
Mootools build form

So I am trying to make a custom in place editor in mootools and I want to use a form. Whenever I do try to create a form it just creates <form class="inplaceeditor-form" method="post" action="#"/> How can I make it a form where I can inject other elements? ...

Disable MooTools in VirtueMart

I'm creating a custom module for displaying VirtueMart categories, but need to disable VirtueMart from loading MooTools because it uses an older version of MooTools than what I need. I've searched everywhere, but I can't seem to find the file or function that will allow me to disable it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ...

mootools slideshow2

hello everyone. i am using slideshow2 by Aeron Glemann in a website.Does in generate the thumbnails or do i have to provide them?the images iam showing are coming from a cloud, and are passed to the slideshow in an array.the thumbs exist in the cloud. how can i pass them in the array if the show cannot create them? i have used the repla...

Mootools textarea scrollHeight

How can I access the scrollHeight using mootools or some other property that contains the height so I can resize it to make an autogrow textarea? ...

Mootools events question.

I have the same code for keyup and keydown events, is there any way that I can pass the element to the function so I can call it like element.addEvent('keyup',function(event,element)); on both instead of having to have an inline function? ...

MooTools: Events

Let's save I have an Element: var el = $('mooo'); What's the easiest way to set its 'onclick' attribute or event (it may already have one)? ...

ie freezes using mootools request.html ajax

this is the method: var ajaxRequest = new Request.HTML({ method: 'post', url: url + "?dt=" + Date(), onFailure: function(item) { alert(item.responseText); }, onRequest: function(item) { gui.preloader('on'); }, onSuccess: function(html) { gui.preloader('off'); element.s...

Converting a class from Mootools to jQuery or classic javascript

Following Mootools class helps developer to draw a circle overlay on Google Map using Google Maps API v3. I'm using jQuery in my projects and entry-level knowledge in Object-oriented javascript. In Google Maps API v2, this is very easy but API v3 currently haven't built-in methods for drawing circles on map. Plus, in API documentation, ...

how to implement a jQuery live bind event on mootools?

How do I make elements that are loaded via ajax, adopt the events associated with the same class on mootools 1.11? As far as I know, in jQquery, if your ajax response consists of something like <div class='button'>, if there is an event bind using live to $('.button'), those events would automatically bind. Is that possible with MooToo...

Lightbox + Mediabox + Ajaxed Wordpress problem

Hey everyone, first time poster here. Check out - the mediabox isn't loading though I've called Mediabox.init(). I know it runs on mootools so I'm wondering what the problem is in IE, as it works in FireFox. I can definitely pay you a nice gratuity for your work if you manage to find out what's going on... :D C...

MooTools JSON request

Trying to get a very simple request working with MooTools Request.JSON. After having no success building it from scratch, I took an example from somewhere and slowly pared it down to the bare, bare minimum, then put it back into my own page. The only things changed are the url and element ID, but to no avail. Any help, ideas, will be gr...

Create a simple mootools 1.2 tab system

Hi all, I'm trying to create a very simple tab interface using the mootools 1.2 version. I need to have a fadein-fadeout effect, no sliding or morphing. I've tried to find some demos online but they all refer to different versions of mootools or they are too complicated comparing to my needs. Can you please give me some guidelines? This...

mootools event parameter problem

Hello, my problem is that the parameter that gets bound to the function call wrapped by addEvent is always the last value set on the variable passed. I have an example on mooshell here : Can someone please explain why this doesn`t work (and maybe a workaround), as in server side languages this would be a...

MooTools Class objects and 'this'

Let's say I had this class. BucketList = new Class({ Implements: [Options, Events], options: { items: [], onItemAddedOrDeleted: null }, initialize: function(options, init) { this.setOptions(options); this.options.onItemAddedOrDeleted(); } }); How can I get this to work? new BucketList([], function() { alert(thi...

MooTools: How to tell if object is array?

Is there a shortcut in MooTools for telling if an object is an object or an array? ...

Javascript: Change scrollable element handle size in scrollbar

Is it possible to programatically access a Div's scrollbar handle and change its size? --Edit: Is there a mootools plugin for something like this? I'm trying to implement a lazy pagination mechanism, where a div's content will be updated onscroll, but I'd like the handle on the scrollbar to show the final size. Meaning, if there will...

How to convert form data to object using MooTools.

I would like to convert an entire form of data to a javascript object. <form id='myform'> <input type='text' name='field1' value='foo'> <input type='text' name='field2' value='bar'> </form> would convert to a javascript object... { field1: 'foo', field2: 'bar' } ...

MooTools: Get child nodes

I have the ID of an element. I want to retrieve all child elements and all text nodes. Is there a way to do this in MooTools? For example, say I have this markup: <div id="foobar"> test <img /> </div> How can I use $('foobar') to select both text node "test" and element "img", like they're siblings? ...

MooTools: destroy() and events

When I .destroy() an Element object in MooTools, does .destroy() automatically internally call element.removeEvents(), or do I need to keep this in mind. (I'm removing elements from the DOM that have previously had element.addEvent() called.) ...

Is there a way to capture x-browser paste events in mootools?

I want to capture when a user pastes data into a text input field using mootools event system. Anyone have experience of this? ...