should be loaded into the memory for each request. I have tried comp...

Retrieving python module path

I want to detect whether module has changed. Now, using inotify is simple, you just need to know the directory you want to get notifications from. How do I retrieve a module's path in python? ...

Installing PHP extensions on Windows

I am using a Windows XP Home Edition. I need to install a few extensions to PHP -- memcache, APC, .etc. And I would very much like to use PECL to make this happen. The problem is PECL takes it for granted that I will have certain programs on my computer. On another post, I read, for instance, that you need to have Microsoft Visual Studio...

What is the best way to parse HTML from a Rich Text Editor in Perl?

Is there a Perl module out there that can take bad HTML (such as what is copied from Microsoft Word) and parse it into nicely formatted HTML? I have looked at HTML::Tidy, but it has gotten horrible reviews on CPAN. We have a custom legacy module that's basically a wrapper for the command line version of tidy (which seems to be pretty m...

How can I check if I have a Perl module before using it?

I have some pretty simple perl code which relies on Term::ReadKey to get the terminal width; My NetBSD build is missing this module, and I want to default to 80 when the module is missing. The odd thing is, I can't figure out how to conditionally use a module, knowing ahead of time whether it is present. This code would just quit saying...

How can I use a new Perl module without install permissions?

Here is my situation: I know almost nothing about Perl but it is the only language available on a porting machine. I only have permissions to write in my local work area and not the Perl install location. I need to use the Parallel::ForkManager Perl module from CPAN How do I use this Parallel::ForkManager without doing a central instal...

How to Use Same Models in Different Modules in Zend Framework?

I am working on implementing Zend Framework within an existing project that has a public marketing area, a private members area, an administration site, and a marketing campaign management site. Currently these are poorly organized with the controller scripts for the marketing area and the members area all being under the root of the sit...

How can I install a specific version of a Perl module?

I'm tasked with replicating a production environment to create many test/sit environments. One of the things I need to do is build up Perl, with all the modules which have been installed (including internal and external modules) over the years. I could just use autobundle, but this will result in the test environment having much...

How do I find the location of Python module sources?

How do I learn where the source file for a given Python module is installed? (Is the method is different on Windows than Linux?) (I want to look at the datetime module sources, but I thought I'd ask a more general question.) ...

Using check box / radio button / progress bar in Flex 3 modules

In my project environment I have 2 projects. MyApp & MyModule MyApp loads MyModule. When it loads it attempts to get a class of type DisplayObject and add it to a container of itself. The problem comes when I try to use a check box / radio button / progress bar. The check box and radio button appear exactly like normal buttons, and t...

Overriding functionality with modules in Linux kernel

Without getting into the details of why, I'm looking for a clean (as possible) way to replace kernel functions and system calls from a loadable module. My initial idea was to write some code to override some functions, which would take the original function (perhaps, if possible, call the function), and then add some of my own code. Th...

Creating a new module in Sitefinity

I'm trying to create a new module for Sitefinity. I'm basing my module off the sample module linked to from the documentation. What I want is a list of videos. On the left-hand side - the CommandPanel - there should be 3 buttons - "Videos", "Artists"...

How do I install a Python extension module using distutils?

I'm working on a Python package named "lehmer" that includes a bunch of extension modules written in C. Currently, I have a single extension module, "rng". I am using Python's Distutils to build and install the module. I can compile and install the module, but when I try to import the module using import lehmer.rng or from lehmer import ...