
IE - accumulative events + memory use cause a script error on garbage collector when navigating away

How would you go about profiling a site/script in terms of determining if / what memory leaks occur? Basically, it's a mootools page (which has a built in garbage collector) that sports 2 sort-of cpu-intensive script elements. one of them scrolls some images left to right and back, the other rotates content of 3 elements with some built-...

Javascript: image inside dragable div is stalling my drag and drop when dragged

Client has asked that a whole div is dragable, the div contains some text and an image. I converted the div to be a tag and used Mootools draggable goodies to get it all working. That is until the client clicks on the image and starts dragging it in IE. Then the browser thinks you want to drag the image around and ignores the drag and d...

Mootools : tool tip help

I am using mootools in one of my webpages. In this page the tool tip is working fine. I am using mootools.svn.js in this webpage. mootools-1.1-1.2-compat-core.js,mootools-1.2-core-yc.js,mootools-1.1-1.2-compat-...

JavaScript eyedropper (tell colour of Pixel under mouse cursor)

I am looking for an "Eyedropper" tool, that gives me the hex value of the pixel the mouse cursor is under, in Javascript for a CMS. For Firefox, there is the excellent ColorZilla extension that does exactly that. However, it's FF only of course, and I would really like to deliver the tool along with the CMS. A dutch developer has had t...

file upload problem with form check js

hi, I am using the following mootools1.2 form check js. For form check is working fine, its working fine with ajax form post. My problem is that when i post the form with AJAX with file upload. Then its not returning me the $_FILES array to PHP side. If i post the form normally (i.e. with...

mootools 1.11 div contains checked checkbox

how can mootools 1.11 determine if a div contains any checked check boxes? tried all kinds of variations using $ $$ $E $ES getElements and css selectors, its just not returning true if this div contains no tick boxes var ticked = $(sId).getElements('[checked=checked]'); if($chk(ticked)){alert('yo');}else{unticked = true;} ...

Mootools loop morph/tween

I am new to mootools and would like to know how I could make a morph or a tween loop forever because I want to chain colors together. I asked because I don't know if there is a better way than just use a while(1). ...

Mootools background changing.

I want mootools to change the background color constantly. I have no idea how to do this but I have come up with the following code so far as a test but it doesn't work at all. How can I chain colors and then call it again and again so I have this "rainbow" background? function rainbow() { $(document.body).highlight("#fff"); rai...

Active AJAX requests

Prototype stores the number of active AJAX requests in Ajax.activeRequestCount. Is there something similar in jQuery/Mootools etc or something that can be used from XMLHttpRequest?. Ideally I need a library independent method of detecting the number of active AJAX requests within a page. If not, a method for each library would suffice. ...

How can I chain click events with Mootools so that they execute in order?

I have a series of buttons that fire the list function when they are clicked. The list function itself contains an AJAX request and a bunch of other stuff before and after which loads in a separate section of the page. var list = function() { } $$('.buttons').addEvent('click', list); Everything works fine if I wait for list to complet...

MooTools/JS: bindWithEvent

There's this piece in the codebase I'm working on: this.element.addEvent('click', this.clickEvent.bindWithEvent(this)); I want to change it so that the click event makes sure the window is loaded first. So I tried: var t = this; this.element.addEvent('click', function() { window.addEvent('load', function() { t.clickEvent....

highlight code using mootools1.2

Hi all, I am using mootools1.2 as my js framework. I have one problem regarding the highlight my some html element when page gets load. I need to highlight my error message if any on page when page loads. For example. When page load then error div have #FFFFFF as bg color. For highlight it will use #FC0000 as a bg color and then aft...

MooTools: Window load

I have a page and use window.addEvent('load', function() { alert('test'); }), but the browser never displays the alert. There are no JavaScript errors on the page that prevent this from running. What might be happening? Is it possible that the page already loaded so the 'load' even doesn't fire? ...

Is it possible to mix MooTools with Prototype and JQuery UI?

There are some things accross these which I'd like to use. I hope they've choosen clever naming conventions to prevent collisions with all their functions and classes? Does anyone use all these at once in one site? ...

Apply style on some event to each element of html with id accordian.

Hi All. I need to do something like below. I have number of div with same id 'accordian'. now onmouseover background of the div should change to #000000. and mouseout background of that div set to #FFFFFF. I am using mootools1.2 . Below is the code which i have used, but its not workig. <script type="text/javascript" language="java...

Extending MooTools

What is MooTool's equivalent of this jQuery snippet: jQuery.fn.doSomething = function() { }; ...which allows me to do this: $("#myElement").doSomething(); ...

file call using mootools ajax

i wanna call the different file on click on hyper link but using mootools ajax it's not made possible through my way so give our suggestion ...

Will existing JavaScript frameworks incorporate CommonJS?

JavaScript frameworks like Prototype, jQuery, YUI, MooTools, Dojo, et al. all seem to target client-side developers, with the focus on enabling common user interaction patterns to be implemented more efficiently and with less code. With the emergence of server-side JavaScript, do these frameworks intend to incorporate the CommonJS stand...

Mootools Shift-Tab Event Problem

Hi Reader, Im using the most recent moo release and trying to write a function that evaluates the user given expression on event "keyup". As soon as my test's are passing I put the focus on the next input element automatically to improve the user experience and speed, since he uses the form many times. So I came up with something lik...

Embed youtube video without youtube link

as you know that when you Embed youtube video in your web page, it works fine , but if you click on any part of screen, youtube website will open in new window. is there any way to Embed youtube video in our website, but disable that youtube website opening when click on screen to pause the video? or you can play you tube video in othe...