
Magento: Obtain Id for order, listening to the event checkout_onepage_controller_success_action

Hi people, When I look at the event (checkout_onepage_controller_success_action) and works, but I can not get the Id of the newly created order. Anyone have any idea?? Use magento- Thanks ...

What's the difference between "package" and "module"

I use Java where we only have packages. I know there are other programming languages that also include modules. What's the difference? Thanks ...

Drupal Message control?

Is there a module or a way to manage Drupal Message. I.e. THe message you see after creating content, e.g. "Car listing titled bla has been created". I want a central point to control these messages. Most of them I do not want to display. ...

how to hide joomla content from frontpage but not from inner pages

Hello All, i m using yootheme joomla template in joomla 1.5.x, my problem is that i want to display modules (if enabled ) on front page, no joomla content ( i.e. localhost/project or localhost/project/index.php) and display contents & modules ( if enabled ) both on inner pages my problem is that on front page (templ...

In Perl, how can I check from which module a given function was imported?

I have a code which calls the function. But I don't know the module this function belongs to. I need it to modify this function. How can I check it? ...

Multiple APK's Interacting with each other

Recently I came across a few apps (such as Clockworkmod's Rom Manager) where in order to get the pro version you had to download another APK. However once this APK was downloaded Rom Manager automatically knew this APK existed and added new functionality's. For example another app is the Astro app in which you can extend it by downloadin...

Method to tell if ancestor is a Class or Module in Ruby?

If I have a class like the following, how do I tell when an ancestor is a class vs. a module? ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, SomeLibrary) class Group < ActiveRecord::Base include SomeLibrary::Core end class SubGroup < Group end ancestor_names = puts ancestor_names.inspect #=> [ "SubGroup", "So...

DI, Constructor Injection, Modules, design patterns

Hello, I'm facing some architectural problems on the project I'm involved in. The project is an ASP.NET MVC 2 application that relies on DI and especially on constructor injection with Unity. The application is divided into several modules (each module is a set of assembies) that exposes services to other modules. Those services are reg...

Is there documentation for writing tests (and building) with Module::Build?

So I've made a few modules for my own use, and I'm wondering if there is any documentation about how to write tests for perl modules using Module::Build. The specific problem I'm running into is that I've got three modules, HomeBrew::IO, HomeBrew::Stats, and HomeBrew::Bio, and I can't figure out how to build or test them separately th...

custom drupal search module's form losing all post data when submitted

I am modifying an already contributed drupal module (Inline Ajax Search) to handle searching of a specific content type with some search filters (i.e. when searching for help documentation, you filter out your search results by selecting for which product and version of the product you want help with). I have modified the module some w...

Changing Design For All Module Pages In Magento

I'm doing a custom module in Magento and everything is going swimmingly... except I want to change the base layout template that all pages in the module use. I've done some googling with little success. Anyone have any answers? I want to do something along the lines of: ... <optionbox> <reference name="root"> <action method="se...

Documentation about lmd5, lua module.

So, where do I find any documentation to use lmd5? Thanks. ...

Does Python have a method that returns all the attributes in a module?

I already search for it on Google but I didn't have lucky. ...

Compiling a kernel module, header problems, makefile problems

ok I'm trying to compile a simple kernel module, when I point to any of the below that contain includes, it complains about all kinds of stuff. linux-headers-2.6.31-21 linux-headers-2.6.31-22 linux-headers-2.6.31-21-generic linux-headers-2.6.31-22-generic linux-headers-2.6.31-21-generic-pae linux-h...

Creating module on vTiger 5.2.0

I can't find documentation for creating modules in vTiger. Where can I find doc. Please share with link. ...

Magento: fetch value of "disable module output"

The Magento backend allows you to disable module output per site. I've done some Google searches but can't figure out how to grab this value through my code. Basically when my module's output is disabled that works just fine. But I've discovered (the hard way) that Magento doesn't prevent the module from loading per-site. Because I'm...

Why can't I call my exported subroutine in my Perl program?

I am new to Perl and I face following issue, having no clue why following is not working. My Perl module contains: package PACK2; use Exporter; @ISA = ('Exporter'); @EXPORT_OK=('whom'); sub why(){ print "why\n"; } sub whom(){ print "whom\n"; } 1; My Perl file contains: #!/usr/bin/perl -w use pack; use pack2 ('whom'); P...

How to add custom Modules in magento

Hi I want to create a custom Module for Footer which shows the news Headlines.Havent played with custom modules yet.How can i do that.can anyone tell me simple steps to craeate a custom module. Thanks ...

Drupal's Event module with View module - how to change color of past events?

i'm using event module, with event_views module. is it possible to change color of past events? or events in the future? i know that will be some extra programing, but i don't know what and where.. tnx in adv on suggestions! ...

How do I put multiple files into a single namespace/module? (javascript)

I've been reading about the module pattern, but everything I read assumes that the entire contents of the module will be in a single file. I want to have one file per class. I've resorted to doing this at the top of every file: if(window.ModuleName === undefined) { window.ModuleName = {}; } ModuleName.ClassName = function () { ... } ...